Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I did something bad today..Something unethical for me as a medical student and a future doctor..Its kinda great at the first place because it showed my enthusiasm in learning but come to think about it again, it was bad.Really bad.
There's a patient with acromegaly admitted to C*H yesterday. She has great multiple findings for a person with acromegaly but she is a bit grumpy. She doesnt want anyone near her, not even a doctor. She's not admitted under my team because im attached to gastro's team and she's obviously admitted under endocrinology. But the news spread out. And maybe because a lot of students(undergraduate and postgraduate) went upstairs to see her, she turned upset. She asked the nurse to close her curtain and not even a phlebotomist can come near her. Doctors were been rejected from her as well. She refused to see anybody(and i dont see the reason why she came to the hospital..ngee)..Anyways, we went upstairs to her ward to see her during our lunch break but we saw her curtain closed. So we didnt dare to go and ask her for the history. And we went to see other few patients..After a radiology tutorial, we went upstairs again to see a renal transplant patient with anuria and we took a lift. I was together with Shahid and Yopit on that time. When we want to get out from the lift, yopit suddenly told us,
"weh tu patient yg acromegaly".
I turned back my head and yes, it was the acromegaly patient.
And shahid was like,
"jom, kejar"
and all three of us berlari turun tangga from 5th floor to 1st floor nak catch up dengan patient so bleh tengok die dengan lebih detail sume.memang berlari n penat.hahaha..pastu sampai2 je kat bawah yopit cakap patient tu kat depan. And i think that she's at the back. Yopit pon berlari la kat coridor tu and i just followed her. Shahid terkebelakang..control macho kot xnak berlari.hahahaha..pastu sampai ke pintu luar kitorg carik sebab dh hilang die dh..Yopit siap cam lagi die ikat red jacket kat die punye waist. KIteorg cam cari la kat luar tu sebab impossible la kan kalau die dh balik..and when we were like giving up suddenly i saw her.She was smoking just outside the door. Kiteorg xnampak sebab tersembunyi sket. Pastu terus excited tapi xde la tunjuk2..Memang muke die lain la.memang ade features of acromegaly la..Pastu terjumpe syafiqul and brian. I asked brian cuz brian was oncalled last nite and he did see the patient and he said yes that was the patient with acromegaly..and syafiq tu cam tanye
"what happened to u guys?"
cuz a few minutes before we were saying to syafik we wanted to take a history in 5a and he wanted to head the fact that kiteorg cam agak excited and penat sket kan..pastu kiteorg cakap la we are chasing a patient with acromegaly and he said,
"u guys are bad!".. terasa la kannnn unethical..and hopefully that patient wouldnt lodge a report to C*H admin or U*C saying that there were 3 crazy medical students chasing after her.huhu..
kesimpulannya, enthusiastism tu penting but then u need to consider other's feelings as well. Try to put urself in her shoes..mesti akan terasa kan kalau org siap berlari lagi just nak tengok how weird ur face and body are.Bak kata intern yang agak keji itu,
"may be he thinks that he's in the freak show".