Saturday, February 28, 2009

longgggggggg entryyy

OMG!!Im soooooooooooo rindu my blog, facebook, Friendster and sume mende lagi lah..hehe..takde internet connection kat the house that i tinggal tu. I asked the landlady and she told me,
“I hate to say no to people but we are geriatrics u know. We don’t know how to use them. But the library in the hospital is 24hr. U can always access the internet over there”
Hha..jawab polite dlm hati dh kutuk2 dh. She’s really a nice lady though. She lives with her husband and it reminds me of mama ayah lik and ayah lik. Mama ayah lik pon tinggal dengan ayah lik jer kat rumah die tu and ayah lik tak sehat sangat same kes cam landlord ni..die cam sakit kaki sket.. Sangat rindu ayah lik and mama ayah lik. Ayah lik n mama ayah lik ni dah macam mak n ayah kiteorg gak la..kalau masa kecik2 dulu my parents takde let say pergi KL ke mane ke kan, kiteorg stay ngan diorg la..and in fact skang pon if my parents away to sumwhere kan mama la yang antar amik suraya sekolah.ehhe..owh tapi skarang che pon..august ni my parents takde la risau mane kot. Suraya kalau diorg away i ade bleh amik diorg sume.hehe..:P..(InsyaAllah)..
Nyways, landlady ni baek gileee kot..cume die sangat utamakan cleanliness.. Xleh pakai kasut dlm umah. Kat Malaysia mmg la xpakai kasut dlm rumah but rumah irish cam rs kotor je..ahhaha. Tapi stress gak kot kalau asek kene kasi “hint” aka bising pagi2..i tutup pintu gentle gile kot tapi yela sebab nak subuh sume kan so bangun banyak kali gak la pergi toilet. Pastu tak best lagi cuz i have to share a toilet with a male pakistanese doctor who is also a Muslim. Segan kot..and x comfortable sangat lah..rase cam x secure je.huhu..and bilik die pon sebelah my roomje.huhu.
In term of food mmg la x makan nasi or ape2..asek makan roti or cereal or magi je tapi umah die banyak fruits..banana banyak so makan banana ari ni je dh makan 5 biji banana and 2 bijik apple.muahaha...n i have magi for my dinner tadi.
Rumah die dekat je ngan hospital..5mins pon xsampai so best la..Pakai heel pon xkesah. Tapi pakai heel jadi kesah sebabbbb im doing anaesthetics this week and i had to stand up for the wholeeeeeeee dayyyy..PENAT okeh!!and the fact that i sorang je buat anaes and 1st person in my group buat anaes sangat la x best..sebab 1st day pon dh kene marah cuz xturn up..Si coordinator tu asked us to find Dr.D so i cari Dr.D and Dr.D takde time tu die kat Croom. Then i asked the receptionists to bleep any anaesthetists and die bleep la a few but sume cakap x available..Pastu afternoon tu kebetulan ade tutorial ngan prof kan and prof tanye sape kene buat anaes ths week.hahahha..then i angkat tangan then die tanye
Hahahah..turned out that i was supposedly to be with him at 830am. Mane la saye nak tahu. And i told him i don’t knw and i bleep blab la sume tu kan..die cam xnak caye jeee..then die cakap,
And he keep on repeating it. So ape bleh buat kan?cakap sorry je la kan..then lepas tu nak lunch pon xberani dh sebab die suruh tukar scrubs and dtg theathre terus. Hahahaha..And dlm theathre kene torture la kann..HAHAHAHAHA...=))
And sebab dh lamekan tinggal anaes and plus I don’t really like surgery or anaes so rase cammm stress gile.Lagi stress when balik rumah kene sound ngan landlady. Ade tu die x sound i pon but terasa gak walaupon xbuat mende tu. HAHAHA. Siot je.
Tapi lame2 cam best gak la anaes.Banyak boleh buat procedure. Hahaha yang paling kelaka buat intubation kannnnnnn masukkkkk tracheal tube dlm oesophagus.MUAHAHAHAHA...greattt aina great.hahahahahahahhaa..orang masuk dalam trachea kot..hahaha..tapi tu 1st trial so ok la kan and lepas tu consultant tu cakap mmg patient ni susah pon. Thyromental distance die 4cm je..(minah tu gemuk so short chin.hahaha..:P)...And after buat anaes ni kan mmg confirm xnak buat anaes.hahaha..Dh la kene tukar scrubs..Bak kate one of my classmates, jadi surgeons or anaes x best sebab xleh bergaya. Yelah asek kene pakai scrubs je.hahaha..~bosan~.hahaha..
And dh la xbest gak sebab kene berdiri..Kesian kaki i tau. Nanti lame2 kene varicose vein kang.hahaha..
And x best gak sebab kalau anaes kan die kene duduk icu kan and i hate ICU. I think ICU is a very sad place to be. My late grandfather, tokwan, was admitted in ICU for quite sometime dulu before he passed away so ICU reminded me of him. =(
Tapi perception me towards anaes dh improved dh la. Dulu i agreed je when my classmates cakap specialisation paling bosan dalam medicine is anaesthetics and ophthalmology. Sebab yelah anaes selalunye lepak bace magazine, novel or minum coffee msa patient tengah operate tu kan..but here its diff. Anaes mmg quite a busy job. So ophthalmology mmg paling bosan kot.hahaha..:P..opsss..lalalala..
Heh dh panjang sangat..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rumah kene pecah masuk-Kota Bharu.

I just received a text message from my sis..
umah kiteorg kat malaysia kene pecah masuk!!!!!
Luckily,takde orang kat rumah time tu..
Kat rumah kat KB ade parents and lil suraya je..
Malam tadi diorg pergi celebrate birthday toknik kat Horizon..
So balik lambat sket la..
According to CCTV, diorg masuk around 930pm..
And 5 of them..3 orang masuk dlm rumah..1 org tunggu kat luar and the other one tunggu dalam kete!!huhu..sume lelaki and diorg sume x pakai baju!!!huhu
naseb baek la xde org kat rumah..
my mum cakap diorg gune baju to cover their faces..
tapi confirm org melayu la and gelap2..
dah called police and polices datang dh and esok(ari ni la kirenye kat msia), my parents nak bawak cctv punye video tu kasi polis...
my mum cakap diorg maybe xpakai baju sebab nak tutup muke sebab nampak cctv kt rumah kiteorg so takut kene cam..
tapi cam scary gak la kot...huhu
naseb baek takde ape sangat dlm umah..
diorg amik tabung duit suraya je..
diorg dok dalam rumah for only 15minutes and masuk bilik suraya, ijah and usop je..
My room, mad's rom and my parents' room diorg xsempat masuk..
My parents' maybe sebab kunci diorg xleh masuk..
Bilik mad lak maybe sebab nampak ditinggalkan cuz mad kan kat Unisel buat preparation nak g jepon while my room mmg berkulat la xde org gune..
Bilik Usop maybe sebab kat bawah and sebelah suraya so die masuk la tengok ape bleh amik.
bahaya gile..
My parents tak activate lagi alarm rumah..lepas ni dh kene activate terus dh..
takuttttt la nak balik msia.huhu...


Breakfast, lunch and dinner saye untuk hari ni adelah tap water n chocolate.
Itulah penangan FYP!
Crazy kan?hehe..
write up worth 60% and presentation 40%..
Presentation power point kene submit by end of march and kene present early April.
So ade mase lagi nak buat sume..ehehe..:D

First and foremost sangat bersyukur ke hadrat ILAHI sebab dh siap write-up..(insyaAllah).. After all the hard work, sleepless night, brain & emotional tortures, finally, ..finally…hehe.Doakan fyp saya ok k?biar saya pass ok?pass je pon dh cukup..=)

1. Dr. El Taher : My supervisor. Die sangat baek and helpful la gak..walaupon die xde la komen banyak sangat my project and xde lah supervise betol2 but die helpfulla.. At least he gave me his handphone number and at least saye senang nak jumpe die…Some people supervisor diorg xkasi phone number pon..So sangat bersyukur gak la dapat die. And die xpandai bahasa melayu..and die x bace blog saye so die xkan tahu saya suke die ke ape and die xkan tau saye sangat berterima kasih kat die.hehehe
2. Farid : TQ for the ears and supports. =)..Tq cuz still bley sabar ngan ke-emo-an and ke-manja-an saye. Ngeeee.TQ for helping me out with my project. Eventho project ni mmg xde kaitan langsung dengan engineering kan tp u still lend me ur hand and serius, thanks..really appreciate that.=)..
3. Guardian angel : Eventho kenal thru internet je but serius sangat grateful. U always there for me thru my ups and downs.. I wouldn’t have finished my FYP successfully without ur help. Thanks!!
4. Ramzan : Thanks for helping me out with my statistics and SPSS..Hehe. Blur gile nak gune mende alah tu sebenarnye..hehee..padahaal dh belaja dulu tapi mmg x reti. Thanks!
5. Aju : My dear housemate!!!hehehe..tq sebab dengar aku nangis macam org gile.hahaha. tq sebab dengar aku menjerit2 gak and tq sebab kasi opinions sume. Hehe…Tak tau camne next yr intern ko takde..hehe..xde org dh nak dgr aku nangis n layan ke-emo-an and kegila-an aku...hahaa..n xde org dh nak heret aku keluar toilet.muahaha..and takde org dh nak marah aku kalau aku buat mende bodoh..ngeee..Owh and thank u gak sebab akan tolong aku antar fyp aku Monday ni.hehehe..:P
6. Raudhah : Husna, Aimi, yopit, nang, fatim and Iza. Thanks sebab kasi idea for my analysis and tolong figure out tests ape yang sesuai..TQ korang!!!!!!muahsssssss
7. Dr. Fariz and Dr Sujana : Tq sebab checkkan my FYP!Hehe my fault kot kasi lambat kat dr fariz. Die xsempat nak checkkan sume pon.hehee..kesian die bz but still try tolong saya..TQ!
8. 81 Summerstown road : Mila, Iera and Azalea. Haha..thanks to korang sebab sabar ngan saye!!ngeeeeee.especially iera la..bilik atas kan..dengar saye mengeluh sume.hahahaha.:P
9. And last but not least, thanks to semua yang saye tak tersebut name die kat atas..hehe..especially my classmates..hehe...jasa kalian sangatlah dihargai. Owh and to my fellow bloggers, thanks gak for the supports and for everything..Sayangg la semue.

Friday, February 20, 2009


.::olya lukis muke sayee..yang Final Year 12-01-2009 to 20-02-2009 tu duration kiteorg buat medicine rotation..kire group kiteorg la..hehe..Connor yang tulis::.

.::Same keee???hahaha...mule2 saye komplen kat olya cakap;
Me :heyyy im not that old. I dont have wrinkles..(referring to area yang banyak shadow kat mata tu)
Olya : Those are not the wrinkles.
Me : owh ok..ill wait until u finish then..

Then 5 minutes after that,

Me : Guys!!Am i that chubby????(pipi die lukis chubby sangat!!denial)
C : Yes u are!

Elaine with the pony tail, me with the scarf, connor with the curly hair and olya with her new hair.

Connor tambah "The boss"..hehe..i kan the leader for my group.hahahaha...:P

saya sayang final yr project

Yeayy!!!dh breakdown dh..
yeayy yeayy!!!
final yr project sucks!!
yeay yeay..
final yr project mmg best ah..
tambah2 best when u dh tulis almost 400 words kan and 400words tu ilang camtu je..
dh try recover xdapat balik..
memang best r..
sangat2 best lah..hahaha..
die lg best sebab u punyer la balik2 kelas terus buat mende tu..
pastu tengok2 sia2 je..
sape x breakdown kan?
hsemate kesayangan saya suruh saya beristigfar..
ade 2more days lagi..

2nd last day in SI

Situation 1 :

Aina : I always thought that u r a quiet and shy guy C
C : Im not.
O : He's not. We thought U r a nice girl.
Aina : Well, i am a nice girl. I really am.
C : No. U're NOT!u're MEAN!
Aina : Haha..SHUTTUP!

Situation 2 :

Aina : I think she wont answer our bleep. She might be busy in A&E.
C : Yes. probably. What should we do now?
Aina : We head off to canteen and have some coffee?
C : Thats the most intelligent thing u ever said today Aina.
Aina : Owh well..hahaha

Situation 3 :
B : Where r u going to do ur internship?
A : Malaysia
b : owh. Ireland is going to miss u. we r going to lose one great intern. But listen, if u feel like u want to do ur internship here u always have a place here. I can write u a recommendation letter for u to work here.
A : owh..thats great. Thanks a lot..
(ok yang ni kan...he told nadia the same thing.. I wonder if he told each and every malaysians the same thing?)

Situation 4
B : Thanks every1..It has been a great pleasure to teach u guys. U guys are really good. A very outstanding group i ever have.
Us : Thanks.
B : Yes. I normally have 5-6 good students,1-2 neutral students and 1-2 bad students. But for ur group i have 100% good students.
Me (dalam hati) : Ya' right!i knw ive been a very bad student. U must been telling each and every group the same thing then.

Situation 5 :
O : We're going to have a end of rotation party tomorrow.
Aina : In SI?
O : yes. We have a breakfast together after the grand rounds.
Aina : do u really mean it?
O : yes. we have some fries. And everyone has to come!
C : we would end up having a scone instead i think.

Situation 6 : O drew sumthing on blackboard.hhehe..:P..and of course la kan ade some fun stuff as well happened..hehe..=P

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Cerita 1
I cant wait to submit my FYP.
It's going to be a huge relief!
Tapi problemnye masih belum siap..

Cerita 2
I text Bernie today asking her to arrange an accomodation with internet connection BUT she has not reply yet.
So kite assume die tak dapat carikkan..
So selamat menstudykan diri Aina next week!hahaha..:P

Cerita 3
Oh a friend of mine PM me last nite kat ym..die cakap
"i baca ur blog..haha i sense ur ego there. rileks..u used to be a good girl"
muahahaha.."used to be"...hahahaha...
Sekang dh jadi jahat dah..
Dah tumbuh 2 tanduk kat kepala dah..
Dah jadi a bit selfish..(dulu pon selfish tapi skang lagi bertambah selfish)...
Dah jadi ignorance dah...
Dah tak kesah ape perasaan orang len dah..
Dah malas nak fikir perasaaan orang lain dah..
Dah penat dh jaga hati orang lain..
Jaga hati orang lain sangat sampai hati sendiri hancur..
Buat ape kan?
Kesian hati saye..
Naseb baek skang cam dah nak heal dh..
Ade new blood vessels proliferate kat situ supplying the cells and tissues with enough oxygen and chemical mediators..Bukan fibroblast la tapi sebab kalau fibroblasts nanti jadi scars..Xnak la ade scars..saya nak hati saya jadi cam dulu...licin je...xde kesan penah pecah pon..
But, yes..
I used to be..
Not anymore..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


saya ingat saya ni dh cukup childish..
tapi ade ramai lagi la yang lagi childish dr saye..
saya ni mature juge la rupenye..
kalau pompuan saye xkesah sangat lagi..
tapi ni lelaki..
tapi xpe lah..
asalkan dieorg bahagia..
saya doakan kebahagiaan diorg..
dan kepada mereka2 yang tetibe je sakit hati dengan saya..
sebab saya tukar status relationship saya kat friendster mahupun facebook,
saya mintak maaf...
saya x berniat nak sakitkan hati anda-anda..
kalau anda-anda terasa by deleting me from ur friends list kat facebook or friendster , anda terasa bahagia, silalah teruskan misi itu..ngeee
Sapa lah saya utk menghalang anda-anda..
saya tak sure anda-anda masih baca blog saye atau tidak..
tapi kalau anda bace saya mintak maaf...
I wish u all the best in ur life.
im sorry if i ever hurt u..
tak berniat pon kot..and honestly saye tak tau ape salah saya..
tapi xpe..saya redha..hehe..:P..
nyway, thanks for being a good company b4 this..=)

P/s : anda-anda..Itu bermakna lebih dari seorang.HAHAHA...adessss...


Hahha..did sumthing stupid today..hahaha..uncontrolled!
dah mmg bad day sket kat SI tadi pastu balik2 rumah tengok ade org offkan laptop..
journals sume xsave..
LUPE yang mende tu ade kat HISTORY..
boleh je recover balik..
tapi sebab satu malam cari mende tu n tetibe ilang..
hahaha terusssss ngamuk la ape lagi..
itulah dinamakan apabila anda stress anda tidak dapat berfikir dgn waras..
threshold marah sangat rendah yang even org cakap sket je pon dh nak marah..
tadi pon dh nak marah kt connor dh pon.hahahaaha..:P
siap cakap kt connor "i wont talk to u anymore".hahahahaha..
owh nyway i got the accomodation already..
im going to stay kat rumah makcik yang ade OCD-obsessive compulsive disorder..hahhaha...
and umah tu takde internet..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


OMG!!!My dear sis menang pidato peringkat sekolah die!!hahaha
Peringkat sekolah je la..tak macam abang die seluruh Malaysia kan..
But still!!!
Am so proud of her!!!!
Im so proud of my lil sis..
Im so proud of my taya yaya!!ehehe..
I xtahu dari mane datang gene pidato ni..
Nak cakap from daddy x kot..
From mummy pon x..
But i dulu pon masuk syarahan gak.Muahahahaha.


Bad mood + Angry + Furious + Tired + Anxious


Monday, February 16, 2009


I think i made the right decision..
(so stop asking me or annoyed me with ur stupid questions!!)
lalalala... week is going to be a full and hectic week for me..and for all final yr UCC students. We have to submit our fyp on 23rd Feb and for those who are going to somewhere else(outside cork) for their next rotation, they have to submit it on 21st! Im going to Limerick for my next rotation and so i think, wisely i should submit it on 21st!hehe..yelah xkan nak nyusahkan org len tolong antarkan pon and plus i dont knw whether medschool allow org len antarkan utk kite ke x..
Anyway i still dont know where im going to stay for my 6weeks rotation in Limerick and i dont know whether there will be an internet for me or not..Bayangkan la kan, dah la dok sorang2, pastu takde internet..rase nak pengsan x?sape sokong???jom pengsan same2 jom!! going to survive it..yeahh..insyaAllah..hopefully la kan...hahahaha....xpon worst come to worst, i belila mobile punye broadband tu...Elaine cakap it not that expensive so hopefully ok la kan..hehe...gile la xde internet..xder communication ngan dunia luar langsung.dah la nanti confirm idup makan maggi n roti je..hehehe..:D...
Last yr i was away for 2 rotations-Kerry and Waterford. I enjoyed both of my rotations sebab yan kat waterford tu i was staying in B&B yang sangat best..Ensuite, tv in the room,kettle in the room, internet, double bed, and housekeeping everyday..memang best lah..breakfast lak bleh makan banyak2 and pakcik tu sangat baekk!!we even requested fish and chips for our breakfast!!!hehee..And kat kerry lak, one week je but then i xyah share my room sebab breda die mmg org kerry and then toilet ensuite with TV and internet!! mmg marvellous lah..hehe..haish.. i hope i will enjoy my stay in Limerick..=)

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Birthday my daddy today!!happy birthday!!hehe..i love u Encik Aboh!!Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan sehat selalu..=)...

Sunday, February 15, 2009 nk demam

Sometimes kan, when u think too much kan, u will get urself into troubles.. U will find urself in a very confusing state where u just don’t know what u have done. U don’t know what is right and u don’t know what is wrong. U don’t know what u want and u don’t know what to expect. U just don’t know. And u end up hurting urself or others.
And u knw, when u r confuse kan, u just wish that u have a pair of wings, so that u can fly away and run away from ur own life. Or u wish that u have a time machine so that u can turn back on the time and be a small kid again.
But u knw, it wont solve anything.
Running away from ur own mess will just make it worst.
So u better wish urself to be stronger and tough rather than a pair of wings or a time machine.
There is no happily ever after for a coward person who run away from their own problems.
Happily ever after only exist for people who want it to be existed. It will only be real if u wish for it and work hard for it. So, be strong and pull urself together again. Make lots of doa and insyaAllah, ur dream will come true....

Saturday, February 14, 2009


.::Study Group...ngeee buku oxford kuning kesayangan ramai...hahahah::.

.::Izad, Freddie, Aina, Aju::.

.::Muke bosan::.

.::Stress FYP::.

.::Muke sedi FYP::.


Friday, February 13, 2009

tag by mior

1. How old are you?
--> 18

2. Are you single?
--> i xde klon..hahaha.single.bukan double mahupun triple.hehe

3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
--> indecisive..tengok la..kalau rs nk kawen, kawen la..hhaha..kalau rs dh jumpe the one yang betol2 i want to spend my life with, and die masuk minang kawen je la.hahaha

4. Do you think you'll marrying the person you are with now?
--> hopefully

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
--> Edward Cullen

6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
--> sisters and bestfriends..

7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
--> garden n traditional..both bleh x?i plan nak buat yg traditional siang hari n garden tu limited for my close family and friends je..eheheh..

8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
--> anywhere..yang ade beach..romantic places and of course affordable la kan..hehehe.. sape nak kasi saye hadiah kawen honeymoon pakej????

9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
--> Hehe x sure..i might be the first one to get married kan so mesti keje ajak ramai.adess..

10.Will that include your exes?
--> hahaha..probably...

11.How many layers of cake do you want?
--> doesnt really matter

12.When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
--> doesnt really matter juga..

13.Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
--> the luckiest ben folds

14.Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
--> fine dining

15.Champagne or red wine?
--> sirap je.hahha..macam wine ape.hahaha

16.Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
--> days after the wedding..oh tp tgk cuti la gak kan kalau dh keje nnti

17.Money or household items?
--> both + honeymoon package..

18.How many kids would you like to have?
--> max 4 boleh?tapi rezeki jangan ditolak..tapi kalau banyak nanti incontinence n prolapse lak.hahaha

19.Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
--> hahha x fikir lagi.lgpon xde video cam pon or dvd cam.ahahaha

20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
--> Tania
--> Yarnie
--> Wahidah
--> Munie

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Diagnosis anyone?

A 20 y.o, pleasant guy referred by his GP after constant pain on the calf for 2/7. The pain developed after his friend accidentally kicked his leg while they were playing soccer 2 days ago. He described the pain as being dull in nature and rated the pain as 3-4/10. He has no previous episode before and has no family history of blood disorder.

On examination, he has 5-6cm of echymoses with an erythematous area at the centre of echymosses. The area of bruising was tender, warmth and hard on palpation. :D

FYP..dateline : next week

Cepat la siap fyp..cepat going to limerick for surgery rotation, so confirmlah xleh nak antar on monday tu..kene antar on cmon aina..fokus..sket lagi.sket lagi...Reasons nape nak siap cepat2:-
1. Nak study dengan tenang
2. Nak tdo dengan tenang
3. Nak makan dengan tenang
4. Nak tengok movie/drama series dgn tenang
5. Nak shopping!!pleaseee..i need to buy some stuffs ni nak bawak balik msia..
6. Nak lepak2 dengan hsemates tgk movie ke..rindu lepak same2 mcm winter hols ari tu..
7. Nak lepak dengan classmates gak makan2 kat taste of malaysia ke..hahaha..
8. Nak chat dengan tenang dengan semua org
9. Nak practice amik histories and perform examination kat banyak2 patients without thinking of fyp
10.Nak stop fikir about xlepas final yr sebab fyp.

P/s : Saya ponteng kelas hari ni. Salahkan FYP. Rase guilty jugak sebenarnye sebab dh janji nak kasi tutorial to groupmates sal Acromegaly. Kiteorg divide topic sal endocrine and each of us kene kasi tut to each other. Mcm flash cards la..ngee..and patutnye hari ni dapat banyak tuts-james, moin, wei, josephine. Banyak tapi sebab esok nak jumpe supervisor kan so trpaksa la melupekan hasrat pergi ke kelas..haahahhaha..:P

Facebook punye tag

Puteri Nadia and Ilyana Ilias tagged me..ngeee...

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

I... [where appropriate ;p]

1. love chocolates
2. cant live without my laptop + internet
3. have mild obsessive compulsive disorder
4. talk too much
5. addicted to coffee and hot choc
6. struggle to finish up my final yr project!(this stupidddd thing is killing mee!!grrr???)
7. am the eldest, not the youngest!haha
8. eat a lot!!!!
9. enjoy cold weather the most because it makes hot showers so much more interesting and soothing..ngeeee
10. am a member of PECORAS-perfectly educated children of ribena and sunquick
11. love travelling.
12. love my gurlfriends!!
13. can be a diff. person when exam is around the corner.hahaha
14. am indecisive.
15. have too much things to do
16. am currently confused of what is happening around me.
17. am missing my mommy, daddy and siblings so much!!!
18. am missing Monaliza Mastura Enterprise Sdn Bhd (daddy's com shops in Kbmall, Rantau Panjang and Berek 12) as well!
19. am scared of lots of things-frogs, cockroach, ghosts etcetera
20. learnt that heartbroken is really painful.
21. watch way too much TV series and movies
22. am very competitive, but I usually only compete with myself.
23. hate if someone close to me forget my birthday!!hahaha.
24. daydream a lot
25. love self-diagnosed myself with some weird syndrome/diseases

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


"Baik na balik, dok kat sana lama lamabuat apa, asma dah pregnant. Nanti lama lama kat sana tak dan nak kejar trip......hahaahaha .No just jokes. Baik kita berbakti ditanah sendiridaripada bg bakti pd kafir, lagipun na dah sampai seru dah cukup semua syarat untuk kahwin...baik cepat.", Che Noreen (hahaha..ini epi la punye pasal!!)

"jd dye kna cpt balex..tolom ore plop...ore pom nux concentrate ngan stadie gop...nux gowp dpt 4.oo pelex tu..huhew", Ijah.. ( im sorry my dear sis..dah lame dh abaikan tanggungjawab as anak really sorry..huhu...terasa sangat selfish...=(()

"Hehehe... anak sepupu... ni mak sepupu nak ckp.. blajaq baik2 norrr... Hang jgn nak stay kat sana lama... Sian Ummi hang. Ratu air mata tuh...ekekeke", Kak Long. (ngeee..betol2)

"gaji tinggi, tax tinggi n where ur tax money go? irish la education for irish..balik support anak msia la meh..hehe..and gaji doc msia tak teruk sgt la..its more than enuff", Lindat. (hehe..baekkkkkk)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Haishhh..paling xsuke kan kalau tengah banyak keje kan..
mesti la banyak gak la mende2 lain yang nak distract myself..
masa ni la jugak kan nak muncul..

P/s : hahaha..blame fyp

Dunia ini sangat kecik

Internet membuatkan dunia ini begitu kecil sekali...=D
P/s: Buku takde kene mengene...:P..

Lunch with Mr.A

I had a lunch with Mr.I today!!!hahaha...Mr.I is a surgeon in SIVUH yang sangat digeruni oleh students..He is sarcastic and he loves asking students with loads of questions..When he gave us a tutorial he expects each of us to ask him at least one question..=) doesnt really matter whether u r a 3rd med, a 4th med or a final least a question...=D
I was having a lunch with Raj when suddenly Mr.I came and asked us,
"Can i sit with my students?"
And he put his tray in front of us.
He sat there and had a lunch with us like we are his friends...
He is so cute and he's really a nice person..He really is..hehehe..=)
Nyway, Raj asked him a question about Hartmann's procedure and he was talking about it for the first 5 minutes when he changed the topic into world economy and ireland recession.
I took the opportunity to ask him about the internship here and how the recession will affect the interns. After listened to his answers, I think, I will definitely going home for good..=) Im going to do my internship in Malaysia. I hope i am strong enough to finish up my internship over there..=)...
Nywaykan, Mr.I kan,die sangat positive...sangat bagus la die ni and i want to be someone like him..yang fikir positive je...
Die cakap kan we should be grateful that we dont have to wake up everyday thinking of stealing some foods from the farmers..
He also said that we should be grateful that we dont have to wake up in the firestorm like what is happening in Australia.
He also said that we should be grateful that we dont have to be scared of the policemen to shot us down like what had happened in Madagascar.
He also said that we should be grateful that we dont have to wake up seeing a bomb on the sky like what is happening in Gaza.
He also said that we should be grateful that we dont have to be in Sri Lanka and Sudan where the people are killing each other.
And he was saying about using a bicycle because of the recession and it makes me wonder, mamat ni gune duit die buat ape?hahaha..He is a consultant like?and die pon xnak gune kete sebab nak jimat?and us?a student?hahaha
Anyhow, i felt a bit inferior. I think my general knowledge is really sucks. I should read more news and should be more aware of what is happening in the world. I should.
I shouldnt be like katak di bawah tempurung..hahaha...

P/s: Nywaykan, i wonder what is going to happen in Malaysia..Cam if tak salah kan,(sorry kalau silap fakta), yang bermulanye kisah raja boneka pon bermula after a murder of JWW Birch(betol ke name mamat ni) oleh Datuk Maharajalela...(erk yang ni pon saye x sure juge betol..hahaha..kalau salah sorry..xde buku sejarah kat sini)...kan kan?so skang kat perak gak ni..hahaha..:P..nyway ape kate malaysians stop gaduh sal tu and kasi tumpuan kat ekonomi... b4 its too late...=D
nyway i shouldnt be talking about this stuff..FYP..FYP!!!ayok

Monday, February 9, 2009

curik frm friendster.hehe.what love means to 4 - 8 years old children

.:::'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'Rebecca- age 8

.:::'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'Billy - age 4

.:::'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.' Karl - age 5

.:::'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.'Chrissie - age 6

.:::'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'Terri - age 4

.:::'Love is when my mummy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.'Danny - age 7

.:::'Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more.My Mummy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss' Emily - age 8

.:::'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.'
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)

.:::'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,' Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)

.:::'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.'Noelle - age 7

.:::'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.' susie - age 6

.:::'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore.' Cindy - age 8

.:::'My mummy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.'Clare - age 6

.:::'Love is when Mummy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.' Elaine-age 5

.:::'Love is when Mummy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.' terencce - age 7

.:::'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day' june - age 4

.:::'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.' Lauren - age 4 (yang ni paling cummellll..haha)

.:::'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.'
Karen - age 7

.:::'Love is when Mummy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.' Mark - age 6

.:::'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.People forget.' Jessica - age 8

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Adeh..smalam chat dgn che mat..che mat cakap intern places kat husm and most of the places pon dh penuh..mus pon cakap ukrainians sume dh start isi form..adeh camni la pulak..and after read this entry from Hannan, adeh..buat me wonder again...should i go home or shouldnt?adesssss... menakutkannnn la intern kat msia..mmg masa buat elektif kat HBKB ari tu mmg tengok la teruk intern kene..huhu...kene marah je keje..huhu...haiyooo...
Heh..tetibe rs tanak balik lak..huhu

P/s : hmm demand sangat x kalau nak email medschool suruh diorg kasi accomodation with internet kat limerick nanti?Elaine cakap masa die kat clonmel, medschool mmg suruh each owner tu ade internet if diorg nak accomodate students but from what ive heard, kat limerick, accomodation banyak yang xde tenet..haishh..Dah la dok sorang2 nanti kat limerick kan kat rumah sape2 pastu xde internet..mau pengsan..hahahaa..sekali rumah tu ade anjing siap..hahahha..selamat...memang selamat la masuk psych ward.hahahaha~~~~~~~


OMG!!!slept for 12hrs again!!aina!!!wake up!!u have fyp to be done!!haishh...boleh x tdo pastu kejap2 tersedar and macam kalau study for exam kejap2 tersedar bace buku...for fyp sebab die kene gune computer,kjap2 tersedarkan, die facebook-ing..ahhaa..
hmm blame the laziness and the weather..i was so hungry semalam tapi sangat malas nak g kitchen masak ke ape so saye tdo kejap hoping that x lapar la n xsejuk la bangun tu..haish..padahal milk, roti n pizza adeee jee kot kat kitchen..bole je makan cereal je ke, toast roti je ke..bakar pizza je suprisingly dh 2 days dh x dinner..hahaha..friday ari tu dinner apple je sebijik n lunch maggi je and semalam lak mmg xdinner langsung..haha.makan kat rumah carriglea utk majlis akikah tu je and maggi b4hand..hahaha..adekah ini a sign of depression?n i have the symptoms below juge..ngeeee

-Early morning waking
-Disrupted sleep
-Low appetite
-Poor concentration
-Temper and irritable
-Anxious worrying and intrusive upsetting thoughts
-Becoming emotional or upset for no particular reason

Haishhh...Eh tp kan, at the same time kan, hati cam berbunga-bunga keriangan gak...hahah...kadang2 tersenyum sorang2 gak..tergelak sorang2..for no paticular reasons tak2..for many i going crazy?hahahahahaha


Haha..tesco n most of the shops kt city centre skang ni mmg penuh ngan teddy bear yg cummel2 siap ngan loves sume lagi..eehehe..hahhaa..valentine day..hahaha..hmm geram je nak kalau beli nanti xtau nak taruk mane dh..hahahaha..:P...tapi cummell tauu..ahahahha..:Pgerammm,..ngeeeee....owh 15hb ni bday daddy..nak beli ape ek ths yr?deliver flowers?a basket of fruits?hmm ape eh..hahaha..:P

.::Picture taken 3 hrs ago..kat carrigalea..with baby jood amar..heehe..comelll sangattt jood ni...=) gerammmm..ahahaha..:P...tengok la mata saya yang bengkak n lebam..itu hasil kerja fyp..sekian.hahaha..::.


Tulisan buruk..muahahhaa..:P...abaikan segala mende yg kirenye happiness n satisfaction kat msia lagi banyak compare to Ireland. So conclusion???

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I wonder...

India tidak iktiraf ijazah perubatan Manipal
07/02/2009 5:22pm

NEW DELHI 7 Feb. - Agensi perubatan India enggan mengiktiraf ijazah perubatan yang ditawarkan oleh Manipal University, atas alasan kemudahan pengajaran dan klinikal institusi berkenaan tidak memenuhi piawaian kerajaan.

“Penarikan balik pengiktirafan itu kekal. Kami telahpun meminta mereka supaya mematuhi peraturan dan memberi mereka satu tahun (mulai 2008) untuk menangani masalah itu,” kata Setiausaha Kementerian Kesihatan dan Kebajikan Keluarga India, Naresh Dayal kepada Bernama.

Ogos lepas, Majlis Perubatan India (MCI) memeranjatkan fraterniti perubatan apabila mengumumkan ia tidak akan mengiktiraf kursus Sarjana Muda Perubatan dan Sarjana Muda Pembedahan (MBBS) yang ditawarkan di Kasturba Medical College di Manipal serta Mangalore.

MCI, sebuah badan pengawal institusi perubatan yang sangat berpengaruh di India, turut menggesa kementerian berkenaan supaya mengambil tindakan sewajarnya terhadap Manipal, yang didakwa tidak dilengkapi secukupnya daripada segi kemudahan dan kakitangan.

Pada masa ini, lebih 500 pelajar Malaysia mengikuti kursus perubatan dan pergigian di Manipal University, yang terletak di negeri selatan, Karnataka. - Bernama


From the votes tu kan cam Malaysia lagi memanggil2..ehehe..And then i buat kire2 % kan of happiness kan comparing balik msia or stay sini..i xsure whether the results will be significant or not but then malaysia menang la..nanti i post kat blog ni when i rajin nk amik gambar..hahaha..nyways, i just read ths from my class gmail...

"heya...anyone see this post on the IMO website about the proposed hse cutbacks? they are planning to cut intern hours to a 48 hour week with no un-rostered overtime, an unpaid lunch break and no pay for teaching hours like grand rounds. There's an imo meeting on in cork next week at the imperial but i think it's only for doctors. i'm checking with john duddy to see if final meds can attend as well. it might be worth knowing exactly what cuts we can expect for next year.....australia is looking more attractive by the second!"

Heh...48hrs???What the???hahaha...i mean ape je kamu boleh belaja in 48 hrs like?i xrase rilek pon keje sebab u mesti kene siapkan ur jobs pon so maknenye kamu akan ade double triple job yang nak kene siapkan in limited hrs..ireland mmg betol2 in crises adekah ini a sign for me balik msia for good?ngeee...ade few more cutbacks..silalah refer sendiri to website itu..hahaha..owh n ade sorang nurse ni die dok komplen, die n partner die akan lost 700euro per month because of the levy ape mende tah die cakap..ahaha..:P..banyak gile..ahhaah..and elaine juge cakap sebab kami batch yang xkan dapat double degree sebab kami xbuat pharm project maka kami akan dapat salary sket lagi compared to our seniors...hahaha..kami adelah batch yang tidak berape bertuah..hahaaha..:p..tapi maybe ade hikmahNYA kan?

Friday, February 6, 2009


Hehe..Silalah tolong saya membuat keputusan ye..hehe..Silalah vote for the poll kat belah kanan tu ek kat mane saya patut buat internship saye..Sangat blur..hahaha..Thanks..=)

Ireland vs Malaysia

Wohoo..politik malaysia sangat menarik!!!hahaha
tatkala countries len sibuk dgn recession, dengan palestine, malaysia lak tgh perang sesame sendiri..hahaha
jangan sampai perang saudara dh la kan..
Nyway, dh buat dh clinical prob solving skill..
glad that ive done it..
xyah buat dh next week or sampai bile2..hehe...
n xramai org dtg tadi so lagiiii laaaaa senang..muahahha
Erm..Mara sent me an email suruh kasi date diorg nak book tiket balik msia before 9hb..
Hmm...ok je diorg nak book tiket..
Persoalannye di sini, saya nak balik Malaysia for good ke x????????
Takleh buat decision..mmg 85% nak balik msia tambah2 after dapat sms from umi kan..
But a part of me rase sayang kat ireland and x ready lagi nak tinggalkan Ireland...
Eventho idup susah pon kat sini(well,xde la susah sangat pon actually) hehe tapi cam best gak la tolak social support n network yang kecik n sket jer...Patients, environment and people generally sangat friendly and helpful yang buat myself sedikit sebanyak jatuh cinta ngn Ireland ni..haishh..Pastu the fact that u can go to London or any European countries dengan mudahnye and dengan murahnye lagi la menarik hati..haish...make up ur mind aina!!!!!

P/s: Im going to meet my supervisor tomorrow..sangat x ready..huhu

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Haha..salah2..mmg extension bukan abduction..hehe.kire kalau melayunyeee tangan saye over LENTIK!!hahahaha...baru perasann...hahaha..sean kate increase joint laxity..then die suruh i buat satu manouvre ni whereby suruh my thumb touch belakang lengan saye tapi confirmla xsampai..hehe tapi mmg boleh dekat la kalau compared to others...muahahahh.....coollll right?xsemua org boleh buat..hahah..then i asked sean,
"sean, do u think i have ehlers-danlos syndrome?"
then sean cakap,
"opss i dont say that"

Hahaha..kurenggg...tapi cam cool..xpenah tau alif ca ta..=)