Sunday, November 30, 2008

tag from rye

1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks on yours.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
5. Link the person who tagged you.
6. Leave a comment for each blogger.

7 facts about me.
- A struggling final med student.
- The eldest in family.
- Love hot n spicy foods.
- Hantu tdo...
- hate books
- love chocolates!!
- single n available..hahaha..(xleh blahhhh).hahaha

6 unspectacular quirks:
- xsuke n mmg pantang tgk org korek idung.ahhahaha
- sangat obsessive n compulsive
- suke kaco jerawat masa tengah study
- suke gigit tangan waktu tengah study
- suke cubit umi n adik saye.heheehhe..:P..xde keje.hahah
-tone deaf

7 persons to tag...
-along d
-hanisah (tapi die xm..)
-sape2 lagi la.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Study group

It was -2 degree celcius when i went out frm 81...
Mule2 mmg xnak keluar duvet la tapi digagahi jugak.
lawan syaitonnn..hahahaha..

.::in front of my hse..boleh buat padang hoki.muahhaha::.

.::sementara tunggu yopit bukak pintu..::.

.::study group..hehehe...topics ari ni Stroke and Chronic Renal failure..::.

.::buang buku dunnes store::.

.::GFR rate..::.

medball pic lagi..

Kawasaki disease

Baby ni dilukis oleh Dr.PC...hehehe..die ade kawasaki disease..kesian die...abdomen die distended sket...ok sape tau ape itu kawasaki disease?kawasaki disease is a disease first described by Dr.Kawasaki back in 1960+..I think its 1967..check dulu la..hehe..:P...xyah tahu pon xpe kot..anyway it is common in Japanese and Korean descent..It is a clinical diagnosis...some sort of diagnosis of exclusion..those yang tengok cite Iryu and Code blue ade la described sal disease ni..Disease ni skang ade new name yang dipanggil Mucocutaneous lymph node symptoms die kanak-kanak boleh diderivedkan from mucous, cutaneous, lymph nodes...die ade adalah sejenis vasculitis ye kanak-kanak..
Camne nak diagnose?
Persistent high grade fever (>38.5) that lasts for more than 5days with 4 of below:-
1. bilat non purulent conjunctivitis
2. strawberry tongue n erythematous lips with fissuring
3. cervical lymphadenopathy
4.oedema n erythema of hands or the feet, with peeling of the skin
5. polymorphous non vesicular rash...

Complications die?
-coronary artery aneurysm
-gall bladder hydrops
-sterile pyuria
-aseptic meningitis..

gile entry ilmiah gile.hahaha..

Friday, November 28, 2008

Jawab tag..rase cam tag sakinah belum jawb gak.hahaha

tag ni from nad..hehehe..gambar atas: masa nad kawen summer hols ari tu...

1.Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?
-myself.hehe..selfish x?hehe

2. Apakah benda terakhir yang anda beli dengan wang sendiri?
-minyak masak..compulsive disorder..sanggup x g kelas sebab nak beli minyak.hahah..tah pape..hehe

3. Dimanakah tempat impian perkahwinan anda?
-heaven boleh?ehhehe..

4. Berapa lama anda rasa hubungan anda akan berkekalan?
-hubungan dengan sape ye?dengan Allah?sampai bile2...dengan parents?pon sampai bile2..hehehe...dengan family?pon sampai bile2...hehe

5. Adakah anda sedang di lamun cinta?
-eh ape ni dulu biar lepas final med.hahahahaha...

6. Dimanakah restoran terakhir anda makan malam?
-banna thai kot...

7. Namakan buku terakhir yang anda beli?
-principles of medicine kot from davidson..haha..gile med baru nak ade buku proper..

8. Apakah nama penuh anda?

9. Anda lebih senang dengan mak atau ayah?

10. Namakan seseorang yang anda ingin jumpa untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup anda?
-justin hurtley boleh?hensem siot mamat ni.hahaha

11. Christina atau Britney?
-due2 tanak..

12. Adakah anda mencuci pakaian anda sendiri?
-mesti r...tapi if ade maid tolong basuhkan mmg best gile r..tolong masakkan lagii la super duper best.hehehe

13. Tempat yang paling seronok anda mahu pegi?
-disneyland L.A...hahaha...

14. Pelukan atau ciuman?

15. Butirkan 4 perkara tentang orang yang tag anda
-dh kawen not available..
-suke bakinggg and saya banyak belaja masak dari die..
-baru lepas celebrate bday die ari tu..
-tengah buat obs kat cumh skang.hehehe

16. 4 perkara yang amat saya gilai
-tengok movie

17. 4 perkataan yang sering di ucapkan
- bapak ah
- diam ah
- seriously??
- ngantoknyeee

18. 4 buah buku yang paling terbaru di baca
- paeds sunflower
-oxford medical handbook
-paeds clinical xm made easy
-paeds handbook

19. 4 lagu yang boleh saya dengar berulang kali
- somebody's me
- u raise me up
- wait for u
- longer

20. 4 perkara saya pelajari tahun lalu
-manusia senang berubah, esp lelaki
-jangan sayang org len sangat..
-fokus study
-x semua yang kite plan akan jadi kenyataan...huhu

21. 4 Mangsa tag seterusnya
-sakiinah (hahaha minah ni je rajin jawab tag)
-bd fabregas
-princess tania
-along di
-sape2 la yang rajin nak jawab.hehehe

tong sampah

Saya xtau nape org malaysia sangat desperate tapi tau tak tong sampahh kat rumah saye pon diorg nak curik!!!! rumah kat malaysia..and now parents i dah start worried dah...mule2 tong sampah..takut after ths mende pagi tadi my sis cakap my dad dah pasang cctv..huhu...tapi macam tong sampah??cmmon la people!!!tong sampah?????wth?


Paediatric is fun but then it can be so depressing as well…U will see lots of tears been shed away during the rotation..U will see tears from the child….from their worried mother…from their relatives…from the doctors…and from the medical students…

Yesterday, the 1st thing that I saw during the ward round was people crying...I went to the baby ward and I saw few people hugging themselves and cried.. I was wondering what had happened but I didn’t have the courage to ask any of the nurses or the doctors. I saw the faces of my registrar who seemed a bit blank and a bit weary.. I saw a face of the paed sho who was a bit teary as well…And I saw few of the nurses tried to calm them down by giving them tea and tissues…They hugged themselves..Few of them.. And there were 2 things that crossed my mind on that time..

1. Someone is dying or someone already died..

2. The family was given a bad news about their sick child..maybe their child just been diagnosed with incurable diseases or any other diseases..

It was 9 am on that time..

Then I went to the clinic with Prof…

And then I came back again at 11++am..

And I still saw them crying..they haven’t gone to anywhere yet..
And during the tutorial that afternoon mickey told us that a 6y.o/6mnths (xsure sangat) died due to spinal muscular atrophy(SMA)…SMA is an autosomal recessive disease and death is usually due to respiratory failure….=(

Very sad kan?

And then today….

owh ye before that ari ni cam free-free je ade org dapat "sial" from I ngan milah.hahaha..kiteorg tengah nak amik hstory from a baby with Kawasaki disease and mmg kat depan bilik baby tu dah pon...tinggal cume tengah nak ketuk pintu bilik tu when minah siot ni datang and selambe masukkkk and sound kiteorg cakap xleh 3 org dalam bilik baby tu..damn u woman!!hahaha…jahatttt okeh!!kiteorg kat depan okeh!!!jahat2…huhu…tapi xrase pon die boleh dapat a good hstory sebab pompuan tu polish n English die susah sket..huhu..tapi keji okeh!!!!kami dh nak masuk dh..huhu..n malas nak cari gaduh kan so kiteorg blah jer...but alhamdulillah i got an opportunity to take a history from a patient with mitochondrial disorder partial complex 1 deficiency...Disease yang xpenah didengari sebelum ini yang kalau dalam exam confirm xleh jawab..ahhha..its a sad disease..the child usually wont survive more than a yr of life..but this patient (mak die nangis juga), dah 3yrs and half and masih lagi survive tengok dunia ni cume suffered from recurrent infections and seizures...okeh sambung esok la pulak…dh panjang sangat!


Comel x budak ni?hehehe..comelkan..kiteorg satu family panggil die mek sombong..sangat sombong tau minah ni..susah gile nak senyum...pastu nak warm up lambat gile..usually die balik rumah die baru die cakap;
"umi nak g rumah kak ina"
"umi nak g kbmall jumpe cekcik"
hahaha..comel kan? fav cousin youngest cousin...tapi ade lagi yang kecik2 cume pangkat die anak cousin lah..heheeh..:P..comellll sangattt.gerammm!!!!!hehehe...

Thursday, November 27, 2008


"Gorgeous women do not go to medical school. Unless they're as damaged as they are beautiful. Were you abused by a family member?"

-house md-

Baby P

Today, Dr.P was telling us about baby P. I have no idea about who is baby P and so the first thing I did when i reached home was to google "baby p".. And i read few articles about him....
~~sedih + kesian~~
sangat sedih...
Baby P was brutally abused by his mother and his mother's bf...
he had more than 50 injuries in 17 months...
huhu..jahat gile...
Anyone yang rase nak bace..
Sila lah bace kat sini...

awww..sape faham die terer!hahahaha...

Ah Lek was asked to make a sentence using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1. This is what he came up with...

1 day I go 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and 4 down. The man rush out and wanted to 5 with me. I run until I fall 6 and throw up. So I go into 7 eleven and grab some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a 9 and try to stab him. 10 God he run away.

So, I put the 9 back and pay for the 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day, I call my boss and say I am 6. He said 5, tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asks me to climb a 3 and jump down. I don't understand, I so nice 2 him but I don't know what he 1.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Random pictures : Montserrat + Nadia's bday

.::Cable car::.

.::on top of montserrat::.

.::suke scenery die sebuk je.hahha..::.

Owh last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUTERI NADIA!!hehe..nad!!happy birthday lailing!!!heheh...rindu celebrate bday kamu!!hehehe...selalunye akan masak2 konon2 semunyik2 nk buat suprise kan but in the end ko tahu gak sebab kami kalut keluar masuk bilik kan?hehehe..:P..happy birthday nad!!!ths yr eventho kiteorg xdapat celebrate n buat makan2 pon for sure u have a great time with syafiek kan?hehehe...take care nad!!sweet 18th!!hehe..kite kan same umor so 18th lah..hehehe...May God showers u with loves and happiness!!!take care!!!! flying kiss for u..muahhhhh

.::picture taken at maharaja-2007::.
.::haizum, milah,me aju and shahid::.
.::izad, bday gurl-Nad, syafiek::.

Rahsia orang kentot..

Orang yang kalau kentut lalu menyalahkan orang lain.

2. Orang BINGUNG
Orang yang menahan kentutnya sampai berjam-jam.

3. Orang BERWAWASAN 2020
Orang yang tahu masa yang terbaik untuk kentut.

Orang yang ingin kentut tapi tidak boleh kentut.

Orang yang kalau kentut, orang lain tidak ada yang tahu.

6. Orang GUGUP
Orang yang tiba-tiba terkentut bila di sergah.

Orang yang melepaskan kentutnya dengan bunyi yang amat lantang

8. Orang SADIS
Orang yang kentut di dalam selimut

9. Orang PEMALU
Orang yang kentut tidak bunyi tapi gusar orang terbau kentutnya.’

10. Orang yang STRATEGIK
Orang yang menyembunyikan kentutnya dengan tertawa terbahak-bahak biar orang lain tidak dapat mendengar bunyi kentutnya.

11. Orang b*d*h
Orang yang kalau habis kentut menghirup nafas untuk mengganti angin kentutnya yang sudah keluar.

12. Orang PELIK
Orang yang boleh mengeluarkan kentut apabila di suruh

13. Orang SOMBONG
Orang yang sering mencium kentutnya sendiri dan bercerita akan keharuman kentutnya.

14. Orang RAMAH
Orang yang tidak kisah mencium kentut orang lain.

15. Orang yang tidak senang BERGAUL
Orang yang suka kentut bila berkumpul dengan teman-teman.

16. Orang AKUATIK
Orang kalau gemar dikentutnya di dalam air

17. Orang ATLETIK
Orang kalau kentut sambil mengeluarkan tenaga dalam.

18. Orang JUJUR
Orang yang mengaku kalau habis kentut

19. Orang PINTAR
Orang yang boleh menghurai kandungan bau kentut orang lain seperti bau telur atau buah durian.

20. Orang KELAKAR
Orang yang bila ketawa sambil kentut

21. Orang yang ROMANTIK
Orang yang kentut bunyinya mendayu dan berirama merdu ketika sedang berdating

22. Orang yang TIDAK SIHAT
Orang yang bila batuk dia akan terkentut

23. Orang yang PANAS BARAN
Orang yang mudah marah bila terbau kentut walaupun kentutnya sendiri

24. Orang yang PELUPA
Orang yang tertanya-tanya bila terbau kentut padahal dia sendiri yang kentut

Tuesday, November 25, 2008




Wahai kawan-kawan..
Sila lah jangan menipu..
nanti jadi betol..
seperti saye..hehehe..
saye kan ade intention nak tipu kann..
sekaliiii ari ni sakit perut betol...
6/10 pain in right iliac fossa...kebetulan masa pergi tu mmg sakit gile kan sebab jalan same..
so mmg 1st person la dapat jumpe nurse n dr kat student health tadi..
mmg dr siap turun lagi tgk sebab cam teruk..
and receptionist yang selalunye xlayan student pon siap tolong pegangkan lagi..
and bukan setakat dapat MC..
dapat referall letter to A&E siap..
diorg takut appendicitis...
but i had this kind of symptoms dulu when i was 15..suspected appendicitis as well..
tapi sebab tu kat kbmc, private hospital my uncle cakap maybe diorg nak duit je so die suruh pergi kat kawan die kat usm..
pergi kat usm diorg buat examination cakap appendicitis gak..
but then pain makin ok kan so die tunggu dulu tapi kene fasting ugak...
pastu esok tu check cam pain dh ok sket so xjadi operate..
Then dr check die cakap maybe gastritis exacerbated by dysmenorrhoea..
so skang ni saya rase maybe same gak..cume tambah diarrhoea sebab telebih makan kot..hehhe..
so papepon jangan menipu..xbaek..
sampai xberani nak pergi conference kat county hall tu sebab takut kantoi..ngeeee..
tapi still have pain tu juge..

P/s : ez...thanks..ngeeee

Monday, November 24, 2008


Hari ini saya ingin menulis dalam bahasa melayu sepenuhnya...
Tiada campuran bahasa hari ini..
kerana saya takut mereka2 di sekolah perubatan saya tahu saya sedang berdusta..hahahahaha
Saya patut on-take(saya tak tau la dalam bahasa melayu ape maksud die?) ari ni..
So saya patut pergi hospital..
Utk ambil sejarah pesakit dan membentangkan sejarah tersebut esok..
Mula2 saya memang hendak pergi..
Tetapi selepas itu rasa seperti taknak pergi..
tapi selepas berbual2 dengan izad terasa hendak pergi..
So saya pun membuat keputusan utk pergi..
Sara pun dah menghantar sms kepada saya bertanye kul brape n nak jumpe kat mane dan bla bla...
saya pon sudah selamat membalasnya dengan mengatakan ingin berjumpa pukul 7pm di wad kanak-kanak..
Pastu saya tidur..
Pastu saya bangun..
Pastu saya mandi..
Pastu sara hantar sms lai sekali cakap die mungkin x sempat datang so die jumpe saya esok..
Pastu tiba-tiba aje selepas bace sms tu saya sakit perut..
Dan muntah2..
Dan cirit birit...
Oleh itu saya akan pergi ke pusat kesihatan kolej saya esok
dan akan saya katakan kepada mereka di pusat kesihatan kolej saya esok hari...
bahawa saya tidak sihat...
dan akan ditambah dengan sakit perut sebab tak cukup makan sekali.
dan saya akan pastikan saya dapatkan sijil bercuti.
itu memang dusta..
dan kata-kata dusta tersebut adalah disebabkan saya sangat malas...
malas nak berhadapan dengan orang tua tersebut..
dan malas..
dan penat..
dan rasa sangat bodoh..
dan rasa sangat kena belajar...
dan malas..
dan malas..
dan malas..

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Thanks!!!!!!!!!U made my day!!!

dinner with dubliners...

.::Dubliners tengah masak::.

.::Ikan siakap stim..bestttt gileee ahhh::.

.::Flower ::.

.::Candle takde..kami xde meja camni lah..hehehe..::.

.::Ikan siakap stim...::.

.::Sambal udang n sambal ikan bilis::.



Great fun today~~~

Went to Kinsale and enjoyed the relaxing scenery...
Went home and received a rose and a box of chocolate from someone...

ate a super delicious dinner cooked by tasha, akma and fazli...

Thank u guys!!!
And special thanks to someone yang antr flower tu..nanti i taruk gambar okeh?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Depressing week.

A very depressing week ever!!!
No wonderla kan those yang buat paeds saiko..hahaha
And no wonder la kan buat paeds might change ur attitude completely!!hahaha
-Tight schedule, stern consultant, super duper intelligent and hardworking partner, 2 exams in one rotation~~~PERFECT!!!~~~boleh jadi gile kejap..~~~~

Tapi this week saya belaja :-
1. Well-behave child is not normal.

2. My handwritting is the worst handwritting ever!.hahahahahaha.. mmg la rase buruk tapi xpenah lak rase paling buruk dalam dunia.hahaha..damn u old man!hahaha

3. Orang yang kite kenal for many years tu sebnarnye kite xkenal pon..hahaha...they might change in just a second!!!!

4. Appreciate those who appreciate u and not who doesnt.

5. Life is short. So live life fully.

6. Dont be too dependent on others as it will make u feel miserable.hahaha.. miserable eh?haha

7. People will use all the reasons in the world just to dislike u..So watch out!!!hahaha..

8. Kalau kite xkaya, x pandai and x cantik, xde sape pon nak kawan dengan kite.. Tapi kalau kite pandai, cantik dan kaya serta pandai bergaya sume org pon nak kawan.hahaha.. ouch it hurts!!hahaa...

9. Dont be too nice with strangers.. Nanti jadi macam kes harimau n tukang cuci zoo kat spore tu.hahaha..:P

10. Nak suke orang ni amik masa kejap je..hahaha..:P

Alamak nak tambah lagi satu boleh?
11.Jerawat bole tumbuh dengan banyaknya apabila anda stress and kulit kering. Sekian.

Comelll n pintar bangat!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

~Happy Birthday Suraya~

.::Suraya Jeffery::.

Just wanna wish my dear lil sis Happy Birthday...
Happy 14th birthday my love...
I love u so much yayang!!!
Take care and have a blast on ur bday!

P/s : Im pretty sure someone will celebrate the bday with u yayang...
P/ss : A friend of mine is coming tomorrow so im going to have a busy weekend..
P/sss : My consultant has 3 ontakes this weekend so i guess i have to spent most of my time in the hospital..huhu
P/ssss : But i think ill bluff a bit to him tomorrow so that i wont be coming for ontake on friday and saturday...
P/sssss : I have maggi for the dinner for the 3rd time in a week!haha..abisla sume cells in my brain dipenuhi dengan MSG..hopefully tua2 nanti x kene dementia lah...nape ek malas sangat nak masak skang?penat sangat eh balik kelas?hahaha

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

o:-) Angel (-:o

Guardian Angel ;
"Focus on ur study and don't get distracted...
keep urself motivated and happy...
u know u r an intelligent and smart girl...
and u know u can take on whatever challenges life throws at you....
Don't worry too much...
U will survive this one..."


~Morning clinic~ : Standing in the clinic for 3 hours. Saw 2 cases of Prader Willi sydrome, 3 cases of congenital hyperinsulinamia, 1 case of delayed puberty due to chemotherapy, some weird name syndrome, adrenoleucodystrophy syndrome and ape tah lagi...Basically sumenye weird syndromes that 2 of them i never heard of it before..
Fantastic Aina!!Good job!U have wasted 5 years doing nothing. ~Excellent!!!~

~Afternoon clinic~ : He finally asked us to sit down during the clinics..We saw lots of diabetic kids and we learnt nothing. The great thing was that both of us were going hypo at 530pm.. There were 2 kids left to be seen on that time but we just couldnt take it anymore.. We were so restless. I even had tremors and palpitation. And sara too!!!..hahaha..

In a conclusion : saya sangat penat. saya malas nak masak. saya nak makan ape ye malam ni?oh mama...saya mahu tukang masak...pls..pls....hahahaha..:P

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

tiba masanya...

Everything is a mess..
I should back out myself from those things..
Mari mula study...


~~Respiratory distress~~

Help!Help me!!Pleaseeee!!!Someone!!

I cant breathe!!

I cant move!!

I cant feel anything!

I cant do anything!!!

Im drowning!!

Im drowning helplessly in a large ocean with nobody around…

~~Gasping for the oxygen~~


but really..

I need help.

I created some huge problems and now I don’t know what should I do…

I really don’t…

I shouldnt do that at the first place but i did..


Monday, November 17, 2008

hospital on sunday

~~~Hospital on sunday~~~
It was really quiet..
The hallway was empty...
The shop was closed...
And it was really serene...
I love it that way..
~quiet and peaceful~~
I never been to CUH on sunday..
And i was expected to go today for the admission..
I saw few cases..
I bleep the SHO and i tagged myself to her for the whole evening..
She's really a nice lady and a kind-hearted doctor..
She is going to be a good paediatrician in the future..
She really is..
Anyway, i saw few interesting cases today and i learnt few new things as well.
It was a great thing actually to come on Sunday and attached urself to one of the good doctor. She wont really ignore u and will try to teach u when she had the opportunity..
It feels great...~~
And the best thing about today is,
is that...
Im falling in love....
Yes dear,
I fall in love...
with whom?
with kids!!!hehehe
They are soooo cuteee and adorable!!!!
~~Charming and irressitable~~

Sunday, November 16, 2008


1. Happy~~
- Aju and Mila are back to 81 summerstown road.
- Im done with Obs and gynae
- I felt more appreciated than before..

2. Remorse~~
- I said something harsh to someone today without even thinking about his feelings...Im really sorry..huhu
- I felt that i had wasted 12weeks doing nothing. I still dont know lots of things. I should be more focus from this moment on.
- I should start doing my final yr project now and on my own!!!!

3. Abhor
- I dont like man with PMS. He should go to the hospital and have his karyotype check on or has his hormone profile checked on. He has to make sure that he is really a man..
- I dont like people who changed his/her mood easily. He/She really has to go to the hospital and see any psychiatrist to exlude any Multiple Personality Disorder.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Med Ball

.:: Cliodhna and me::.

.::with Olya::.

.::Catherine, Emma,Aina, Aiza and Haizum::.
.::Fredo and me::.

.::Aiman, Sinead and myself::.

.::Gillian and me::.

.::Nad and me::.

.::Maura and myself::.

.::Breda, Me, Izyan, Yusma, Nat::.

.::Nad, me and Aju::.

.::Aju, Me and Padraig::.

.::Belon MPS and me(khas utk umi and aida))::.

.::Brian and me::.

.::Aju and Aina::.

.::Rebecca and Me at 230am..muke ngantokk n penat~~::.

Med Ball....

Exam was ok...
I hope ill pass it...
Udah kul 4am and im still awake..hehe..I was really tired and sleepy before but after took a hot shower i feel alive and fresh again..
Hot shower kul 330am?hehhee...Arrived home at 3am kot so kemas2 bilik yang bersepah so baru mandi and skang update blog..hehehe
I really need to sleep.. I have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow for TYT Duta Meeting and I have a study group in the afternoon. So really, i need to sleep...
Anyways, I had a very enjoyable night tonight. I went to Med Ball and enjoyed myself till 2++ in the morning. Ngeee...Actually kul 1am tu dh bosan dah but then had to wait for a bus at 2am so terpaksa la melepak2 kat situ lagi sambil membiarkan telinga dicemari bunyi yang kuat. Sekian..
Anyways, thanks to Pija sebab tolong mekapkan petang tadi!!ngeee...tq lailing!!!!

P/s : gambar2 lain tunggu esok lah.hahaha

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Tmrw saya exam..
banyak lagi topics x bace...
topic besar labour masih belum ku sentuh...
skang 12/17...
sempat ke 5 chapters lagi?
semalam patut xnak tdo..
tapii sejukk..
ok..mari study!!!!

Wish me luck everyone!!!!

P/s : esok sempat ke nak g shopping?

Warkah buat hawa

Ini diamik dari blog Nadhirah dengan kebenaran beliau. Sekian.hehe..:P

andai engkau masih remaja.
jdlah anak yg solehah buat kedua ibu bapamu
andai engkau sudah bersuami, jdlah isteri yg meringankan beban suamimu
andai engkau masih ibu, didiklah anakmu sehingga dia tdk gentar memperjuangkan ad-din ALLAH..

andai engkau belum berkahwin, jgn kau risau jodohmu. Ingatlah Hawa janji Tuhan kita, wanita yg baik adalah utk lelaki yg baik. Jgn dimulakan sebuah pertemuan dgn lelaki yg muhrim krn aku khuatir dr mata jatuh ke hati, maka lahirnya senyuman, maka tercetusnya salam dan sekaligus disusuli dgn pertemuan, takut lahirnya nafsu kejahatan yg menguasai diri..

Lelaki yg baik tdk melihat paras rupa, lelaki yg soleh tdk memilih wanita melalui keseksiannya, lelaki yg warak tdk menilai wanita melalui keayuannya, kemanjaannya, serta kemampuannya menggoncang iman lelaki. Tetapi lelaki yg baik akn menilai wanita melalui akhlaknya, peribadinya dan yg penting pegangan agamanya..Lelaki yg baik juga tdk menginginkan pertemuan dgn wanita yg bukan muhrimnya krn dia takut memberi kesempatan kpd syaitan utk menggodanya.Lelaki yg warak jg tdk mahu bermain cinta krn dia tahu apa matlamat dlm sebuah pertemuan lelaki dan wanita yakni sebuah perkahwinan..

Oleh itu Hawa,
Jagalah pandangan mu, awasilah auratmu, peliharalah akhlakmu dan kuatkan pendirianmu. Andai ditakdirkan tiada cinta drpd Adam untukmu, cukuplah hanya cinta Allah memenuhi dan menyinari kekosongan jiwamu. Biarlah cinta drpd kedua ibu bapamu yg memberi hangat kebahagiaan buat dirimu. Cukuplah sekadar cinta adik beradik serta keluarga yg membahagiakan dirimu..

Cintailah Allah dikala susah dan senang krn kau akan memperoleh cinta drpd insan yg juga menyintai Allah. Cintailah kedua ibu bapamu krn kau akan memperolehi keredhaan Allah. Cintailah keluargamu krn kau tdk akan jumpa cinta bahagia selain dr cinta keluarga.

Jgnlah sesekali tangan yg menggoncang dunia juga yg menggoncang iman

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Haha..somehow jumpe website saya zaman2 kecik2 dulu and hahahaha jumpe gambar ini..hehehe...sweet memories..=)..sangat sukee..=) happiest and greatest moment i ever had kot..and xkan dapat dh kot..hehehe..=) Thanks to mr.pedas sebab tolong jumpekan balik website ni.hahahha


Jojah and me ye..saya tau gedik.sekian.hahaha