Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Yes!!Finally tinggal 3 org je pakcik n makcik yang saya belum call out of 13..fuih...penattt..hahaha..terpaksa call ari ni sebab exam tomorrow..lalala. and kene make sure call semua sebab nanti kang ade yang terasa hati..=)
Anyways, I would like to wish everyone
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Maafkan segala salah silap saya kalau mungkin ada yang terhiris hati atau terasa dengan apa yang saya tuliskan dalam blog ini. Halalkan makan minum dan semua percakapan saya..Semoga Allah memberkati kalian semua.
Last but not least, enjoy ur raya!!!!

Iklan raya petronas..

P/s : Sayangilah orang yang anda sayangi sebelum anda kehilangan mereka..

Fulamak..ayat...IB 7 Malay ni.hahaha

Lagu raya..hehehe

Satu hari lagi nak raya

Erk teruk x saya when saya cakap saya happy sebab puasa dh nak abis?huhu..teruk kan..org lain sedih sebab bulan yang ditunggu2 nak abis dah..huhu..bulan beribadat n sepanjang bulan ni rase betapa teruknya diri sendiri apabila solat terawikh only buat a few times..baca quran pon xdelah everyday..huhu...n solat istikarah yang janji nak buat everyday waktu bulan ramadhan buat 2 kali je?huhu...aiyaaa..Hmm actually xde la rase happy sebab nak raya sebab raya kat sini xde value langsung pon. I mean, bosan gile kot?luckily ths yr my brother nak dtg to my place and celebrate kejap with me..but whats the point?my family sume kat malaysia except for me n my brother so xde keseronokan die..and plus i dont really know how to cook all the raya meals like my mom did. and lagi plus, i have exam on Wednesday!!!at 1030am..and i need to be in Bons at 8am on that day!!and semayang raya kat UCC kul 8-10am jer..so camne nak pegi kan?n to be honest, saya xpenah lagi sembahyang raya sejak saya datang cork. 3 kali sebab peod.1 kali sebab pegi berkayak...and ths yr?tutorial and exam!haiyoyo...
Anyway special thanks to CEK MAD for the kad raya.hehe..Received it today and it is my 1st kad raya for ths yr..hehe..and thanks for the akok that u gave my mum today.hehe.. And thanks jugak kat MIOR for helping me to buy that books..Kamu sangat baekk..Nanti suruh "kawan" suraya belanja ye?hehe..nanti jemputlah datang rumah. Semua pon jemput lah datang rumah Hari Raya Ke-2..Owh raya kat msia yer bukan kat ire.Raya kat sini rumah i tertutup.Hahaha..=)

Monday, September 29, 2008

pre-exam syndrome : love

Lalala..ade org beli Harian Metro ari ni?lalala...

Anyways, jom cite sal 2 things about love yang saya x pernah percaya but it did happen..at least to some people..

1. Love at the first sight
-ok yang ni saya sangat2 against..cam how would u love someone if u dont even know him/her?cam mengarut sket but i think it may happen to some people..but for me, honestly i would never fall in love at the first sight..suke maybe ade la sebab mamat tu hensem ke, hot ker but nak fall in love?impossible!tapi kite xleh cakap kan..sebab kadang2 mende yang kite xnak tu la kan kite dapat kan?

2. Bestfriend rampas gf/bf kawan baek die
-yang ni pon saya tak penah terbayang. Sebabnye kalau u dah kawan dengan org tu u patutnye respect ur friend tu and anggap die sebagai saudara kamu. N when saya cakap respect, it means that u kene respect apa saja mende die kecuali kalau die melampau la...Ni x, harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi?macam sebab gf bestfriend die cun gile so die terpikat so dalam diam die mengorat n rampas gf tu dari kawan baek die sendiri..cam gile teruk kottttt...macam dlm cite greys anatomy la..mamat plastic surgeon yg perasan hensem walaupon mmg die hot pon rampas ex-wife derek from derek kan..tdo sama walaupon bestfriend?n yang pompuan ni pon same?nape sanggup buat camtu?i mean tinggalkan ex die n pergi kat bestfriend die. Kalau lelaki tu mmg teruk xpe la ni kadang2 lelaki tu baek gile cume sebab die terlampau baek, pompuan tu naik atas kepala...

lalalala..okies...mari study!!!

P/s : Today i dont have patients!!!!bongokkkk gileeee....so pegi endoscopy n tgk gastroscopy n colonoscopy..boring plsssss...n jalan2 satu bons tu mencarik interns or SHO, xde sorang pon yg kiteorg jumpe...mane diorg pergi eh?hahaha

Pre-exam syndrome : ayat-ayat cinta

Pre-exam syndrome : Love hurts

Love hurts so much that at times it leaves you in depth of sadness which is certainly larger than the high of happiness it gave you. A breakup is the thing about love, a reason that prompts many to avoid being in love. Many simply ignore the realization that they are in love because they dread the time when this feeling will wear itself off and the remains of love will be torn to shred by arguments and fights and usual drifting away.

Aaaaaaa saye nak ibu n ayah saya di sini sekarang juge!!adik2 saya juge!!!!haih..

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tamak n manusia

Hmm..kenapa manusia ni sangat tamak?haish..n kenapa manusia ni kalau waktu kita senang je die muncul?waktu kite susah xder pulak kan?
kalau dulu waktu susah, jangankan nak hulurkan tangan nak tolong, jumpa selisih bahu pun tak tegur..
tapi sekarang, bukan sahaja bawa semua sanak saudara datang rumah, tak malu pulak mintak tolong itu dan ini..
eeee geramm betol..
hahaha emotional..pre-exam syndrome..

i miss

i miss home...i miss umi, aboh, ijah, yaya, mad n usop...i miss everyone in Monaliza Mastura Enterprise Sdn Bhd. I miss my room and my toilet.. I miss watching tv with mek yaya and aboh. I miss our nintendo wii.. I miss having lunch with Mok C U at Cikgu's Restaurant. And i miss my adorable lil cousin, syamimi yang sombong..aaaa..homesick mode..
I just realized that my surgery's exam is on Wednesday.. So definately no raya for me right?hahaha..I will only celebrate my Eid on Friday after the Data Interpretation Exam at 3pm. lalalalala

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hospital Negligence

Case 1

It just happened a week ago in Cork Univrsity Hospital. Apparently, a surgical SHO who were supposedly to be oncalled that night didnt attend for his call resulting in a serious complication to a patient. That patient, XX, came to A&E with symptoms of shock-tachycardia, tachypnea and hypotension. The SHO went to A&E and attended the patient before admitted him to the ward. In the middle of night he got a call from a nurse who were worried about that patient's condition. And apparently that SHO got a "head cold" and he told the nurse to wait until tomorrow as he already saw that patient before. And that's decision probably the worst decision he ever made in his life-the end of his career( my groupmates told me so). Apparently, that patient had a massive bleeding due to a ruptured spleen. He had to go to theathre for spleenectomy and Prof K was so angry with him for not attending that patient when u were supposed to. He is still lucky as that patient is still alive but the fact that he is not an irish changed everything when he maybe fired due to this mistake.

Case 2.

This happened last year in Limerick hospital. An intern, an Irish intern, were inserting a urinary cathether when she saw a gush of blood flowing through the cathether. She thought that it will get better afterwards and she did not report it to anyone else including her SHO. A few days after that, that patient had a complications which I dont really know what was it. The consultant then knew about the ruptured urethra due to urinary catherization done by that intern and the fact that she didnt report it to anyone had ended her career as a doctor. 5years of medical school was a waste for her after she been fired from that hospital.

Case 3.

A fatal mistake done by a malaysian intern in Belfast about insulin injection. He gave a patient 100times of the amount of insulin that the patient supposedly had resulting in a death of that patient. He had been fired from that hospital. U can read about that case here. A friend of mine told me that he had been sent back to Malaysia and he has to do another year of practice before he can be qualified as a doctor.


Hahaha.go to Hannan's blog and have a look of it urself...saya sangat malu..hahaha.. blushing~blushing!
Thanks hannan but saya rasa sangat malu.hahaha..saya kan pemalu orangnya..muahhahaha...:P


aaa latte macchiato crunch

Sob sob..i went to lidl this afternoon just to find my ice cream but unfortunately it wasnt there!!waaaa..and so i looked up at the tesco's website and it wasnt there as well..i google "latte macchiato crunch" and i found nothing..sob sob..and because of im soo mengidam that ice cream i pegi kitchen selongkar plastic sampah n tengok kotak die..hahahaha...sekali AIDL...hahaha..selamat la kannn....i looked up at aidl's website and the closest store to my hse is at ballincolig which is sooooo la jauhh kan..arghhh stressss!!!!!!mencik2..terpaksa la pegi cari eskrem len..
aaa..im soooo cravinggggg of crunchy choc ice creammmm!!nak makan magnum cam a bit waswas sebab ade e471..tak perasan mule2 tapi shahid pointed it out last week..so xberani nak makan..aaaa..nak desserttt plsss...i sanggup ponteng kelas tauuu for the sake of that ice cream..best lak tu ari ni milah cakap..n yang bestnye sebab mamat ortho yang hot tu kasi tutorial..muahhahaha..:P...cisss terlepas..cis and cis and cisss..hahaha...n balik umah confirm la xstudy!!mommyyyyyyyy!!!imm sooooo in troublee!!
owhh yaaaa!!!tadii kat lidl ade mamat kulit hitam ni jahatt gileee...die ingat kiteorg nak mencurik kott so die asek pandang2 i..cam ikut i dari jauh..blah la weiii..so sebab i xsuke org buat camtu i pon beli sket je walaupon pada mulanya nak bli banyak2 sebab certain things in lidl lagi murah compared to tesco..cis and cis..dah la die ingat kiteorg ni bodoh xleh masukkan barang dalam plastic..cisssss..kalau ade comment box or org yang ade name tag "manager" dah lame dahhh i pegii jumpe komplen!!helloo!!dalam my purse ade 250euro tau!!tak campor 2 credit cards and 2 laser cards..i ade duit kot nak bayar xde kejenyer nak mencuri..cis and cis..and cissssssss

Friday, September 26, 2008

aaaa tido awal..xprepareee for today's presentation!!!!!

Raya last yr..hehehe..xpegi beraya sebab pegi berkayak..lalala


Hallo there!!!hehe...my bestie, Ecah yang busuk asked me to promote her business here..She started her business after she got back from malaysia and she really has a nice collection of tudung..so anyone, please feel free to drop by at her website.

Sila2...beli tudung...lalalala...

Saya nak balik msia????boley x?

unethical again

Ok kali ni partner of crime bukanlah si yopit tapi si gillian..ade patient with satellite melanoma on left leg berjalan di koridor waktu kiteorg tengah tunggu tutorial..pastu brian datang cakap ade patient with melanoma tengah buat exercise kat ward..me n gillian pon pegi pretending kiteorg nak pegi ward tu n usha kaki die lame2..huhu...a bit unethical sebab xjumpe die betol2 pon asked for consent bla bla..lalala..sekian terima kasih.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Never be the same again.

Come on. Ooh, yeah.
Never be the same again.

I call you up whenever things go wrong.
You're always there. You are my shoulder to cry on.
I can't believe it took me quite so long.
To take the forbidden step.
Is this something that I might regret?

(Come on, come on)
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
(You are the one)
A lonely heart that can't be tamed.
(Come on, come on)
I'm hoping that you feel the same.
This is something that I can't forget.

I thought that we would just be friends.
Things will never be the same again.
It's just the beginning it's not the end.
Things will never be the same again.
It's not a secret anymore.
Now we've opened up the door.
Starting tonight and from now on.
We'll never, never be the same again.
Never be the same again.

Now I know that we were close before.
I'm glad I realised I need you so much more.
And I don't care what everyone will say.
It's about you and me.
And we'll never be the same again.

I thought that we would just be friends (oh yeah).
Things will never be the same again. (Never be the same again)
It's just the beginning it's not the end. (We've only just begun)
Things will never be the same again.
It's not a secret anymore.
Now we've opened up the door. (Opened up the door)
Starting tonight and from now on.
We'll never, never be the same again.
Never be the same again.

Nite and day.
Black beach sand to red clay.
The US to UK, NYC to LA.
From sidewalks to highways.
See it'll never be the same again.
What I'm sayin'
My mind frame never changed 'til you came rearranged.

But sometimes it seems completely forbidden.
To discover those feelings that we kept so well hidden.
Where there's no competition.
And you render my condition.
Though improbable it's not impossible.
For a love that could be unstoppable.

But wait.
A fine line's between fate and destiny.
Do you believe in the things that were just meant to be?
When you tell me the stories of your quest for me.
Picturesque is the picture you paint effortlessly.

And as our energies mix and begin to multiply.
Everyday situations, they start to simplify.
So things will never be the same between you and I.
We intertwined our life forces and now we're unified.

I thought that we would just be friends.
Things will never be the same again.
It's just the beginning it's not the end.
Things will never be the same again.
It's not a secret anymore.
Now we've opened up the door.
Starting tonight and from now on.
We'll never, never be the same again.

(Come on, come on)
Things will never be the same again.
(You are the one)
Never be the same again.
It's not a secret anymore.
We'll never be the same again.
It's not a secret anymore.
We'll never be the same again.
Never be the same again.
Never be the same again.
Never be the same again.
Never be the same again.

muke tembamm sebab marah sangat

Saya yang chubby.hahaha

sangat marah n sgt xlarat

bengang2.panas2.xsukela surgery!mencik2.dr pagi lg tah pape.pg td went to bons gune jalan yg menakutkn cuz nk cepat.sebab takut maka jalan pun cepat2la.pastu sampai2 bons br me n elaine teringat yg kteorg patut pg meeting kul8.lalala.tp xpe cnsultant xdela marah sgt.tp yg xbestnye tgk patients list,sumenye pt yg kteorg dh amik history n examine.Then mr.g suruh kteorg tny interns 4 d pts.b4 that die tny mr.b n mr.b kasi pt with ascites kt kteorg.so kteorg pgla cari pt tu.masuk2 n aftr introduce ourselves,pt ckp'ive already seen u guys ystrdy.now i want to have a shower'.hoho.xsure sape yg die jumpe but most probably 3rd meds.ok lepas tu kteorg pun merayau buat muka xmalu tny each n evry dr yg kteorg jumpe 4 a pt n dpt 2 nama.intern xjumpe la pulakkn ari ni.sorang pt tu lak xde n sorang lg tgh ward round yg sy pun xfaham knapa dr jumpe die sampai 30mins.mayb cuz bons is a private hsptal so cnsultant kne ckp lame2.tp seriously lame gle tngu.kul 10am br bole jumpe.tu pun kteorg dh nk balik dh.pt with cushng syndrome.naseb baek best gak.kalo pt with uc n crohns yg xde clnical findings mmg sy ngamuk r.haha.ok tu kt bons.sampai cuh,1st tutorial ada.2nd tutorial rescheduled to tmrw n 3rd tutorial kul 530.1st tutorial abis kul 1240pm.so masa bnyk la kan nk tngu b4 nxt tutorial.nk balik umah malas cuz cnfrm if blk xkan dtg tutorial tu.so in btwn tutorial tu dok kt stdy room.Tdo kt stdy room kejap pastu pg tdo kt changing room jugak n tdo kt atas tangga jugak.punyela lame tngu kan pastu pg2 ground floor xde so pg 4th floor.jumpe grupmates n kne pg ground floor balik n tau2 mr.m was in d ot.AGAIN!kteorg sume mcm wtf?twice n we've been waiting 4 ages!bengang gle!gilian muke mmg nk ngamuk.alaa jugak.brian je optimis ckp 'well at least we knw it straight away'.hoho.geram2.tp ni xpela actly bole dimaafkn if compare to a&e tutorial smlm tngu sampai half an hr br dpt tau yg mamat tu kt dublin?!like,seriously,wth?huhu.ok sabar2.bulan puasa.huhu

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Next week raya!yeay..haha..yeay la sangat..macam best la kan raya kat sini...dengan exam kan..pastu sume hsemates pon exam tolak azalea...hehe..kesian2..kesian kat diri sendiri..owh well..,am planning to go to CUH kul 930pm nanti...ngan aju..n milah if makcik milah nak join..hehe..awww..insyaAllah..go AIna go!..
anyways raya...raya sudah menjadi tradisi kami sekeluarga a day before raya akan berbuka puasa kat umah nenek belah ayah sebab sume org pon berkumpul kat situ..walaupon bilik mencukupi utk semua tdo kat situ tapi kiteorg yg stay kat kelantan akan balik umah masing2...buka puasa last mmg sangat meriah...lauk mmg banyak la kan..pastu main bunga api n mercun banyak2..penah sampai polis datang tapi polis p.mas no problem..lalalala..datang sebab jran report sebab bising..hey cmon laa..raya sekali sekala.heheh..owh kadang2 akan ade a few org tahfiz datang buat tahlil same utk arwah tokwan...n usually kiteorg sume akan solat berjemaah ramai2..pastu akan ade la aktiviti2 yang "menarik"..hahaha...macam buat persembahan among cousins ke..OMG!i really miss those activities walaupon actually a bit boring..!!
pastu 1st day raya abah n adik2 laki je yg akan pegi solat kat masjid..hehe...yg pompuan dok rumah bersiap2..ehhe..masa tu la nak pakai segala mende yg xpakai hehe..gelang, cincin bla bla...pastu makan satay sebab usually order banyak satay..tapi makan sikit je sebab umah toknik akan makan lagi..lepas makann n abah balik kiteorg akan salam2 amik duit raya dulu pastu pergi umah toknik...sampai umah toknik sebab semayang kat masjid pasir mas lame so kiteorg akn tgk cite kartun or main video game dulu b4 makan same2..lepas tu berangkat ke kubur..lepas tu pegi ziarah umah moyang tapi skang moyang dh takde dh so xtau diorg balik straight away ke camne skang..hehe..pastu mende paling best la berlaku lepas balik again umah toknik..kiteor akan beratur ikut keluarga sume n dapat DUIT RAYA!!hehe..n yang best BUDAK BESAR dapat LAGI BANYAK..hehee...n saya cucu sulung..so usually banyak r dapat..best2..hehehe..:P..n lepas amik duit raya semua makin ramai la org datang..apstu budak2 datang tu yg best sebab kiteorg boleh berlagak jadi org tua n kasi duit raya kat diorg..kiteorg ade privilige..hehe..best!!!!aaaa nak balikk plssssssss!!!!!!

.::umah toknikkkk..::.

Lupe name 2

Situation 6:
In the breast tutorial with only 5 students..

Paddy : Is there a gurl name aina here?She's with me all afternoon.
(i was sitting in the middle of the group and straight to him and yes i was in the clinic with him all afteroon!!he did remember my name but he didnt recognize my face..ciskek betol.hahaha)
Aina : I am Aina.(dalam hati dh geram dh).

Im so pissed off today..bongok la surgery punyer rotation..so far patutnye ade 6 tutorials, kiteorg just ade 1..stupid gile..paddy suruh kiteorg rekod all the tutorials yg kiteorg xde so that IF we fail in the surgery exam next may, we can give them the excuse saying that nobody taught us!hahaha.lalalalala..best kan..and kiteorg patut rekod setiap saat yang kiteor dok tunggu for tutorials so that bleh claim ngan med school fee yang dh dibayar utk tutorial.ngeeee..

.::Me n aju..lalalalala...::.

.::Us..hehe..bermanja2 dengan milah...and milah said "aku pejam mata sebab aku geli sangat".hahaha

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lupe name

Situation 1: (masa zaman 3rd yr)
Nicola : Ermm. U know Aina?She said that rotation in SI is sucks. The interns and everyone in the team hardly notice u. They will just ignore u because u r 3rd med.
Aina : Nicola!!I am Aina. And im the only Aina in our class.
Nicola : owh im sorry!i didnt recognize ur face!

Situation 2 : (masa zaman 3rd yr)
Emma : Aina did u come yesterday?(while looking at Nang)
Nang : Im not Aina. I am Nang.
Emma : Oh sorry!!!

Situation 3:(final med)
Claire : Did u get my msg this morning?
Yopit : Msg?
Claire : Yes, u text me this morning saying that u r not feeling well.
Aina : Erk. I think u got the wrong person here. R u talking about Husna?
Claire : Yes(muke blur). Owh u r not husna!What is ur name.
Yopit : I am rafidah.
hahahahha..i gelak x hengat punye..keji2..hahaha...xlaratnye dh 2minggu dh minah ni dengan husna tapi boleh x cam.hahaha

Situation 4: (final med)
3rd med : Hi. Im with u this morning for the ward round.
Yopit : I didnt join any ward round today.
3rd med : it wasnt u?
(tertukar dengan husna lagi)..

kesimpulannya my classmates hardly remember our names. hehe..diorg cakap sebab kiteorg pakai scarf n body kiteorg pon lebih kurang je..lalalal
ok yopit sila jangan marah.hehehe..:Pkalau marah sila masak utk aku.sekian.haha.:P

Monday, September 22, 2008


.::Aiman, Yusma, Aju, Aina, Mila, Shahid
Izad, Nik, Syafiek, Nadia::.


.::Me, Nadia
Milah, Yusma::.

.::Final Med 08/09 insyaAllah::.

.::Us again::.

.::Nasi Kak ros::.

.::Saye tinggi!!boleh padam papan hitam,.hehe::.

PC fair lagi.hehehe

Ok..im addicted to blogging and facebook again..so mari kite pergi main dengan bolaaaa ituuu dan mengshut down computer....takpon esok kene start study kat CUH dah..hahaa..sape nak itot study kat CUH?kite pegi malam..siang hari xleh makan..hahahaha


OMG saye tak study pon hari ni!ok xnak tdo la malam ni.hahahhaha..yo yo jer..owh baru perasannn..tahun ni xdapat kad raya langsun pon!!waaaaaa....sedih gile.hahaha...umi pon xhantar..uwaaaaaaa.=((...jangankan biskut raya..kad raya pon xsampai..uwaaaaa....sob sob...
owh cite sal kad raya kan..hehe..saye penah dapat call from medschool masa 3rd yr cakap ade letter to me kat medschool..dah cuak dh time tu..2 kali medschool called..cuak la kan...pastu pegi medschool amik "letter" tu n bukak2..rupe2nye kad raya from someone yg dapat my address by google'ing UCC Medical School..hahaha..tgk my name n my uni kat salam perantauan berita harian..muahhaha....:P..lol...
Gambar di atas tiada kene mengena dengan yg hidup atau yang mati..hehe..gambar itu menunjukkan betapa kecohnya saya..hahahaa..pipi tembam macam nak pecah..lalalala...:P..tapi dagu maintain double..haha..shahid triple.hahahhaa..ampunnn!!hahaha..

ey ey sila lah hantar kad raya..hahaha..
Summerstown Road,
hehehe..x malu kan?hahahahahhaa..ok kite tgk ade ke x..hahahaha

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pc Fair 2008

saya yang perasan.sekian.

One afternoon, in the Breast Clinic....

Patient : R u an irish?
Me : No. I am not. I am a Malaysian.
Patient : Ur face looks like an Irish except for that scarf. What's ur name? (while looking at my name tag. -Aina Jeffery-)
Me : Aina.
Patient : oh ur name sounds like an irish too. R u sure u r not an irish?
Me : hehe..yes i am not.

One morning, in the Endoscopy suite....

Nurse : Look at u!you have a beautiful scarf!
Me : Thank you!
Nurse : Where did u get it?Did u do it urself?
Me :My auntie gave it to me. She did it by herself.
Nurse : Oh really?(while looking at the bunga2 on my scarf with impressive looks). Do u know how to do that?
Me : Erk..im not. But i know its easy.hehe..:P
Nurse : R u sure its easy?I dont think its easy.
Me : Hehe. I dont know. I am only guessing.
Nurse : Yeah. I think its quite difficult.(sambil pegang that bunga2 lagi)
Me : hehe.
Nurse : Nway i have to keep going. Good luck with ur studies!
Me : Thank u!


Wahh sedih rasenye tatkala meletak jawatan as committe Kelab Umno Cork. Hehe..sebab awal2 lagi dh involved ngan KUC and sebab tu antara usaha kiteorg gak..Dulu KUC sangat dibangkang penubuhan die di Cork tapi alhamdulillah sekarang a bit sudah diterima..thanks to all the corkians yang kasi support kat KUC..KUC mmg la under Kelab UMNO Luar Negara but its not for politics pon..die hanya utk kebajikan pelajar-pelajar di sini..Penubuhan Kelab Umno Cork start masa kiteorg 3rd yr..2nd yr nak naik 3rd year..ramai la berusaha nak merealisasikan dia..nak buka kelab umno cork ni kene ade at least 40 org..eh ke 60 org tah..xingat so kiteorg agak mencari la people nak cukupkan sampai cukup..Masa time tu utk penubuhan tersebut i was Bendahari 2..pastu saya suggest tukarkan bendahari 2 tu kepada PRO..sebab ahli tak ramai so committee xperlu ramai sangat pon..so masa AGM 1 tu i had been appointed as Public Relation Officer..hehe..masa tu sebab kiteorg kecik2 lagi so xtau sangat la nak manage sume kan..so banyak la terguna duit waktu paintball sebab kiteorg sponsor banyak gak...So in the end masa akhir2 KUC tu duit dalam bank ade 335euro jer..so last2 terpaksa memasak utk AGM 2..instead of tempah kami committee bergabung tenaga memasak utk 60orang..a bit penat tapi seronok!hehe...
KUC ni setiap kali AGM mmg agak sedih la..haha..sebabnyer masa 1st yr elok2 je kiteorg nak buat AGM on that day budak2 1st yr ade "event" ngan "seniors len",,tapi at least diorg still boleh datang cume lambat sket...masa AGM 2 paling sedih la..elok2 dh buat dh kasi msg sume kiteorg dapat tahu yg 1st yr ade "event" berbuka puasa dengan senior kat Limerick..kiteorg dh antar msg mintak tangguhkan event tu kat doctor tu but diorg insist kan so kiteorg xleh buat ape la..so AGM last yr ran without 1st yrs...so last yr berape ketol je la datang...dalam 40...makanan pon lebih banyak..rase sedih sebab kami masak sendiri tapi xpe..nak buat camne kan?and i was appointed to be treasurer on that time..
and this yr terpaksa melepaskan semua jawatan sebab dh final med kan n xleh nak bagi committment..Rase sedih sebab die cam dh sebati..haha..poyo gile..hehehe..anyways congrats to the new elected committees!!all the best for kuc..hidupkan kuc ye..hehehe...=)dan saya mintak ampun dan maaf kepada semua ahli umno cork kot2 ade tersilap kire duit ke camne ke..halalkan semua ya..Terima kasih.=)

Nik(ex president 2007/2008) is giving a speech

Solat Magrib berjemaah...=)

Group picture.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

tangguh keje...

hahaha...ok ini la akibatnye when keje ditangguh2kan..
so skang pening sket la kan nak kire..hahaha
esok ade iftar kuc..only members are invited!hehehe..
l6, engineering building 530 sharp!pls b punctual okeh?
anyways i need to do the account for kuc cuz i need to present it tomorrow n kasi kat new treasurer tomorrow but i dah lupe sume mende la kan sekarang n seriusly malas nak buat..
lupee la..resit banyak sangat nii..hahaha..
xpe esok masih ade..muahhaha..
oiiii bile nak study ni aina!hahaha..
n malas..
dah la balik kul 630ptg la kan ari ni...saturated dh otak ni dengan all the inputs for today..dah la ari ni liat gile nak bangun memandangkan sume hsemates pon xpegi kelas..hahaha..lol...

P/s : munie i nak tukar skin for my blog tapi still xleh buat gak yg comment tu..camne eh?erk xkesah la..sape2 yg boleh tolong?hehehe..:p..dh ilang dh segala skill dulu2..hahaha..

Friday, September 19, 2008


I MISS!!!!miera, anis, azwan, me and atie...=)

Thursday, September 18, 2008


hohoo...nak raya sudah..hehe...tahun ni kire 5 tahun la x raya kat malaysia..2004 tak sempat raya, 2005 juge..2006 juge and 2007 juge..n 2008 juge la kan..hehehe...
2004 : anatomy exam 2 hari after tu so mmg nangis gile la kan campor 1st time kan..hahaha/..
2005 : satu rumah bangun lambat rasenye.hahaha..:P..tp dekat2 exam gak rasenyer.
2006 : ade tutorial ngan paul mc.mamat ni siap sound nang la sebab nang x dtg pegi solat raya.
2007 : class trip..hahaha...pagi join collect donation for african(surgeon noonan) and petang bbq n malam lalallala..
2008 : ???london?cork?owh tapi 1st day confirm study la kan sebab 3rd oct ade exam..hahaha...so kesimpulannye raya=exam

ape yang best pada raya?hehehe...tah la..tapi masa kecik2 dulu best la sebab atok n nenek ade lagi kan so selalu balik kampung makan same2..kalau belah umi balik kg happening gile..hehehe..sebab arwah nenek pandai masak ayam n ikan percik n ayam mmg fresh gile sebab sembelih time2 tu gak..arwah atok ade buat bisnes ternak ayam so mmg ayam berlambak2 la..hehehe...pastu masak kat bawah gune api sume sebab ikan n ayam percik arwah nenek cakap best kalau masak direct from api..hehe..bestttt!!!ade budu gak tapi kecik2 xmakan budu sangat sebab takut bodoh..hahaha..:Ppastu 1jam b4 bukak puasa arwah atok panjat pokok kelapa n buatkan air kelapa utk kiteorg..kiteorg yg pecahkan kelapa sume tu..best!!!!hehhe...pastu 15mins b4 bukak puasa sume dah kumpul kat meja dh..anak2 sume dok makan kat bawah n org2 tua makan kat atas meja..hehehe..lepas makan sume solat magrib n terawikh same2..arwah atuk ade buat surau dulu n die tok imam so ramai la org kampung datang lepas bukak puasa utk terawikh same2..kadang2 bukak puasa ramai2 macam stu kampung..best sangat2..meriah..heheh...lepas terawikh lak kiteorg main bunga api..kalau 7 days before raya tu pasang pelita sume best!!!!hehehe..pastu makan colek..hehehe...=)suke sangat2...
Kalau belah aya, bukak puasa x happening sangat sampai la 2-3 hari sebelum raya when sume dh balik kelantan...kalau x berape kerat je family dok kelantan..tapi belah ayah banyak yg beli la..lauk n kuih je buat sendiri...pastu x buat keje la..sebelum bukak puasa dok tgk tv je keje sebab bibik2 ramai buatkan..hehehe..:P..so x meriah sangat la...
ok raya kite sambung len kali..

u disgust me..

hoho..serius...saye nggak boleh dengan org slow2 ni..cepat nak marah jadinye...hooho..sori la yer.... owh n kmu bukan setakat slow kamu perasan lagi..erk??macam kamu baca blog saya sahaja ye?hehe..

anyways, sape nak g jalan2 winter ni?jom2..sila ajak saya..plsss..nak ikut..bf ngan kawan2 die dh xde skang ni so xde org dh nak g jalan2 tapi sangat nak pegi jalan2..even paeds pon nak pegi gak..dok umah macam study je la kan?hahaha..:P...org len boleh la..saye xkan la..
owh n im planning of going to london for hari raya..ecah ajak...tapi nak pegi ke x?cam takut last raya kat sini ngan final med sume...lagipon dh bayar ppmc fee.hahahaha...dulupunye la kutuk kan?tapi saye ni kutuk je lebih hati baek..hahahahahha..lalallala...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


awww bosannn!!boring!hahaha...alallaa...hmm saya rasa kann...kan..saya lah antara manusia paling keji!!!saye boleh rase nak termuntah n mmg sampai ade slight regurgitation tengok gambar someone..huhu...aiyoo!!manyak teruk ini punye manusia!aiyooo!!!
eh sedar x sedar dah separuh ramadhan dh...istakarah xbuat2 kan..aiyooo wan nor aina..buat lah...nanti senang sket nak decide nak stay ke or nak balik msia walaupon skang ni 85% la kan nak balik msia for good..hehe..tapi sebab kete volkswagen idamanku, terpaksa xnak balikk..hahahha..lallala...
erkk kiteorg tadi bukak puasa cite sal everything la kan..and tetibe one of terkeluar...
"wei irish hensemmm"..
pastu ade orang tambah..
"aha ortho2...ortho hot gile beb"
pastu ade sorang tu muke senyum layan je..hahahaha..pastu ade sorang tanye,
"ko xtdo la kan mamat tu hensem?"
pastu org tadi jawab la,
"tido gak..berangan laaaaa"
kesimpulannye : saye takde keje..tapi seriusss..skang ramai mamat2 irish yg hensem..hahahah..:Pbefore ni xde la terpikat mane pon..adekah saya betol2 desperate?hahahaha..:P

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

lallaa..xde pape pon jadi 16th sept?paklah still jadi pm lagi?
eh ke saya ade termiss sumthing?
anyways here a story..
told by the SHO.
Ade sorang patient ni. Die homeless. Suddenly die sakit la kan...masuk hospital..drug chart kat katil die seperti sume2 patient la kan kt sini..
Pastu doctor pon buat ward round..
pastu doctor macam pelik sebab tetibe je ade morphine sedangkn die xde la sakit mane yg nak kene sampai prescribe morphine..
selidik punye selidik..
rupe2nye die tulis sendiri..
hehe..siap tiru signature dr lagi..
pandai la kan die tulis all the details..
naseb baek nurse belum kasi ubat lagi..

oh lupe bitau cite di atas xde kene mengene dengan 16th sept.hahaha..owh tmrw 17th..Happy birthday Nurul Farah Azih, Husna Mohd Zaki and Am Basheeri. Sekian. Walaupon saye tahu kamu sume tidak membaca blog ni tapi nak gak wish happy birthday!


I wonder what will happen tomorrow?-16th September 2008...

Monday, September 15, 2008

1st ponteng

hahaha..hari ni 1st word keluar dari mulut saya:-
hahaha...mane x nyer...bangun2 dah cerah kan so terus SHIT!!hahaha...i supposedly went to bons for the surgery attachment but semalam xleh tdo sampai kul 3..so ape kes kan nak bangun kul 6..kunci la 10 jam pon kalau x cukup tdo jangan harap la boleh bangun unless ade org datang simbah air..hahaha..:P...aaaa..dah la first dah kan..
BAD 1st impression!!!
confirm markah kurang pasni!!
hahaha...padan muke!!
tapi naseb baek gak sempat call elaine b4 die jumpe consultant cakap kat die sakit perut yg amat.hahhaa..
eh mmg xtipu pon..
mmg sakit perut pon...
n ari ni ade 3 tutorial..
kalau pergi confirm kantoi ponteng lambat bgn..
so kesimpulannye lepas tersedar n cakap shit n pegi toilet..
sambung tdo sampai kul 12.
Sekian terima kasih...=)


It hurts ya knw.It really hurts when someone asked u about ur ex bf..not directly but indirectly..saya tahu mereka2 itu tidak sengaja..mereka rasa saya ok tapi actually to be honest, im not. I may smile, laugh and talk a lot but deep inside, im hurt..=(...Saya mmg manusia hipokrit and saya mmg a good pretender so saya boleh senyum dan gelak dengan cepat tapi secara logiknya di dalam itu saya menangis..hoho...
tapi takpe..
sebab at least saya sedar..
yang mende ni xkan bawak saya ke mana pon..
kalau saya asek layan perasaan saya yg tah pape ni, sampai bile saya akan berada di tahap ni..
so from this moment on,
i promise!
i promise that ill change and
i promise that today is going to be the last day i shed tears because of someone else..=)

weekenddddd..pls dont go awayy..i need u...

Waaaa weekend yg sangat x productive...omg!!guilty2...aiyokk...pasni nak keluar lak p iftar ngan juniors...dahla badan bau nasi ayam ni...aiyo yooo..inderapurenggekk..hahahah...aaaa xnakkkk start kelas..xnak!xnak!katakan xnak pada kelas!!dah la bons!kalau x puasa best la bons boleh minum coffee n makan2 free tapi skang puasaaaa..waaaa nanak2...n esok start 730!!!aiyooooooo!!!!!nanakkk..umiiii nanakkkkkkk!!!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Iftar at raudhah

Alhamdulillah, ari ni ade org jemput iftar so boleh makan shedap2 umah rhaudah masak..owh bukan umah itu yang masak..hehe..aimi, husna, yopit, fatim, iza n nang masakkan..=)thanks korang!!!ade onde-onde lagi..ngeee....and izyan buat lasagna and umah kiteorg as usual, choc cake..ehehe..itulah modal rumah kami..hehehe..budak2 umah haizum bawak eskrem n coke..=)..

Aha!!n today my brother buat suprise la kan tetibe datang cork..semalam i tdo after subuh cuz dok layan cite jepun tu and so bangun lambat la kan.pastu suddenly kul 10, usop called..mule2 mamai lagi la kan..pastu die cakap die dok cork..nak marah pon ade la sebab semalam baru je lepas on the phone dengan die tanye sal private medical insurance...ngada2..die bawak juniors 10 org lawat cork saje2 n die cakap segan nak bukak puasa kat umah sebab die pon ramai..die cakap kalau kasi kek ok la..hehe..so tadi buat 2 bijik kek..ngeeee....n usop datang la gak kejap tadi amik buku yg die nak n he promised me that he will come again in a week time or 2 weeks time..xdatang siap la..hehe..n ari ni internet stupid gile..nak call umi pon xleh..menyampah la internet!!!!aiyoyo....

Kek Iza, onde-onde(heheh family kiteorg panggil die onde2), lasagna, ayam masak merah n nasi goreng...

Gambar raya..hahahaha..kiteorg ade amik video same tapi xleh taruk sini..hehehe..tapi lawak gile r..hehehe..:P

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I am soooo in love with this japanese series..yaaa i know i should be studying for the data interpretation test but i just cant resist it..Its really interesting..blame milah for put the series in my external hard disc..hehehe..but really, its good. Its about the doctors, surgeons to be precise..sangat interesting cuz die macam explain jugak la ape mende tu and so far macam betol je lagi..cam pneumothorax, die siap tunjuk lagi diagram how the pneumothorax happened and pringle manouvere etcetera etcetera...blabla..hehe...soo in loveeee with it..and next week buat surgery pon..=)

teka kat mane ni?hehehehe

P/s :lalalala

hehe..bday present ari tu...lalala..

Ini adalah from kawan-kawan n staff monaliza mastura.hehe...Teddy bear tu from Rosmaini yang berada di KLCC, frame tu from bob adik monaliza mastura ent, nina richi perfume from afnan, gucci envy i lykee from mus, jam titus yang saya pakai everyday skang from che mad and purse from mior..hehehe...Thanks ye walaupon dh lambat sebulan..hehe..xbanyak sangat ths yr..tapi ade 2 things yg saya suke..both are from poh kong...satu from ijajah n madmad n yayaya...and satu lagi from umi & abah..hehe..owh alamak baju suraya kasi as present pon xamik gambar gak..hehehe..yayaaaaa I MISS U!!!!!!!!owhhh towel from abe p yang siap ade name saya lagi pon xamik gambar gak..hehehe..eh ape lagi ye?owh org len makcikpakcik kasi duit..hehehe..:P...tp dh besar kan patutnye xde pon celebrate2..hehe..mmg dh cakap kat parents xyah tapi diorg buat gak suprise..xtahan siap tutup mata lagi tu..hehee..ingatkan celebrate kat raja ikan bakar rupenye rumah sendiri..hehe..:P..Patutnye ade gambar flowers ari tu tapi dalam kamera ijajah..hehehe...yg malam tu punye celebration pon ade dlm kamera ijajahh...bukannye die nak email..geram betol..!!!.
and both bday presents yg saya sangat suke ituuuu adalah :-


And from ijajahhhhhh,madtoooooow and yayaaaacukkkkk

Ngeee...A poh Kong ring from ijah, mad n suraya..hehe..sayangg kamuuu semua..muahhhh!!!!!diorg nak belikan bonia handbag for me but sangat x cantekkk laaaa designn dieee....huhu..maybe xbanyak sangat kot kat kb..huhu...reject2..haha..baek cincinnn kan..cantekk...hehehe..=)

And from umiiiii n abahhh tersayang....
sangatt cantekk!!!
mule2 xdela excited sangat sebab cam pendek sket tapi when pakaii sangatt chantekk!!umi n abah pandaii pilih..hehe..i love u!!!muahhhhhhhhsss!!lot of hugs and kisses for u..muahhhhhhhhh..hehehe...actually dh cakap dh kat abah xyah kasi sebab kire kasi tiket balik msia ari tu but diorg beli semunyi2..hehehe..marah betol...kalau simpan duit buat beli kete volkswagen idamanku itu next yr kan lagi best.hahaha..:P(erk nak balik keje malaysia ke x ni???)

Love for umi n abahhh!!!muachssssss!!!

close up sket.ehehehe...

again, unethical.

Ok..saya buat something unethical lagi today...hahaha..tapi ni menunjukkan semangat yg tinggi utk belajar..,this is what we called ENTHUSIASM..hahahaha...lalalala..ok ari ini intern itu yg berjaya membuatkan saya smiling all the way back home telah memberikan saya patient sarcoidosis presented with symptoms of hypercalcaemia..intern itu telah menunjukkan saya chest xray patient itu yang mane boleh nampak bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and diffuse fibrosis on both of his lungs..n die cakap go and do the examinaton on him. He has splenomegaly..and disebabkan tutorial saya yg start from 12pm tu habis kul 4pm lebih maka berlari la saya utk mencari patient itu di ward 5a sebab die cakappatient tu kat situ...berlari sebab takut xsempat zohor..and bare in mind saya TAK SAHUR tadi..waaaa....anyways lepas pegi ward tu n tanye nurse sume rupenye die dh tukar ke ward 1b..so lagi senang..i was looking for the intern saya itu masa kat 1b tapi die xde..dr shira lak tengah dgr fatemah presented the case..patient tu bukannye under team gastro pon..team ape2 tah tapi xkesah la..tapi masa tu patient tu tengah ade visitors...and segan la kan nak kacau..so saya tunggu la dr.shira abis or any intern lalu so that boleh mintak tolong diorg bawak kiteorg pegi kat patient tu.patient tu mesti segan kalau doctor datang..huhu...cam pagi tadi pon mintak dr shira bawakkan kat patient yg aortic stenosis yg susah gile nak cakap dgn die..anyway kak dora lalu..alhamdulillah..hehe..masa tu yopit dh join dh..hehehe..n lantas dengan muke x malu mintak tolong kak dora bawak kat patient tu..n kak dora pon tolong bawakkan kiteorg n terus examine..introduce and terus examine..xdenye amik history..KEJI x?hahaha..pastu mmg die ade splenomegaly..tapi xde la yg besar gile..and die ade end-inspiratory fine crackles kat uppr lobe of both lungs..saye rase kat basal die ade crackles gak tapi kat upper lobe lagi obvious la..anyways lepas je examine kak dora cakap ok thank u n kiteorg pon cakap thank u n keluar...sekali kak dora lekat amik history patient tu..hehehehe..:P...so kak dora baek la n kiteorg yg unethical sket..hahaha..:P...kak dora cakap maybe die ok lagi nak kasi history sebab xde medical students kacau lagi..maybe la sebab die baru datang..hehehehe..:p..kalau dh banyak kali med students dtg tentu die xkasi cooperation dh..lalalala

Friday, September 12, 2008


Destiny is not a matter of chance,
It is a matter of choice;
It is not a thing to be waited for,
It is a thing to be achieved-xingat sape writer die.hehe

Bosan kan asek cite sal medic je..hehehe.anyway patient c semalam tu kannn..kt notes die yg ditulis oleh nurse just b4 he came to the doctor's room:-

"He declined to be weighed on our scales. He said that he only wanted to be weighed on his own scale"

And we were laughing out loud...=)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

kene tag

Kene tag dengan afzan.hehehe

1) First time naik kapal terbang

- Masa umo 3bulan dh naik kapal terbang dh..ngeeee....tapi masa tu mak dukung la kan..haaha

2) First time beranak
-virgin lagi.hahahah

3) First time pergi oversea
- Thai kire oversea ke?hehehe..Spore penah pegi masa kecik2 dulu tapi xpenah hengat sebab masa tu umo berape tahun je..so yang valid die masa 2004 pegi jepon..hehehe..

4) First time duduk jauh dr famili
- 2000. Masuk MRSM YT BESUT..tapi xde la jauh sangat..at least mak datang every weekend..xpon balik kb..llallala

5) First time keje
- Lalala..xpenah keje...lalala..pemalas kan.eh jaga kedai sendiri kire keje la kan walaupon kejap ade kejap xde kan pegi shopping atas?hehehe

6) First time rasa diri gemuk
- form 5..mmg chubby pon..lalala

7) First time bercinta
- lallaa..cinta pada Allah swt sejak lahir lagi..ececeh...ngan manusia cinta internet masa umor form brape tah tapi tu bukan cinta..tu gatal...masa form 5 cinta monyet tapi tahan 1 tahun gak la kan...cinta yg betol2 bercinta masa kapel dengan mr.k..=(...tapi cinta x semstinya berakhir ngan perkahwinan kan?huhu

8) First time rasa diri cantek
- sejak kecik lagi sebab kecik2 dulu jadi rebutan makcik2 n pakcik2..hehehe//so masa tu dh perasan cantik dh.hahahaha..

9) First time masuk cinema
- masa tengok cite james bond tomorrow never dies..darjah 4 ke 5 ke 6 ke..xingat..hehee..ngan parents, uncle, auntie, adik2 and cousins..hehehe

10) First time admitted in hospital
- HAAAAA!!yang niii paling bongok sekalii..betol2 masa raya korban tahu 1999.dah la kene fasting lak ari tu..org beraya kite berpuasa sebab die nak buat surgery..dieorg ingat appendicitis...ayoyooo..inderapurenggekkk...xde org sangat pon dtg tgk sebab sume pon bz beraya..cissss..umi je peneman setia..sob sob.....tapi naseb baek surgery x jadi..so saye tidak cacat ya..saya masih mempunyai appendic..heheheh

The patients

Patient A : Today's ward round with Dr. S and Dr.D.
Patient : Dr!!!Why u didnt come and see me yesterday?Im waiting for you up to 1'oclock in the afternoon!I was really sick yesterday and i had a really bad day.
Dr.S : I am sorry Mr.P.But i had a busy day yesterday. I did come to ur ward to see you but there was emergency suddenly in another ward. I am really sorry.
Patient : So the other patient is more important than me?(sambil buat muka)
Dr. S: No, I do not mean that. I am sorry but that patient needs me more.
Patient : But u can always come after u see that patient.
Dr. S : Yeah but i have lots of things to do.
Patient : Ok.Its ok then. But I have been vomitting since the test was done bla bla bal..

Ok manja x patient ni?gedik x?haha..pastu when keluar je dari ward tu dr. S told me that bukannye ade emergency pon and saya mmg tau xde emergency sebab saya mmg buat ward round ngan die gak semalam n xde pape pon jadi..hehe..die cakap die malas nak pegi sebab patient tu gedik.

Patient B : Yesterday's ward round
Patient : I want to be transfered to the dolphin ward(paediatrics ward)
Dr.S : Im sorry but im afraid that it cant be done.
Patient : Prof Q did that to me last january.
Dr. S : Really?How old are you now?
Patient : 18.
Dr. S : Im sorry. I will try my best but i dont think it can be done.I will ask my registrar and will inform u later.
Patient : Thank you. I cant sleep in this ward. There's an old man screamin every nite and im scared.
Dr.S : Ok. Ill try to sort this thing out for u. I will come back to u later.
Keluar dari ward itu, Dr. S cakap, patient ni memang.Die yang jadi dr. B4 this die yang request kat dr tu die nak ubat ape and in tablets ke in IV infusion ke..Sesuke hati die jer..and b4 ni pon reg tu penah cakap patient ni mmg pelik sket..anorexic pastu setiap kali buat procedures mesti sakit yg melampau sampai prof q pon just kasi die baek dengan ignore je die punye pain yang kadang2 macam dibuat2..

Patient C: (in irritable bowel syndrome clinic today)
(b4 patient masuk, dr tu dah kasi warning dah cakap this patient obnoxious.)
Dr. C : Hi!my name is OC and i work for prof .q
Patient : Hi. Where is Prof Q?
Dr. C : He is away this week.
Patient : Then whats the reason i came to the clinic today?
Dr. C: Its regarding your symptoms and your blood test.
Patient : Are you a doctor?
Dr. C : Yes, i am.(muke dh bengang sket dah)
Patient : Whats about my blood test (sambil keluarkan pen and kertas)
Dr. C : Ya,ur liver test seems a bit abnormal and we are quite worried about that.
Patient : Im not worried about my liver test. I think there are ok. What is your name?
Dr. C: OC (and the patient wrote down her name on his piece of paper)
Patient : Can you explain more about the liver test?
Dr. C : Do u want me to tell u everything?
Patient : Yeah u should.
Dr. C : Cakap sal alc phos bla bla bla..

ok malas nak taip..nanti laaa kalau rajin taip lagi.hahahahhaha

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I did something bad today..Something unethical for me as a medical student and a future doctor..Its kinda great at the first place because it showed my enthusiasm in learning but come to think about it again, it was bad.Really bad.
There's a patient with acromegaly admitted to C*H yesterday. She has great multiple findings for a person with acromegaly but she is a bit grumpy. She doesnt want anyone near her, not even a doctor. She's not admitted under my team because im attached to gastro's team and she's obviously admitted under endocrinology. But the news spread out. And maybe because a lot of students(undergraduate and postgraduate) went upstairs to see her, she turned upset. She asked the nurse to close her curtain and not even a phlebotomist can come near her. Doctors were been rejected from her as well. She refused to see anybody(and i dont see the reason why she came to the hospital..ngee)..Anyways, we went upstairs to her ward to see her during our lunch break but we saw her curtain closed. So we didnt dare to go and ask her for the history. And we went to see other few patients..After a radiology tutorial, we went upstairs again to see a renal transplant patient with anuria and we took a lift. I was together with Shahid and Yopit on that time. When we want to get out from the lift, yopit suddenly told us,
"weh tu patient yg acromegaly".
I turned back my head and yes, it was the acromegaly patient.
And shahid was like,
"jom, kejar"
and all three of us berlari turun tangga from 5th floor to 1st floor nak catch up dengan patient so bleh tengok die dengan lebih detail sume.memang berlari n penat.hahaha..pastu sampai2 je kat bawah yopit cakap patient tu kat depan. And i think that she's at the back. Yopit pon berlari la kat coridor tu and i just followed her. Shahid terkebelakang..control macho kot xnak berlari.hahahaha..pastu sampai ke pintu luar kitorg carik sebab dh hilang die dh..Yopit siap cam lagi die ikat red jacket kat die punye waist. KIteorg cam cari la kat luar tu sebab impossible la kan kalau die dh balik..and when we were like giving up suddenly i saw her.She was smoking just outside the door. Kiteorg xnampak sebab tersembunyi sket. Pastu terus excited tapi xde la tunjuk2..Memang muke die lain la.memang ade features of acromegaly la..Pastu terjumpe syafiqul and brian. I asked brian cuz brian was oncalled last nite and he did see the patient and he said yes that was the patient with acromegaly..and syafiq tu cam tanye
"what happened to u guys?"
cuz a few minutes before we were saying to syafik we wanted to take a history in 5a and he wanted to head off..plus the fact that kiteorg cam agak excited and penat sket kan..pastu kiteorg cakap la we are chasing a patient with acromegaly and he said,
"u guys are bad!"..
huhu...so terasa la kannnn unethical..and hopefully that patient wouldnt lodge a report to C*H admin or U*C saying that there were 3 crazy medical students chasing after her.huhu..
kesimpulannya, enthusiastism tu penting but then u need to consider other's feelings as well. Try to put urself in her shoes..mesti akan terasa kan kalau org siap berlari lagi just nak tengok how weird ur face and body are.Bak kata intern yang agak keji itu,
"may be he thinks that he's in the freak show".

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Buka puasa kat 81, summerstown road.

Ayam Bakar, Telur Bungkus, Tom Yam, Sambal Belacan

.::Hehe...tangan sapik and eskrem interpremmmm::.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wedding Nad n Sapik



.::gelak x hengat sume orang..kantoi ade triple chin..hehehe::.

Sambal belacan+tomyam+ayam bakar+kari+roti jala+puding+telur bungkus+eskrem

Ok terasa gemuk!!!..hehe..saye masih belum ketiduran sejak pagi tadi..hahaha...tengah tunggu subuh cuz kalau x subuh skang confirmmmm xkan bangun..muahaha...we made a last minute decision today for iftar with nad and sapik..mula2 kak amy je stay another night at our hse pastu alang2 masak utk kak amy kiteorg ajak la nad n sapik, the newlyweds couple..pastu alang2 nad n sapik lantas mengajak bahij, kak faies and alia..eeheh..alia sangat cummelll!!!!!seriously!!!n sangat rasa tua sebab last yr tengok die macam baby lagi n skang dh bole berjalan dah...hehehe...tua sudah saya ini..lalala...anyways, kiteorg buat decision tu pukul 3+pm pastu pegi beli barang kat tesco sume n start masak right after asar..and lalallalaa sebab sume pon puasa masak pon terlebih la kan rase..tomyam terlebih masam, sambal belacan pon trlebih masam..lalallala...ok ngantokk plsssss...=(..lalalala...

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Sometimes we can be mistaken..judging people saying that he's a good person and can be trusted bla bla bla while he's not..Well, I have a story to share.
We have a dealer, our regular customer in our shop..He's always be the good guy..Paid everything with cash and on time..He used to come to our shop once a week took few computers and laptops and paid them instantly..But one day, he called to our shop. He said that he wanted 11 laptops instantly and he would pay it once he came back from Terengganu. He said that he had the customer in Terengganu and he wanted it asap.So then after a discussion with manager, my daddy, my mummy and myself we gave him the laptops without any deposits. Being unsecured lady i told my daddy to take his IC so that if anything happened, we can report it to the police. My daddy aggreed with me but my mummy said that he can be trusted so we just took his mother's phone number and a photocopy of his IC...and after that he never turned up to us..On the first week, we tried to call him and he never pick up our phone. And me being a responsible daughter called his mother's number asking where was him on that time and suspiciously his mother told us that he was in KL. And times flew by..He took our laptops on 11th August and up till now tonne of reasons he gave us and he havent paid for the laptops..It cost us RM20,000+..And akhirnya terbongkar la jugak..He did the same thing to other computer shop. Die macam akan jadi org yang bagus datang amik barang n bayar by cash sampai kite pecaye n then missing in action..But hey, u mess with a wrong person. We now know his mother's hse and yesterday my manager went to his mother's hse directly and tanye mane die sume bla bla bla. Kiteorg xde la cakap kat mak die, die tipu kiteorg but at least he know KB is a small town...Even die xcakap kat mane umah die or mak die pon kite boleh tahu kot...And lepas tu die sent my daddy a text mintak maaf and mintak masa lagi nak bayar..Now, kita tau la kan die tipu?cakap nak bayar on the same day after balik frm terengganu and tak bayar2..Ni la kan manusia...Susah sangat nak percaya kan?Once dah percaye dieorg suke hati je musnahkan kepercayaan itu..KEJI!and diorg sedar x, kalau diorg x bayar kan duit yang diorg makan minum semua tu duit haram yang akan jadi darah daging diorg sampai bile2..hopefully diorg tahu la kan?

Anyways, ysterday iftar was great walaupon a bit kalut but best jugak la kan gather ramai2 even some of us were missing...sume yg dok jauh2 datang..yang posting kat cork yang xdatang..aiyayaya...anyways thanks for those who came to final med's iftar yesterday..Sorry for everything n halalkan sume ye kalau salah silap sume..=)

Friday, September 5, 2008

a reason

Hmm...i need a reason to live...and i need a reason for everything i do...have u ever ponder what ur life would be if u choose another road for your journey of life?and have u ever feel regreted for what u have done in ur life?
Well, for me i had that feelings before..kinda regreted of what i have done especially things that i did over the summer holidays but yeah, i cant turn back on the time..so there's no time for me to dwell on the 'mistakes' that i did. I just need to carry on with all the messes that i'd done and continue to live with that..
Yeah, life has been so complicated from that moment on but at the same time im quite contented with everything..Im happy in my own way...=)
But well, sometimes, to be honest, i do feel like something is missing but i think i can go through it..There's something else want my full committment and focus so i should make my final decision and just forget about everything.. =)..

.::ijah's bday with tamimiiiii yang tomeiii tomeiii..hehehe...winduuu shamimi..nanti next yr balik die dh besar dahhhh.....=(::.
I went to clerk a patient with bryan yesterday..the patient is a 22 y.o gentleman presented with atypical chest pain. Differential diagnosis would be pericarditis and stress-induced cardiac pain..anyway bukan itu yang mahu saya katakan..hehe...patient tu a healthy, fit patient so sangat cooperative la kan..and i was the one who took the history while bryan was the one whose doing the examination..and after we finished with all the histories and examination, suddenly the patient told us,
"u guys have the same birthday!"
and then we were like,
and both of us were looking at each other's id curiously and yes,
we have the same birthday except the fact that bryan is younger than me...(well, diorg xyah buat IB/A level/any preparation macam kiteorg kene buat thats y diorg lagi muda kan)...=)

P/s : sebenarnye tengah tgk movie tapi movie tu scary/horror sket so xberani tengok terus menerus..hehe...just psang sound je..lalalala....


We r organizing an Iftar tomorrow for our batch so sume2 batch final med dijemput hadir..yang penah satu batch ngan kiteorg pon dijemput hadir jugak...

P/s2 : copy shahid punye iklan tu.hahaha..

Okies..sume dijemput hadir..anyways life has been great for the past few days..enjoying my life as a final yr student..eventho busy n penat but im enjoying every second of it..bryan cakap kalau nak survive final yr kene enjoy same and kalau holiday mmg betol2 kene take a break...best jadi final yr sebab kalau jumpe reg, sho, consultant ke sape2 ke xde la di ignore terus..at least diorg akan try la ajar jugak sket2...even tho keje kiteorg amik history je but i think its ok sebab tu pon yang kiteorg akan kene buat dalam exam nanti..and mmg kene amik banyak2 sebab kene polish english n skills sume..=)...
Oh ya..nanti raya kiteorg x raya..hahaha..sedih2...Umah kiteorg tolak 2 juniors sume ade exam..me n milah ade exam for medicine and aju for obs..so kesimpulannya x beraya sangat la kan..aiyayaya...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Hehe..ari ni a bit productive so xde la rase penat sangat..abis kelas sume kul 5..even lunch time pon kiteorg made an effort pergi cari patients sume nak buat examination...=)...n eventho sangat mengantok waktu tutorial(esp tutorial neuro whereby 2 org minah je yg dok jawab all the questions) tapi still terasa rajin..owh n bersemangat jugak sebab mamat reg cardio tadi comel..muke babyface..hahahaha...cisss..kurus puasa..hehhee...tapi seriously skang ramai irish doctors yang good looking la..hehe..lalalala...my taste la..hehehe..muke jambu2 sket.hahaha..sekian terima kasih..SELAMAT BERPUASA SEMUA!!!

.::eina, hazimah(yes, she is the cutest staff in mmesb at the moment) and me...::.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


hoho...penatttt...padahal dh sahur sume..first day puasa yg sungguh mmenatkan..and i tipu my supervisor cakap ade tutorial kul 3 when xder pon cuz nak balik tdo..so kesimpulannya, awal2 lagi dh kurus pahala puasa kan..hahahaha..:P..lalalala...
n seriously, saya xdapat bayangkan tmrw camne...tmrw ade 4 tutorials and mungkin sangat memenatkan n mengantokkan..sekian terima kasih..pengsan kejap...

Monday, September 1, 2008

i wanna quit medschool

The reason why i want to quit med school is....
It was really fun when im with this guys...to mention a few=abe p the very sarcastic manager, apih the hot stuff, ina the hardworking, kak nadiah the hot tempered lady, abe amin the bodyguard and aida the kakak tua...owh last but not least, hazimah the comel and kiuttesstttttt staff in mmesb..hehehe..die baru join so not in the pictures..pictures were taken masa umi balik from mekah..nanti upload pictures lain ek..hehehe...i miss bullying u guys!!hahahhaa

.::Monaliza Mastura Enterprise Sdn Bhd::.

.::erk nak tulis name sorang2 ramai la pulak kan::.

.::tengah mengumpat.hahaha::.

.::staff lelaki..heheh::.

.::Sila2...sila makan..hehe::.

.::buah machang..xtau org luar panggil buah tu buah ape la..tapi bau die mmg terbaekkkk..hahha::.

.::iman, mas, apih, abe p and abe razif::.

.::aida n ina::.

.::ize, adah, ijajah, kak nadiah..owh umi kat belakang tu::.

.::kak nadiah in action..::.

.::umi n ina::.