Thursday, January 31, 2008


hoho..tomorrow i will have to go to my patient's hse..Dr.Isobel has asked me to prepare the questions that ill ask the patient and his wife..but unfortunately i havent done it yet n im sleep already..i knw i wont open my eyes one hr b4 the practice is opened so mmg sah2 esok xkan sempat yeah ill just tell her that i left the questions in my room..lalala.suke kan menipu2 ni..haha..ala boleh je bwat during lunch hr..but hopefully i wont get her as my dr tomorrow..mati la kalau dapat die esok pagi..hahaha..dah la pagi tadi die pesan suruh pegi kat bilik die, switch on the computer n read the patient's file i xpegi..haha..takut la...yelah die xde..kang ilang anything mati...papepon checklist for tmrw:-
1. prepare the questions to ask the patient.He has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, chronic pain syndrome, morphine pump in his spine and just recovered from pulm.tb. So agak banyak la nak tanye kan..but she wants me to ask specifically how the family adapt with his illnesses-psychology+social+financial+etc
2. clarify with dr dave about glue ear
3. ask dr tom(AGAIN!!) about hypertension in pregnant woman
4. ask for 2 eggs with cheese for bfast(erk?hahaha)
5. ask Margaret for ESR..(I need to see how ESR is done!)

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