Thursday, January 31, 2008
Pertandingan terbuka kepada semua warganegara Malaysia kad pengenalan Malaysia . Pihak penganjur telahpun berunding dengan pihak penyedia tempat kejohanan dan mereka bersetuju memberi harga istimewa iaitu maksimum 10 euro untuk 2 games ataupun 14 euro untuk 3 games. Untuk makluman kadar biasa bagi satu game pada hari Sabtu ialah ~ 8 euro. Para pesera akan bermain minimum of 2 games, akan tetapi jika semua peserta memilih untuk bermain 3 games, kami akan anjurkan pertandingan sebanyak 3 games.
Objektif pertandingan adalah untuk menjadi wadah untuk merapatkan hubungan dan menguatkan ikatan silaturrahim sesama warganegara Malaysia . Di samping itu, pertandingan ini juga bertujuan untuk menjadi medium melepaskan segala ‘stress’ terutama sekali kepada mereka yang baru sahaja selasai menghadapi peperiksaan. Tidak lupa juga, pertandingan ini diadakan untuk menggilap bakat-bakat dalam arena bowling.
Pelbagai hadiah menarik menanti para pemenang. Hadiah-hadiah bukan sahaja akan diberi kepada peserta yang memungut jatuhan pin yang paling tinggi, malah pihak penganjur telah mengaturkan untuk memberi hadiah-hadiah misteri seperti Striker – peserta yang Berjaya mendapat strike yang paling banyak- dan sebagainya.
Setiap peserta akan dibahagikan kepada "group of fours" secara rawak. Kami akan "acknowledge" jatuhan pin individual dan juga jatuhan pin secara berkumpulan. Walaubagaimanapun, para peserta dibolehkan untuk membentuk pasukan masing-masing (4 pemain) tetapi bayaran tambahan sebanyak 5 euro/satu pasukan akan dikenakan. Sila berurusan secara terus dengan pihak penganjur.
Dengan rasa rendah hati, pihak penganjur berhak menukar sebarang syarat dan peraturan serta perkara-perkara yang membabitkan pertandingan dan akan memberitahu yang terlibat kemudiannya. Segala keputusan pihak penganjur adalah muktamad. Sebarang perkara yang remeh-temeh tidak akan dilayan.
Kepada yang berminat, bolehlah mendaftar terus dengan Saudara Nik Fathul di talian 085-7163721 atau Ikhwan Azmi(Wami) di talian 085-7732597. Borang penyertaan boleh didapatkan dari maestro09akularr@ Bagi yang mendaftarkan secara “text” sila beri nama penuh, e-mail dan bowling average anda. Tarikh tutup penyertaan adalah pada hari Selasa 5 Februari 2008 pada jam 11.59 malam untuk memudahkan pihak pengurusan. Sebarang pertanyaan boleh diajukan secara terus pihak penganjur. Sila war-warkan kepada sahabat-sahabat yang lain. Mari kita bersama-sama memburu ayam belanda!!
1. prepare the questions to ask the patient.He has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, chronic pain syndrome, morphine pump in his spine and just recovered from pulm.tb. So agak banyak la nak tanye kan..but she wants me to ask specifically how the family adapt with his illnesses-psychology+social+financial+etc
2. clarify with dr dave about glue ear
3. ask dr tom(AGAIN!!) about hypertension in pregnant woman
4. ask for 2 eggs with cheese for bfast(erk?hahaha)
5. ask Margaret for ESR..(I need to see how ESR is done!)
John Hoon -parrot
I miss you again, like yesterday.
Won't this feeling of missing you, lessen any?
I keep thinking about you.
The more I try to sort through it all, the more the tears come.
Even when I try to steal it, the memories spread into
different memories through the tears that I shed.
It makes me cry so painfully.
All I can do is regret, because all I ever did was receive.
But I'm afraid you'll forget me because I've never gave you anything.
I love you, I, I love you
These words have become a habit
and these words are among the many I've learned from you.
I sit around alone mumbling to myself like a fool.
I'm sorry truly, truly, I'm sorry.
I'm even sorry that these words are so late
But I'm waiting here for you shamelessly
Will you by chance come back tomorrow?
Even if the birdcage that represented you was narrow
I still liked it, I was still happy.
I'm returning to the day, to my dreams
when I believed in a forever without seperation
If I could go back I'd gather my heart, I'd take everything
from it and give it you.
I love you, I, I love you
These words have become a habit
and these words are among the many I've learned from you.
I sit around alone mumbling to myself like a fool.
I'm sorry truly, truly, I'm sorry.
I'm even sorry that these words are so late
But I'm waiting here for you shamelessly
Will you by chance come back tomorrow?
My heart..
In the end even if you can't come
and you've changed and I'm not the one for you any longer
I'll call and call out to you again
Like a parrot calling only your name..
Wishing for only your love like this
So pick me..choose me n love me...dedicated to some1
in a really, really big…
pretend to like your taste in music,
let you eat the last piece of cheesecake,
hold a radio over my head outside your window,
unfortunate way that makes me hate you...
love you...
So pick me...
Choose me....
Love me.....
P/s : "PLEASE" pick me...and "PLEASE" choose me over everything else...and "PLEASE" love me...
owh terima kasih juge kepada encik wan yusof yang tersayang kerna memahami kakaknya yang ketiadaan duit sangat ini..hehhee..beliau telah memberikan kakaknya 78euro bersamaan rm400 untuk kakaknya beli handbag..hahaha..sebenarnye die silap..hehehe.die ingat die gune my credit card but die gune my dad punyer..after a month baru die realize..after he transfered all the money to my account baru die realize..too bad la kan..hahahaha..hehehe..tapi cam nanti i kene belanje die double cuz die nak beli video cam..tapi die kaya..dok dublin extra 100euro elaun n dok umah murah so lagi la..hahaha..=)
"be with u"
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
lalala..lunch hr..balik lambat...kul 2 baru lunch break..hehehe..ramai patients..a very busy ok..hehe..amik blood frm 5 patients n the 1st one fail..lalala..tapi nurse tu pon x jumpe sampai kene amik frm superficial its not my fault la kan..lalalalalala....=)..owh ari ni juge boleh keluarkan staples from patient..takut jugak..takut patient sakit kan tapi die ok je so ok la tu..hahhaa...jadi gp cam best je..jumpe ramai org..haha..kalau saye jadi gp confirm each patient masuk jumpe ill tell them
"silalah pegi beli barang komputer kat kedai Monaliza Mastura Enterprise Sdn Bhd" kat KBmall n Rantau Panjang..hahaha...lallalalaa..promote kedai bapak sendiri..hehehe...
aha!!!!the sad thing today is my mum text me cakap dh xleh antar food to uk/ire frm malaysia started mum dh g pos dah but die call my mum cakap surh amik balik food sebab xleh hantar...waaaa..nak keropok!nak serunding n nak maggi juge!!terpaksa la beli kat cardiff nanti..waaaaa..keji gileeee xleh hantar food..nanti biskut raya sume?waaaaaaaa...naseb baek next yr final yr dah..sedih..=(..kalau x dh bleh makan rendang daging yg my mum masak dah...=(..sedihhhhhhh...=(..aju silalah masak daging rendang kat aku..hahaha..especially jumaat ni..balik confirm kelaparan..haha..but maybe we will ask from our gp their permission nak balik awal..papepon next week saye pegi isnin pagi..hehe..dah mintak dah permission die n she said if that suits u better u can..lalala..tapi xbestnye kene bangun pagi catch the 1st bus to waterford..tapi long as bleh makan aju masak..hahahahaha..:P
owh kepada kawan2 saye yg boikot tesco silalah pegi ke dunnes store yang berdekatan memandangkan ade offer seedless grape for 1.99euro jer..sangat murah k!hehehe..n roti die baru pasan lagi murah from tesco..dulu tesco murah 34sen je but after christmas ari tu naik jadi 59sen...dunnes 57sen je..hahaha..2 sen je beza tapi die punyer roti lagi lembut...owh bermulalah episod memakan roti n buah n maggi till ths friday..lalalala..papepon saye udah curik fruits frm bfast tadi n beli xkan lapar la..hehehe..=)..sekian terima kasih..aju silalah masak utk saye..owh umah halldene kamu semua x rindu saye ke?mesti dh bosan kan korang xde org ape kate masak utk saye sabtu ni.sekian terima kasih.
The Creation from Brookfield College

It was painted during Renaissance era. The similarities of the painting that Michelangelo painted in 1509 with the picture taken by Fredo on 2006 r A right leg and A left leg..hahaha...ok2 sebenarnye ngarut saje...aju saye rindu kamu.ting tong..hahahha
someone please help me..
"Shoppers' awareness n understanding of food content labelling"
i need the topic to b specific enough and i need it as soon as possible..pleasee...someone pleasee help me!!pleaseee.!!!!!please do help me with this stupid thing..=(....owh!papepon the topic needs to be medicine-related...pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..please help me urgently!!!=(
Thank u very much for ur help.sekian
sekian terima kasih
P/s : corkians, xder ktiviti ke ths weekend?hahahahhaa
Osgood-Schlatter disease
"Osgood-Schlatter disease"..never heard about ths disease before..lalalalala..sangat la choy..heheh..:P..its quite common for children below 16yrs old and active in sports..ok yg len2 sila carik sendiri..hahah...papepon it may resolve spontaneously over 3-4 months...and u can treat the pain with nsaids or painkiller..sekian terima kasih..
lalalalala..ngantok sudah..lalalalala....
n saye sudah bosan makan nasi goreng frm sunday ari tu!!waaaaaaaa..nak makan sumting else pleaseee...dh nak termuntah dah rase ni..hahahah..3hari makan mende same..biasa je makan kat umah 3 ari..sometmes a week makan mende same pon ok..tapi ni sebab die x panas n ade macam a bit basi sket la..hahahaha...lalallaa..
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
maybe for some people its not a great deal but for me its really a big deal!!!im a 4th yr medical student and i havent do lotsa things yet!i havent do lots of hands-on things yet and so the opportunity to do this things really excite me!
owh and the people here r so nice too!!!tadi nurse bwatkan coffee..dr.nyhan pon nak bwatkan i a cup of coffee but i xnak sebab baru bfast time tu..hehe..semalam dr.isoebel bwatkan tea..twice..owh really like ths place...=)..and to aini..yeahhh!!i really enjoying myself here..everything here is great!!!the food, the people and the place itself r great!!!
anyway today i met ths old lady..she was my 1st patient today...she is 78 year old lady who came to the gp for the back pain...She couldnt sleep last night and the reason for that was not because of the pain but because of her anxiety disorder. She was afraid of been diagnosed with pneumonia by the gp.. She had no coughing or chest pain or any respiratory symptoms and that made me wonder why she was so afraid of been diagosed with pneumonia. The fact that her brother died of pneumonia recently gave me the answer for my curiousity. She was so paranoid of being admitted to the hospital and of been diagnosed with pneumonia. On examination, her chest was normal with normal air entry and no added sounds. She had kyphosis and her back pain might be due to her osteoporosis that has been going for years. After my gp told her that she had nothing to worry about she was so excited. She asked us few times to confirm that she didnt has pneumonia. After she was satisfied with my gp's answers, she hugged us and kissed me!!!hahahah..sangat la terkezut kene kiss ngan makcik tua..hehe bukan sekali...twice ok!hahah padahal i didnt do anything to her..hehe..die sangat la excited...bayangkan makcik tua umo 78 melompat n peluk2 dr n me?hehehhe..sangat comel n sangat la hehe xtau nak cakap ape..hehee..mmg unforgettable memory la..1st time i kene kiss ngan patient..awww...
papepon jadi gp sini sangat penat..nak minum tea pon kene minum sambil jalan..hehe..sambil check patient..tapi best la..hehehe..=)...owh tapi sangat penat la..balik atdi 630ptg..huhu..rase semput gile balik.hahaha...lalala.tula..b4 ths selalu ponteng kelas..aha!tapi aiman left me alone in clinic!!naseb baek my doctor baek die antar i balik umah naik kete die..cet betol..dr.i pon terkejut nape die tinggal i..hahahha..(opss hopefully aiman x bace blog ni..lalala).owh n dr i gave me few things too and she asked me not to tell anyone else..hehe..pastu sebab i dapat die suruh kasi aiman juge..hehe...owh n pagi tadi bfast pon best..die bwat omlet lagi best dr i bwat sendiri..hehehe..lagi lawa la die goreng telur..lalalala..sekian terima kasih.hehehehe...penat tapi kene bace sumting sebab dr.I suruh bace sumting..=)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS) type 1 is a rare and nebulous entity that has alternatively been called dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica, dyssynergia cerebellaris progressiva, dentatorubral degeneration, or Ramsay Hunt cerebellar syndrome
blogging from dungarvan..
pastu B&b pon die yang tolong check-in kan kiteorg n showed us the room sume n bilik ni very the nice ok!yelah for us expecting a not-so-nice room but alhamdulillah dapat en suite room yang ade 1double bed n 1 single bed..together with wireless internet, multi channel tv and kettle..hehe...n receptionist tu siap tanye lagi kiteorg nak makan ape for bfast tomorrow..hehe... kiteorg cakap cereal je but die tanye nak egg ke x or anything else..pastu kiteorg cakap la anything will b fine but we r vegetarians..=)..
ok marilah menonton tv..hahaha..should b reading sumtng about clinical exam sebenarnye cuz dah lame sangat tinggal physical examination n xtau nak bwat camne sangat dh pasni..hehehe..:P
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Facilities In Our B&B
- All bedrooms are very spacious, airy and have en-suite bathrooms.
- Guests can avail of our ample free off road car parking.
- All bedrooms have en-suite bathrooms.
- Wireless broadband internet access in all bedrooms free for guest use.
- Multi-channel TV and tea/coffee making facilities.
- Hair dryers are available on request.
- Ironing facilities.
- Baby high chairs and cots are also available.
The former drawing room is now the guest dining room complete with magnificent marble fireplace. All food served to our guests is fresh and produced locally. Breakfast is served to suit the individual tastes and dietary requirements of our guests. The main staircase leads from the inner hall (with it's original flagstone floor) and sweeps it's way to the upper floor and split level landing areas where our guests can sit and read or take in the breathtaking view of the mountain. There is also a maid's stairwell leading down to the large impressive kitchen.
2.Oklah..kalau xde internet pon at least la ade wireless.(erk wireless pon internet gak)..hahaha..kat gp punye klinik tu so bleh gune check email using my ipaq..ngeh2..
3.Silalah doakan saye agar sy tidak convert..hahahha..lalalalal..tempat tu gay friendly..mane tau saye jadi lesbo ke..hahahaha..chop bukan saye cakap..bahij cakap..hehe..die cakap bagus la sebab emma pon tengah menunggu saye..hahha..emma sanggup convert masuk islam kalau saye nak kawen ngan die..hahaha..ini adalah lawak exam semata2..ehhehe
4.Silalah doakan saye agar saye dapat survive dok situ for 2 weeks..ok..5 harije..hehe pastu balik cork..hehe..tapi mmg susah sekali..owh fred jom aaa next week kite g road trip..lalalala..
5.Silalah doakan agar aiman dapat menghiraukan saye dengan lebih bagus salah je..hahahhaa..biar aiman x tinggal saye la..hahahahha..:P
6.Silalah cakap kat saye kalau ade sape2 dh beli tiket balik malaysia..jangan tinggalkan saye kesorangan di waterford ini...
7.Puan Ajuliana, silalah makan sambil ingat saye..jangan lupekn saye yg mungkin kelaparan di waterford sana...haaahhaa..:P..n sila jangan rindu saya sangat2..
8.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..saye takutttt..Semalam saye tengok cite saye takut sbenarnye nak pegi ni..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..milah la niiii bukak cite tuuuuu kat tv..cite tu mmg pening sebab die bwat cam dokumetari tapi ending die yg last skali tu horror................waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..takutttttttttttttttttttttt...
9.Saye nak umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
owh esok akan ke waterford..lalaa...xbeli food pon..n in fact x packing lagi!!tapi dh tulis list la ape nak bwat n im thinking of masak some sambal ikan bilis n makan kat sane makan ngan roti la..maggi n serunding confirm r kene bawak..hehee...nasi goreng utk dinner juge..naseb baek skang winter..xde peti ais pon makanan x basi..ngeh3....owh tolong la...doakan saye ye that everything gonna b fine next week...=)...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
.::sape paling semangat nyanyi lagu negaraku?..syakur+butter..sila cari sendiri,.hahaha::.
.::bodyguard Dato Nazri xyanyi pon?hehhe..::.
.::ni tentu waktu lagu jalur gemilang..xde sorang pon vip nyanyi time lagu tu..hehe..for the students, kiteorg ade lirik kat lcd projektor..hahaha:P.::
.::ok..ini budak2 yang sangat x baek..tidak menghormati lagu2 nasional malaysia..(erk betolkah)..ehhe..kami mengumpat sebenarnye time tu..leader die aju la..haha..xder r..aju baek jer..hehehe...kan ju kan?ko asalkan ade taugeh je diam la?hahhahahahahahhaa..ampun..ok2 takpe2 aku xbitau org rahsia ko ju..lalalala::.
esok pegi waterford yg bosan itu
iklan2..: saye single n available..
lalalala....semalam we played monopoly, bluffing cho tai ti..nak ajar diorg bridge tapi susah r nak ajar sebab bridge mmg complicated sket..tapi ok la..we slept at 3 sumting semalam..hehe..mule2 aju ajak qiamulai(hahahhaa) tapi terade bendera merah lak..ahak2...:P...but semalam bukak cite lame mase zaman skolah2 bodoh2 dulu..hahaha..yang waktu ade crush dulu..lallala..iklan lagi sekali..:single n available..papepon nad pesan kalau nak cari husband, cari la org yg lagi tua..hehe..ade kebenaran di sebalik kata2 tersebut.walaupun nad is getting married ths summer with syafiek, org same umo, die cakap sapik okla..hehe..sebab die cakap sapik dah ade plan utk future camne nak kumpul duit beli umah n bayar down payment umah, furnitures die tahu duit die akan g mane n die sangat independent..tu mmg betol kot..sapik mmg sangat mantap la in simpan duit ni.die x enjoy sangat..n anak yg baek la..xpenah lupe kirim duit kat kg..n me lak jenis yg "umi nak duit.."; "abah nak beli tikt balik msia ni.gune kkad abah ni ek?"...huhu..sangat la xsame kan...huhu...tapi kat msia skang if dgr from member2, bace newspaper, blogs, cam sume pon mostly kapel ngan org lagi tua..ade a few of my friends skang kapel ngan husband org len..maybe sebab husband org len ni secured financially n boleh layan ape dieorg nak n bleh pamper diorg...tapi xbaek tau sebenarnye sebab nanti ramai yang akan terluka nanti...nanti akan jadi hati pecah..pastu hati berdarah...pastu hati pon heal ngan scarring..pastu jadi cirrhosis..cirrhosis increase the risk of getting hepatocellular carcinoma...n cirrhosis sendiri pon boleh lead to death berhati2 la...hahahhaa..papepon saye sayang umi n abah saye... saye tetap akan dahulukan diorg dalam pape mende pon..if diorg xkasi kawen, saye xkan kawen la..if diorg suruh kawen, saye akan kawen la..hehehe..cuz i knw n i have faith on them...i knw they will choose the best for me..saye xkesah matchmaking...=)..owh tapi saye ade tapi saye single weekend ni..hhahaha..:P....
semalam sebenarnye nak lepak2 ngan syakur wami n dak2 len r..kamil siap nak dtg viclodge ngan playing cards lagi..desperate gile bosan r cork ni..serius bosan..xde tempat nak pegi pon..tapi syakur nak sisha..xnak la..busuk la nantiii umah end up main mekap2 ngan aju n anak patung..hahhahaha..anak patung tu tipu jer...mekap2 je..heheh..pastu main monopoly sape jatuh dadu kene bwat air n goreng keropok..hahhahaa...:P...
P/s : Erk..rumah halldene xnak masak kat saye ke?lalallalala
aha!!malam ni ade plan BAEKKK punyeee...hahhaa..nak bunyikkan alarm kul 4pagi..ok?hahaha..semalam alarm bengong tu bunyi lagi..and baru la i realized minggu ni rag wonder la bising memanjang..kul 10 dh start bising?party2...rag week rupenyer.Semalam alarm bunyi kul 4+ lagi n kene turun la kan..milah kejut bukan bomba..pastu kiteorg masuk laundry room kat bawah sebab kesejukan..hehe..sebab xde fire pon..pastu after bomba datang, turun la anasir2 jahat tu sambil pegang botol arak dengan rase bersalah konon cakap "we r sorry"..boleh blah..kalau kat malaysia confirm dh pegi sound n ketuk2 kepala..naseb baek ni ireland..n naseb baek badan die 2 kali ganda frm my size..hehe..kalau x confirm dh ketuk2 kepala dah kasi insaf sket..,hahha...lepas bomba settlekan fire alarm tu check2 baru naik pastu sambung tdo..ahhaa..bangun2 CUAK gileee..lalala..exam tadi wasnt really good n wasnt really bad..lalalal..sekian terima kasih.malas.esok milah ajak g umah dr.nurul n dr farah tgk anak boy..tapi macam segan jeee...ahahaha.:P..tengok tahap bangun la..
Friday, January 25, 2008
Muadz- Hijrah
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Spouses Who Fight Live Longer
Preliminary results from a survey of married couples suggest that disputing husbands and wives who hold in their anger die earlier than expressive couples.
"When couples get together, one of their main jobs is reconciliation about conflict," said researcher Ernest Harburg, professor emeritus with the University of Michigan School of Public Health and Psychology Department. "Usually nobody is trained to do this. If they have good parents, they can imitate, that's fine, but usually the couple is ignorant about the process of resolving conflict."
So while conflict is inevitable, the critical matter is how couples resolve it.
"The key matter is, when the conflict happens, how do you resolve it?" Harburg said. "When you don't, if you bury your anger, and you brood on it and you resent the other person or the attacker, and you don't try to resolve the problem, then you're in trouble."
The findings add to past research showing that the release of anger can be healthy. For instance, one study revealed when people are angry they tend to make better decisions, perhaps because this emotion triggers the brain to ignore irrelevant cues and focus on the meat of the matter. Individuals who express anger might also have a sense of control and optimism over a situation, according to another past study.
Bottled anger adds to stress, which tends to shorten lives, many studies show.
ok esok exam..sila study...
cp exam
1. Gillian said, Dr Pat Cogan told the last group who currently is doing paediatrics rotation to stress on 'normal development in children"..maybe the questions will lingering about the dvlmpt of children la kot..normal values, the abnormalities bla bla..
2. Ruth said that there will be a question dedicated only to therapeutics..(so sila lah menghafal name drugs ye)
3. Infectious disease will definately come out in the exam..hehehe..(sebab Dr.Mary Horgan is our coordinator kan n she is consultant of infectious confirm la..)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Just a joke, no offence.
There is no egg in the eggplant
No ham in the hamburger
and neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.
English muffins were not invented in England
French fries were not invented in France.
We sometimes take English for granted but if we examine its paradoxes we find that
Quicksand takes you down slowly
boxing rings are square
and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
If writers write, how come fingers don't fing?
If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth?
If the teacher taught, why didn't the preacher praught?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what the heck does a humanitarian eat!?
Why do people recite at a play yet play at a recital?
Park on driveways and drive on parkways
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language where
A house can burn up as it burns down
And in which you fill in a form by filling it out
And a bell is only heard once it goes!
English was invented by people, not computers
And it reflects the creativity of the human race(Which of course isn't a race at all)
That is why when the stars are out they are visible
But when the lights are out they are invisible
And why it is that when I wind up my watch it starts
But when I wind up this observation, it ends
Last nite i was studying on my bed(lalalla.xde sleep hygiene langsung) and unintentionally fall aslept..i left the highlighter opened without re-cap it and thus today when i woke up, my new bedsheet turn into green!!!lalalala...xderla semua turn jadi hijau..sket la tapi new bedsheet tuu..lalalala..kesimpulannye sila jangan study atas katil..hahaha
owh ari ni saye insaf juge..sebabnye:-
1. last minute study pastu banyak gile x from ari ni saye nak jadi rajin n study je memanjang..lala..macam x berpijak di bumi nyata sahaja tapi ill try it..hehe...lalalala
2. called my mum today and spoke to my sis..she was crying on that time and the reason was-die x ngaji quran for 2 days already..huhu..terasa malu giler ngan budak form 2 sebab i, myself x ngaji quran for almost a month already and x rase guilty pon n xder rase nak nangis pon?tengok cite boleh pulak nangis?so rase sangat keji n jahat n insyaAllah nak berubah pasni..insyaAllah..pray for me..=)..
okies...luse exam cp..the big one and i think everyone in my class pon dh give up..and sume in my grup xnak pegi opthalmo esok..ahhaha..:P..kejiness..
Word of the day..."Escapism"
-SEKIAN."ESCAPISM' may cause me PSYCHIATRIC/PSYCHOLOGICAL disorder in the FUTURE.sekian terima kasih.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
potong zaka
ali : manyak bagut..bila lu potong haa lu punya barang manyak bersih loo..
apek:?!! err..saya kawan ada cakap,potong zaka aaahh.. manyak ploblem..
ali : apa probrem ?
apek:manyak buang lui..lagi aahh..dia punya performance tatak bagut.. manyak cinang semputloh..
ali : cehh.. apek, lu apa celita..saya suda lama potong.. tada apa problem.. bini saya
manyak puas woo..
apek:lu mini puas sama itu potong zaka ka?
ali : ya la.. bila lu potong aahh..lagi sedap maen woo.. lu lagi lambat pancut..
apek:???!!! punya 1.3 atau 1.5 ??
ali : ??!! woi apek cakap baik2 sikit ha.. saya punya 6 incila..
apek:??! tiu nia ma.. lu jgn maen2 haa.. mana ada potong zaka 6 inci..
ali : cilaka apek ni..nah tengok (bukak sluar tunjuk pale butoh..)
apek: chee sin punya olang..gua tanya baik2 lu tunjuk lu punya lancau..
ali : abis.. lu tarak percaya..saya tunjuk la..
apek: saya tatak tanya sama lu punya lancau.. saya tanya lu pasal itu nasional car.. potong zaka..molo punya olang..
ali : aiya.. apek.. lain kali lu sebut betul2 la..kasi susa saja.. bukan potong zaka la.. proton
saga.. cinabeng btulla..
iklan TV / RADIO proton yg diharamkan..
OMG!!!!Came accross this article in Irish Independent :"Cancers 'could be destroyed by cattle viruses"....those who have watched "I am legend" knw why im so concerned about ths article..virus may cure the cancer!!!OMG!!! virus is unstable in nature and mutate sesuka hati what will happen if, IF, virus tu mutate and instead of killing cancer cells, they kill healthy celss?what will happen if virus tu mutate n jadi some kind of incurable disease which is worst than cancer?OMG!!(hahaha paranoid sebab tgk cite I am legend and 28 days later+28 weeks later..lalala)
Viruses carried by white blood cells have the potential to wipe out spreading cancer, research suggests.
Scientists in Britain have demonstrated that the technique works, using a virus normally found in horses and cattle, to eradicate cancer in mice.
Clinical trials are now being planned which could see similar treatments tested on cancer patients within a year.
If the results are successful, it could lead to many thousands of lives being saved.
Most common cancers, such as those arising in the breast, prostate, colon, and skin, kill by spreading or "metastasising" to the liver, brain and other vital organs.
Once a cancer becomes systemic, travelling through the body via lymph ducts and blood vessels, it becomes much more difficult to treat.
Viruses have been suggested in the past as a weapon against cancer, but usually they are neutralised by immune system antibodies too rapidly to be effective. Some viruses can also be harmful to the patients.
The new technique, pioneered by Prof Alan Melcher, a Cancer Research UK scientist based at the University of Leeds, employs white blood cells to smuggle viruses into sites where spreading cancer cells accumulate.
In the mouse study, Prof Melcher's team loaded T cells -- a type of immune system white blood cell -- with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), which usually infects horses and cattle.
The virus is lethal to cancer cells but resisted by healthy cells.
Carried by the T cells, the virus was ferried through the lymph system to the lymph nodes, liver and spleen. There, the viral particles replicated inside cancer cells, eventually bursting out of the cells and killing them.
As the cancer cells were destroyed, they released molecules which triggered a powerful immune system response. This effectively finished the job and wiped out the cancer.
"What you have is a double whammy," said Prof Melcher. "It's not just that the virus kills the cancer cells. When you get this virus-mediated killing, the immune system sits up and takes notice. That's important, because one of the big problems with cancer is that often the immune system ignores it."
Metastasising skin, lung and colon cancers were all destroyed in the experiments.
The research, conducted with the help of US scientists from the Mayo Clinic in Maryland, was published online yesterday in the journal 'Nature Medicine'.
- John von Radowitz in London
- Prof.Dr. Abdul Latiff Mohamad, - Dean of CUCMS (also President of IMAM)
- Dr.Azlisham Mohd Nor, -Consultant Neurologist (President of IMAM UK Doctors Chapter) (saye sukeee neuro!saye nak pegi sebab ade neurologist..hehehe..:P)
- Datuk Dr. Jemilah Mahmood, -President of MERCY Malaysia (im thinking of volunteering myself..soon...lepas tgk cite love story in harvard)
- Prof. Datuk Dr. Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, -Vice Chancellor of USM
- Dr.Heng Aik Cheng, -State Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Traumatologist
- Prof Dr Zabidi Azhar, -Consultant Paediatrician, USM
- Prof Madya Dr Harlina Halizah Siraj, -Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecologist HUKM (makcik husna..hehehe.) usual...aina's exam syndrome...lalala
Orang kata aku lahir dari perut umi...(confirm la..xkan la lahir dari perut abah kan..hahahah..)
Bila dahaga, yang susukan aku....umi...(hehe skang dah xleh susukan dah..hahaha..:P)
Bila lapar, yang suapkan aku..umi...(sampai skang kalau makan same ngan umi n mintak umi suapkan, umi suap lagi..waaaaa..nak makan umie suapppppp...lagi best!!!)
Bila keseorangan, yang sentiasa di sampingku..umi...(ala skang ni umi jauh...daku keseorangan ditemani oleh laptop ini..tapi laptop ni umi kasi as my bday kire ganti ok la..hehee)
Kata umi, perkataan pertama yang aku sebut.. mi!!(ngeh2...normal child dvlpmnt!!)
Bila bangun tidur, aku cari..umi..(hehehe..even dok jauh pon pagi2 if xder kelas or weekend mmg cari phone dulu call umi..hehehe...saye anak umi yg manja!)
Bila nangis, orang pertama yang datang..umi...(ye even jauh pon org 1st saye akan call kalau tension sebab exam=umi..tapi kalau malaysia malam saye call kamal la.hehe..tapi saye penah kacau umi kul 4pagi sebab tension..hehe..tapi umi ok jer...tapi kesian r..dah r keje frm 9pagi till 12malam..huhu....9pagi g bank..12malam sebab kene kire2 total business bla2...)
Bila nak bermanja... aku dekati umi...(umi bestttt!!!Umiiiii dikau la ratu hatiku!!)
Bila nak bergesel... aku duduk sebelah umi...(ngeh2...nak tdo sebelah umi!!nak peluk umi!!)
Bila sedih, yang boleh memujukku hanya umi..(tepat sekali..sebab kadang2 kwn2 xfaham ape kite nak...n kadang2 diorg pon ade their own probs...umi, even die ade her own probs die still boleh pujuk anak die...die boleh tenangkan n convince anak die again...)
Bila nakal, yang memarahi aku... umi...(hehehe..umi suke bulatkan mata die yg mmg bulat when die marah..hehehe..kalau mata die bulat tu confirm ngah kasi warning kalau x behave gak, balik nanti kene cubit..lalala)
Bila merajuk... yang memujukku cuma..umi...(sebab umi mmg faham anak die 100%!!!)
Bila melakukan kesalahan... yang paling cepat marah..umi..(hehehe..xder la kecik2 dulu umi grang..paksa kiteorg study everyday...duduk tunggu kiteorg study..padahl dalam revision/text books tu ade buku doraemon..hahaha..dulu kalau dapat top 10 boleh beli komik n kalau dapat top 3 boleh mintak pape je..heheh)
Bila takut... yang tenangkan aku.. umi..(hehehe..pegi lari dok tdo dalam bilik umi..kalau xde elektrik dok peluk umi..hahaha)...
Bila nak peluk... yang aku suka peluk..umi..(sebab umi besttt!!!)
Aku selalu teringatkan ..umi..(confirm la..each n every second of my life!!)
Bila sedih, aku mesti talipon...umi..(sebab org len xleh pujuk sangat..boleh tapi sometimes diorg xfaham ape yg kiter nak n kdg2 umi je yg boleh solvekan problem tu..especially if its regarding to money..hahaha..:P)
Bila seronok... orang pertama aku nak beritahu... umi...(ngeh2..especially if dapat 1st class..ngeh2.. cuz my job is to make her proud..and to make her happy..=)..)
Bila bengang.. aku suka luah pada ..umi..(n kamal juge..hahaha..:P yg ni usually kamal sebab umi xkenal sangat my friends here in cork but kamal kenal sume so lagi sennag cakap kat kamal..hehe)
Bila sakit, orang paling risau adalah ..umi..(aha...xkan stop la msg die kwn2 diorg caring gak but diorg banyak keje kan so kadang2 tu diorg xder la risau mane...=))
Bila nak exam, orang paling sibuk juga umi..(hehe..solat hajat utk anak2 dier..n doakan anak die n tunggu phone call frm anak2 die nangis sebab tension exam..hahhahahahha...tu saye jer normally..hahaha..owh usop pon penah...ijah pon...mad pon..hahaha..sumeeee pon manja..suraya sebab die baru form 2..hehehe..)
Bila buat hal, yang marah aku dulu..umi...(ngeh2..kamal pon juge)
Bila ada masalah, yang paling risau.. umi..(mak mane yg x risaukan anak die kan?..umi jugaklah yang akan tolong settlekan probs itu)
Yang masih peluk dan cium aku sampai hari ni.. umi....(owh rinduu umi peluk!!!!n rinduuuuuuu umi kisss jugak!!umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii daku merindui muu!!)
Yang selalu masak makanan kegemaranku. .umi...(saye suke ikan bakar n sambal belacan umi!!tomyam!!mee goreng!!paprik ayam!nasi ayam!kerutuk daging!!!!gulai ketam kari!ahhh sumelaaa!!!)
Yang selalu simpan dan kemaskan barang-barang aku, umi..(heheh..xleh2..saye kemas endiri..kecik2 dulu umi tak2..maid..heehehe..:P...)
Yang selalu berleter kat aku.. umi...(hahaha..nak suruh jadi org berguna)
Yang selalu puji aku.. umi..(nak tunggu org len berzaman la..hahaha..:P)
Yang selalu nasihat aku.. umi....(sebab umi nak tengok anak2 die berjaya!)
RINDU UMIE uwaaaaaaaaaaaAAA!!!!!
Saya rindu umi..umi saye je faham saye...kalau umi, if saye tension lepas exam die akan pujuk saya...dulu masa spm saye nangis2 sebab fizik susah n mmg xsuke fizik pon umi siap datang besut n bawa food sume n pujuk sendiri n ditemani oleh suraya sebab encik abah tak2..mase tu abah g umi datang sorang2 besut...about 1hr n half la...umi sangat baik..umi sangat sayang anak die..saye sangat sayang umi juge..saye sanggup buat ape saje utk umi saye....sebab saye tahu xkan ade org len boleh jadi umi len xleh bwat cam ape yg umi saye len die ade 'committment' die yang len ade 'kepentingan die sendiri' len sentiasa 'bz' utk org len...umi, even die bz ade customer kat kedai, layan customer die still cakap phone ngan saye..die still layan saye membebel dalam len saye cakap saye tension pon die mane kesah..die banyak keje bersosial utk dibuat..ok saye kene study...sila jangan terasa...sekian terima kasih.
p.s : terasa hati ini berubah kembali..hahahha..:P..
Hmm..luse lak opthalmo..haish...jumaat lak clinical practice(ni paling evil la..sume mende die sumbat dalam ni..n luckily theyve excluded xder la kene study ong)...huhu....pening2.... i need some entertainment!!!lepas exam lak terus kene g gp..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....xnak pleaseee!dh r xleh swap..kalau boleh swap kan senang..=(....
owh anyway did u knw that women has low frequency hearing loss with ageing while men has high frequency hearing loss with ageing??....and the result of this is that women n men wont hear each other at all with ageing.....ngeh2...that was the fact that rebecca told me and i think its nonsense..hehe.rebecca thought it was rubbish as well but she did read it sumwhere in newspaper..hehehe...
Monday, January 21, 2008
2 dff version
Seandainya telah Engkau catatkan
dia akan mejadi teman menapaki hidup
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan diantara kami
Agar kemesraan itu abadi
Dan ya Allah... ya Tuhanku yang Maha Pengasih
Seiringkanlah kami melayari hidup ini
Ke tepian yang sejahtera dan abadi
Tetapi ya Allah...
Seandainya telah Engkau takdirkan...
Dia bukan milikku
Bawalah ia jauh dari pandanganku
Luputkanlah ia dari ingatanku
Ambillah kebahagiaan ketika dia ada disisiku
Dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan
Ya Allah ya Tuhanku yang Maha Mengerti...
Berikanlah aku kekuatan
Melontar bayangannya jauh ke dada langit
Hilang bersama senja nan merah
Agarku bisa berbahagia walaupun tanpa
bersama dengannya
Dan ya Allah yang tercinta...
Gantikanlah yang telah hilang
Tumbuhkanlah kembali yang telah patah
Walaupun tidak sama dengan dirinya
Ya Allah ya Tuhanku...
Pasrahkanlah aku dengan takdirMu
Sesungguhnya apa yang telah Engkau takdirkan
Adalah yang terbaik buatku
Kerana Engkau Maha Mengetahui
Segala yang terbaik buat hambaMu ini
Ya Allah...
Cukuplah Engkau saja yang menjadi
Di dunia dan di akhirat
Dengarlah rintihan dari hambaMu yang daif ini
Jangan Engkau biarkan aku sendirian
Di dunia ini maupun di akhirat
Menjuruskan aku ke arah kemaksiatan dan
Maka kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yang
Supaya aku dan dia dapat membina
kesejahteraan hidup
Ke jalan yang Engkau redhai
Dan kurniakanlah padaku keturunan yang soleh
Amin... .
Ya Tuhan, kalau dia memang jodohku, dekatkanlah…
Tapi kalau bukan jodohku, Jodohkanlah….
Jika dia tidak berjodoh denganku, maka jadikanlah kami jodoh…
Kalau dia bukan jodohku, jangan sampai dia dapet jodoh yang lain, selain aku…
Kalau dia tidak bisa di jodohkan denganku, jangan sampai dia dapet jodoh yang lain, biarkan dia tidak berjodoh sama seperti diriku…
Dan saat dia telah tidak memiliki jodoh,jodohkanlah kami kembali…
Kalau dia jodoh orang lain, putuskanlah! Jodohkanlah dengan ku….
Jika dia tetap menjadi jodoh orang lain, biar orang itu ketemu jodoh dengan yang lain dan kemudian Jodohkan kembali dia dengan ku …
I bruise easily
Of where my heart has been
And I cant hide the marks
Its not a negative thing
So I let down my guard
Drop my defences down by my clothes
I'm learning to fall
With no safety net to cushion the blow
I bruise easily
So be gentle when you handle me
Theres a mark you leave
Like a love heart carved on a tree
I bruise easily
Can't scratch the surface
Without moving me underneath
I bruise easily
I bruise easily
I found your finger prints
On a glass of wine
Do you know you're leaving them
All over this heart of mine too
But if I never take this leap of faith
I'll never know
So im learning to fall
With no safety net to cushion the blow
I bruise easily
So be gentle when you handle me
Theres a mark you leave
Like a love heart carved on a tree
I bruise easily
Can't scratch the surface
Without moving me underneath
I bruise easily
I bruise easily
Anyone who can touch you
Can hurt you or heal you
Anyone who can reach you
Can love you or leave you
So be gentle...
So be gentle...
So be gentle...
I bruise easily
So be gentle when you handle me
Theres a mark you leave
Like a love heart carved on a tree
I bruise easily
Can't scratch the surface
Without moving me underneath
I bruise easily
I bruise easily
I bruise easily
curik from kamal
"Allah has commanded that everything one does, should be done with excellence (ihsan). When you sacrifice, sacrifice well. Sharpen your knife and make it easy for the animal to be slaughtered." – (Sahih Muslim)
"If any adversity comes to you, do not say:
'If I had only acted in such-and-such a way, it would have been such-and-such;'
but instead, say:
'Allah has decreed it, and what He willed, He has done,' for verily, ‘if’ opens the way for the work of Satan." – (Sahih Muslim)
Allah says in the Quran: -
O you who believe! Seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient. (Surah Baqarah – Verse 153)
Im emotionally, physically and mentally please handle me with care..hahaha...this picture was taken after umno's paintball event last yr and i was the only one who was bleeding on that time..dah r banyak lebam2 from bola tu n believe or not i still got the scar n bruises from those bullets...hehe tapi yg luke tu dah xde sngt dh r...hehehe..tapi teruk gile waktu kene dulu ok!but it was real fun r...owh alang2 cite sal umno ni, i want to take this opportunity nak promote next kelab umno cork's event : Bowling, Sunday, 9th February 2008...Fee : x discuss betol2 lagi..nanti lepas discuss baru datang la beramai2..sape2 yg interested x kesah la budak cork ke, galway ke, dublin ke uk ker boleh r kasi name kat any of the committes.

xder keje
1.Aina was telling everyone that she cooked everything..aju dah marah sebab die yang masak banyak..aina setakat potong bawang..hahaha..:P..muke aju tengah mencuka..(aju pakai baju stripe black n gold tu)..shahid, fida n nik mendengar dengan penuh kusyuk n mempercayainye dengan sebulat2..hahaha..ayat bm skema tapi kalau cikgu bm tengok confirm nangis..hahaha

2.Aina baru lepas kene sound ngan aju(ceritera sahaja..)...aina n aju berebut meja utk pegang waktu amik gambar..aina dah senyum sket sahaja..hahahaha
3.Memberi bunga kepada aju dengan tidak org gaduh r..xtengok muke..
4.pastu kene marah ngan fred..fred surh aina mintak maaf ngan aju...aina dah nak tergelak tapi aju xberape nak gelak lagi..
5.pastu aju pulak kene pujuk aina..hehehe...aju memujuk sambil membuat lawak sendiri..hehe..
6.the end..we r bestfriends forever..haha..a kiss for aju.hehehe..:P
hahaha..xder keje..lalalalla
Sunday, January 20, 2008
the art of fart!!

Rabbit tengah kentot..haha..sape2 yg ade acne silalah amik kentot rabbit n sapu kat tempat acne tu sebab rabbit suke makan carrot..carrot banyak vitamin A..vitamin A ade retinoid. Retinoid boleh jadi treatment for acne..haha..(chop ngarut saje..)

Ha...tengok..sape suke amkan sayur nanti suke kentot...hahaha..naseb baek saye x suke makan sayur..hahahaha..tapi saye banyak kentot?hmmm..tak2..saye rase saye x banyak kentot cume saye cakap kalau saye nak ade org len die suke kentot senyap2..hahaha..tetibe je terbau busuk tapi sampai mati pon xnak ngaku tu kentot die..isk2..hehe..hipokrit betol.naseb baek saye baek..saye kalau nak kentot saye bitau dulu..hahahahaha...kurang asam punyer perangai..kene reject ngan mak mertua camni ni..haha

Haaa...abis laa.patut r saye suke kentot..sebab saye suke soft x teruk sangat tahap kentot..tapi saye kalau minum coffee bukan setakat kentot..nak terber pon ade..hahahaha..:P..gile kotor cakap..put put...kentot..hahaha

Haa..tengokkkkkk sape2 suke tdo n relax2 lagi banyak kentot...tapi saye rase saye banyak kentot waktu exam..xstop2 kentot tu..hahahaha..:P...tapi xpe..kentot x busuk punyer..baekkk punyeeee...

Aha..sebab kalau dalam bas ke kete ke plane ke kalau kentot kesian kat org len kene bau busuk kalau time jalan2 xpe sebab angin bertiup kan so kalau kentot bau tu cepat2 pegi...hahahahaha...lalalalallala...
Hmm..they should do one more survey about fart..kentot diorg busuk waktu nak membuang atau ketika tidak..confirm busuk ketika nak buang..haha..ok!!for those who dont like ths entry sila lah jangan kutuk saye n silalah menekan alt + f4 skang jugak..hahaha..sekian..hahaha..
opsss lupee..sila jangan kentot ketika bace artikel ni..sebab blog saya tempat larangan utk kentut..hahahaha..:P
