Tuesday, January 29, 2008


owh sungguh mengantok sekali..hahaha..just finished watching Ali baba n 40 org penyamun..pramlee punyer cite..best..hehe..i love all pramlee's movies..sangat best!lawak die xde la bosan cam cite lawak zaman skang..boring jer cite skang..tapi zombie kampung pisang not bad la..ok la..hehehe..:p..ari tu tengok kat cardiff n wasnt really bad...tengok die punyer komen/critic dalam bharian cam xbest tapi ok jer..much better than cite len la..pastu banyak kali bace komen kat bharian tu skang dh xbace dah sebab die cam suke kutuk org xpasal2 n nak je menang ape die cakap..so dah blacklist dah..hahaha..:P...saye sukeee blacklist2 org ni..hahaha..:P..
anyway today i met ths old lady..she was my 1st patient today...she is 78 year old lady who came to the gp for the back pain...She couldnt sleep last night and the reason for that was not because of the pain but because of her anxiety disorder. She was afraid of been diagnosed with pneumonia by the gp.. She had no coughing or chest pain or any respiratory symptoms and that made me wonder why she was so afraid of been diagosed with pneumonia. The fact that her brother died of pneumonia recently gave me the answer for my curiousity. She was so paranoid of being admitted to the hospital and of been diagnosed with pneumonia. On examination, her chest was normal with normal air entry and no added sounds. She had kyphosis and her back pain might be due to her osteoporosis that has been going for years. After my gp told her that she had nothing to worry about she was so excited. She asked us few times to confirm that she didnt has pneumonia. After she was satisfied with my gp's answers, she hugged us and kissed me!!!hahahah..sangat la terkezut kene kiss ngan makcik tua..hehe bukan sekali...twice ok!hahah padahal i didnt do anything to her..hehe..die sangat la excited...bayangkan makcik tua umo 78 melompat n peluk2 dr n me?hehehhe..sangat comel n sangat la hehe xtau nak cakap ape..hehee..mmg unforgettable memory la..1st time i kene kiss ngan patient..awww...


Anonymous said...

kejap nak bayang sekejap..HMM..ok.dah terbayang dah.

thanks for listing my blog as one of your favs but honestly i prefer my FP(inastrani007)yang being listed rather than my silly rant yang entah apa2 itu...

cork memang tak pernah pi lagi pun.masa pegi dublin belfast smua tu pun almost 3tahun yang dulu . aju kata cork takde apa+aju kata dia tak pandai masak .. (dia masak lomak cili api sodap padahal)

tak pernah pegi kelantan sejak azali.cuma the last two summer break aje yang ada pegi.dua kali cuti dua kali pegi kelantan. hoho..KB memang cantik KB Mall pun kan shopping mall terhebat di Malaysia dapat award lagi tu. tapi bak kata aju cantik2 KB tak secantik somban la (aju lagi..huhu)

1-ups terpanjang pulak
2-aju sorry,melawak jaa...
3-enjoy your posting!

Anonymous said...

wahaha...best giler kena cium ngan macik tu?auwwwww..haaa,awal2 lg dh kena cium ni na?sah2 gay friendly..wahaha..ooppssss~!ye la,sgt gembira utk macik tu jugaks,sbb not diagnosed with pneumonia.btw,idham oiiittt.cork mmg la xbest,tapi kitorg best sbb tu cork yg korok jadi best.muahaha..gelak evil.

Witty Angel said...

huish tu x rase daging masak kicap aju..bapak best gileee..sume org gilekan diepunye daging tu..hehehhe..:P..