Thursday, September 11, 2008

The patients

Patient A : Today's ward round with Dr. S and Dr.D.
Patient : Dr!!!Why u didnt come and see me yesterday?Im waiting for you up to 1'oclock in the afternoon!I was really sick yesterday and i had a really bad day.
Dr.S : I am sorry Mr.P.But i had a busy day yesterday. I did come to ur ward to see you but there was emergency suddenly in another ward. I am really sorry.
Patient : So the other patient is more important than me?(sambil buat muka)
Dr. S: No, I do not mean that. I am sorry but that patient needs me more.
Patient : But u can always come after u see that patient.
Dr. S : Yeah but i have lots of things to do.
Patient : Ok.Its ok then. But I have been vomitting since the test was done bla bla bal..

Ok manja x patient ni?gedik x?haha..pastu when keluar je dari ward tu dr. S told me that bukannye ade emergency pon and saya mmg tau xde emergency sebab saya mmg buat ward round ngan die gak semalam n xde pape pon jadi..hehe..die cakap die malas nak pegi sebab patient tu gedik.

Patient B : Yesterday's ward round
Patient : I want to be transfered to the dolphin ward(paediatrics ward)
Dr.S : Im sorry but im afraid that it cant be done.
Patient : Prof Q did that to me last january.
Dr. S : Really?How old are you now?
Patient : 18.
Dr. S : Im sorry. I will try my best but i dont think it can be done.I will ask my registrar and will inform u later.
Patient : Thank you. I cant sleep in this ward. There's an old man screamin every nite and im scared.
Dr.S : Ok. Ill try to sort this thing out for u. I will come back to u later.
Keluar dari ward itu, Dr. S cakap, patient ni memang.Die yang jadi dr. B4 this die yang request kat dr tu die nak ubat ape and in tablets ke in IV infusion ke..Sesuke hati die jer..and b4 ni pon reg tu penah cakap patient ni mmg pelik sket..anorexic pastu setiap kali buat procedures mesti sakit yg melampau sampai prof q pon just kasi die baek dengan ignore je die punye pain yang kadang2 macam dibuat2..

Patient C: (in irritable bowel syndrome clinic today)
(b4 patient masuk, dr tu dah kasi warning dah cakap this patient obnoxious.)
Dr. C : Hi!my name is OC and i work for prof .q
Patient : Hi. Where is Prof Q?
Dr. C : He is away this week.
Patient : Then whats the reason i came to the clinic today?
Dr. C: Its regarding your symptoms and your blood test.
Patient : Are you a doctor?
Dr. C : Yes, i am.(muke dh bengang sket dah)
Patient : Whats about my blood test (sambil keluarkan pen and kertas)
Dr. C : Ya,ur liver test seems a bit abnormal and we are quite worried about that.
Patient : Im not worried about my liver test. I think there are ok. What is your name?
Dr. C: OC (and the patient wrote down her name on his piece of paper)
Patient : Can you explain more about the liver test?
Dr. C : Do u want me to tell u everything?
Patient : Yeah u should.
Dr. C : Cakap sal alc phos bla bla bla..

ok malas nak taip..nanti laaa kalau rajin taip lagi.hahahahhaha

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