Wednesday, November 19, 2008


~Morning clinic~ : Standing in the clinic for 3 hours. Saw 2 cases of Prader Willi sydrome, 3 cases of congenital hyperinsulinamia, 1 case of delayed puberty due to chemotherapy, some weird name syndrome, adrenoleucodystrophy syndrome and ape tah lagi...Basically sumenye weird syndromes that 2 of them i never heard of it before..
Fantastic Aina!!Good job!U have wasted 5 years doing nothing. ~Excellent!!!~

~Afternoon clinic~ : He finally asked us to sit down during the clinics..We saw lots of diabetic kids and we learnt nothing. The great thing was that both of us were going hypo at 530pm.. There were 2 kids left to be seen on that time but we just couldnt take it anymore.. We were so restless. I even had tremors and palpitation. And sara too!!!..hahaha..

In a conclusion : saya sangat penat. saya malas nak masak. saya nak makan ape ye malam ni?oh mama...saya mahu tukang masak...pls..pls....hahahaha..:P

1 comment:

Wahidah said...

pelik je pernah dgr per at least u learn new thing rite? kalo la mama aina bole di pos kan...huhuhu