Sunday, February 22, 2009


Breakfast, lunch and dinner saye untuk hari ni adelah tap water n chocolate.
Itulah penangan FYP!
Crazy kan?hehe..
write up worth 60% and presentation 40%..
Presentation power point kene submit by end of march and kene present early April.
So ade mase lagi nak buat sume..ehehe..:D

First and foremost sangat bersyukur ke hadrat ILAHI sebab dh siap write-up..(insyaAllah).. After all the hard work, sleepless night, brain & emotional tortures, finally, ..finally…hehe.Doakan fyp saya ok k?biar saya pass ok?pass je pon dh cukup..=)

1. Dr. El Taher : My supervisor. Die sangat baek and helpful la gak..walaupon die xde la komen banyak sangat my project and xde lah supervise betol2 but die helpfulla.. At least he gave me his handphone number and at least saye senang nak jumpe die…Some people supervisor diorg xkasi phone number pon..So sangat bersyukur gak la dapat die. And die xpandai bahasa melayu..and die x bace blog saye so die xkan tahu saya suke die ke ape and die xkan tau saye sangat berterima kasih kat die.hehehe
2. Farid : TQ for the ears and supports. =)..Tq cuz still bley sabar ngan ke-emo-an and ke-manja-an saye. Ngeeee.TQ for helping me out with my project. Eventho project ni mmg xde kaitan langsung dengan engineering kan tp u still lend me ur hand and serius, thanks..really appreciate that.=)..
3. Guardian angel : Eventho kenal thru internet je but serius sangat grateful. U always there for me thru my ups and downs.. I wouldn’t have finished my FYP successfully without ur help. Thanks!!
4. Ramzan : Thanks for helping me out with my statistics and SPSS..Hehe. Blur gile nak gune mende alah tu sebenarnye..hehee..padahaal dh belaja dulu tapi mmg x reti. Thanks!
5. Aju : My dear housemate!!!hehehe..tq sebab dengar aku nangis macam org gile.hahaha. tq sebab dengar aku menjerit2 gak and tq sebab kasi opinions sume. Hehe…Tak tau camne next yr intern ko takde..hehe..xde org dh nak dgr aku nangis n layan ke-emo-an and kegila-an aku...hahaa..n xde org dh nak heret aku keluar toilet.muahaha..and takde org dh nak marah aku kalau aku buat mende bodoh..ngeee..Owh and thank u gak sebab akan tolong aku antar fyp aku Monday ni.hehehe..:P
6. Raudhah : Husna, Aimi, yopit, nang, fatim and Iza. Thanks sebab kasi idea for my analysis and tolong figure out tests ape yang sesuai..TQ korang!!!!!!muahsssssss
7. Dr. Fariz and Dr Sujana : Tq sebab checkkan my FYP!Hehe my fault kot kasi lambat kat dr fariz. Die xsempat nak checkkan sume pon.hehee..kesian die bz but still try tolong saya..TQ!
8. 81 Summerstown road : Mila, Iera and Azalea. Haha..thanks to korang sebab sabar ngan saye!!ngeeeeee.especially iera la..bilik atas kan..dengar saye mengeluh sume.hahahaha.:P
9. And last but not least, thanks to semua yang saye tak tersebut name die kat atas..hehe..especially my classmates..hehe...jasa kalian sangatlah dihargai. Owh and to my fellow bloggers, thanks gak for the supports and for everything..Sayangg la semue.


Anonymous said...

ni acknowledgement sama cam yg dalam FYP ke?hehehe

a.b geldofg said...


Wahidah said...

welcome...hehehe..finally berbaloi gk usaha u kn ainaaa