I can stand up with a lil support now!!
Mommy is so proud of me!!
6mnths 16 days today!!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
day off
Day off today..
Unfortunately husband is oncall..he is doing a back to back call since thursday..
tapi believe me back to back call hospital tanah merah is equal to one oncall hrpz 2..
oncall hrpz 2 super tired..
cases non stop..
hrpz 2 kan tertiary centre so mmg accept referal je la..
why am i talking about hrpz 2?
sebabnye im going back to hrpz 2 next week..
mix feeling..
feels like running away..
i did apply for the transfer tapi skarang ni takut la pulak..
hrpz 2 scary sikit..
no more ample time to sleep
no more ample time to gossiping..
no more mo's room...
no more cmputer with internet and printer for mo..
im sooo going to miss hospital tanah merah..
i love that hospital provided it just 5mins away from my home..
my parents are going to mecca next week..
Allah dah atur semua cantik dah..
Allah bagi saya balik hrpz 2 next week..
so that somebody will watch over marissa..
kalau i still kat htm sape nak tgkkan marissa?
if anything happen i was 1hr away from her..
kalau kat hrpz 2..i was just 5mins away from her..
rase taknak pergi hrpz 2 la pulak..
sebab nanti i xde adik2 ho yang boleh mintak tolong and rapat..
kat kb im pretty sure adik2 ho mmg macam mo and ho je..
bukan macam kakak n adik..
Unfortunately husband is oncall..he is doing a back to back call since thursday..
tapi believe me back to back call hospital tanah merah is equal to one oncall hrpz 2..
oncall hrpz 2 super tired..
cases non stop..
hrpz 2 kan tertiary centre so mmg accept referal je la..
why am i talking about hrpz 2?
sebabnye im going back to hrpz 2 next week..
mix feeling..
feels like running away..
i did apply for the transfer tapi skarang ni takut la pulak..
hrpz 2 scary sikit..
no more ample time to sleep
no more ample time to gossiping..
no more mo's room...
no more cmputer with internet and printer for mo..
im sooo going to miss hospital tanah merah..
i love that hospital provided it just 5mins away from my home..
my parents are going to mecca next week..
Allah dah atur semua cantik dah..
Allah bagi saya balik hrpz 2 next week..
so that somebody will watch over marissa..
kalau i still kat htm sape nak tgkkan marissa?
if anything happen i was 1hr away from her..
kalau kat hrpz 2..i was just 5mins away from her..
rase taknak pergi hrpz 2 la pulak..
sebab nanti i xde adik2 ho yang boleh mintak tolong and rapat..
kat kb im pretty sure adik2 ho mmg macam mo and ho je..
bukan macam kakak n adik..
register haji utk marissa...52 tahun lagi ok!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012
Hehe jadi kaler merah sebab obviously i put in some blended chillies..Memang xleh la kalau x pedas so mmg masuk jugak blended chillies..hehe..
All u need:
- prego carbonara
- button mushroom
- chicken ( potong dadu)
- onion (1 bijik potong dadu)
- bawang putih ( 4 biji cincang)
- fresh milk ( 1 cup)
- blended chillies ( 3 ts)
- italian herbs
- oregano
- minyak
- garam gula
- pasta
First rebus pasta. 2nd amik periuk panaskan minyak n tumis semua bawang and cili kering..dh naik bau tu kite masukkan ayam lak then after dh masak masukkan prego carbonara sauce..lps tu masukkan fresh milk and button mushroom..then last sekaliherbs n oregano serta garam n gula secukup rase..pastu taraaa..
Siapp..easy kan?hehe..
Hehe jadi kaler merah sebab obviously i put in some blended chillies..Memang xleh la kalau x pedas so mmg masuk jugak blended chillies..hehe..
All u need:
- prego carbonara
- button mushroom
- chicken ( potong dadu)
- onion (1 bijik potong dadu)
- bawang putih ( 4 biji cincang)
- fresh milk ( 1 cup)
- blended chillies ( 3 ts)
- italian herbs
- oregano
- minyak
- garam gula
- pasta
First rebus pasta. 2nd amik periuk panaskan minyak n tumis semua bawang and cili kering..dh naik bau tu kite masukkan ayam lak then after dh masak masukkan prego carbonara sauce..lps tu masukkan fresh milk and button mushroom..then last sekaliherbs n oregano serta garam n gula secukup rase..pastu taraaa..
Siapp..easy kan?hehe..
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Ive been really busy this week..
So many things happened and so many things to do..
1. Ummi and abah r going for hajj
- they just confirmed their flight on 4th october 2012. So i took a day off on sunday to settle few things including their tickets to kuala lumpur and tabung haji stuff transfer
Last week i'd received a call from jknk asking whether i want to go back to hrpz or not..i told him "kalau boleh".. Hehe dont want him to see the eagerness of me wanting to go back to hrpz..i told him that ive submitted my transfer form already to my pengarah... And 2 days ago ive received a callfrom my colleague at hrpz saying that my name is already in hrpz and ive to register next week.. Whattt!???sooo fasttt??sangat terkejut..thought that ill b staying here at least for another one or 2 months..nervous!!then i told my specialist and friends at htm..they wnat me to postpone it for at least 2weeks.. Unfortunately hrpz really needs mo at the moment so they said i cant posstpone it..tapi peliknya my name is not in d list kat jknk website and the letter still floating somewhere!!haishhh
3. Pc fair
My dad is organizing a pc fair at kbmall next everyone was so busy pasang poster, buat marketing strategies etc..secara automatiknya im busy too
4. Marissa constipation
Marissa bo a bit harden frm usual..i didnt give her any formula milk..she still exclusively minum my expressed breast milk..i think sebab she ate too much n kurang minum this week im busy main tukar recipe utk my sayang
5.master programme
Im applying for sarjana perubatan..yes master..i want to be a specialist..i dont want to be a chronic mo..i think even orang2 tua/kampung pon pandai skarang ni request specialist utk attend quite busy isi borang2 even xde progress sgt pon
6. Harta dunia
We r searching for a house/tanah in kelantan at the moment..g sana g sini cari tapak..tapi so far xde tanah menarik lagi..anyone boleh tlg??
So many things happened and so many things to do..
1. Ummi and abah r going for hajj
- they just confirmed their flight on 4th october 2012. So i took a day off on sunday to settle few things including their tickets to kuala lumpur and tabung haji stuff transfer
Last week i'd received a call from jknk asking whether i want to go back to hrpz or not..i told him "kalau boleh".. Hehe dont want him to see the eagerness of me wanting to go back to hrpz..i told him that ive submitted my transfer form already to my pengarah... And 2 days ago ive received a callfrom my colleague at hrpz saying that my name is already in hrpz and ive to register next week.. Whattt!???sooo fasttt??sangat terkejut..thought that ill b staying here at least for another one or 2 months..nervous!!then i told my specialist and friends at htm..they wnat me to postpone it for at least 2weeks.. Unfortunately hrpz really needs mo at the moment so they said i cant posstpone it..tapi peliknya my name is not in d list kat jknk website and the letter still floating somewhere!!haishhh
3. Pc fair
My dad is organizing a pc fair at kbmall next everyone was so busy pasang poster, buat marketing strategies etc..secara automatiknya im busy too
4. Marissa constipation
Marissa bo a bit harden frm usual..i didnt give her any formula milk..she still exclusively minum my expressed breast milk..i think sebab she ate too much n kurang minum this week im busy main tukar recipe utk my sayang
5.master programme
Im applying for sarjana perubatan..yes master..i want to be a specialist..i dont want to be a chronic mo..i think even orang2 tua/kampung pon pandai skarang ni request specialist utk attend quite busy isi borang2 even xde progress sgt pon
6. Harta dunia
We r searching for a house/tanah in kelantan at the moment..g sana g sini cari tapak..tapi so far xde tanah menarik lagi..anyone boleh tlg??
Monday, September 24, 2012
Haishhhh!!camne tah Boleh kene gigit ni!!banyak pulak tuuuuuu..
Seb baek marissa x nangis ke demam ke ape..
Seb baek marissa x nangis ke demam ke ape..
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Icha kekenyangan makan porridge+ chicken + pumpkin... Refused to drink from her first sips tommee tippee bottle...insist nak minum using her mam bottlee..rupe2nye cranky nak tdo..
Ciann sayang mommy ni..
Ngantok sangat sampai makan pon boleh tertdo
Ciann sayang mommy ni..
Ngantok sangat sampai makan pon boleh tertdo
Friday, September 21, 2012
Amik kesempatan
I plg xsuke orang yang suke amik kesempatan..mcm rase nak ketuk2 je kepala those yg buat mcm tu walhal kite punye la baek kt die..2 scenario happened recently to us
1st : mc aka medical certificate
Yang ni memang ramai la kan manusia suke..padahal kerje tu dh rilek dah..9 to 5..keje lak dok dlm ofis goyang kaki tapi still malas..ade kawan husband i ni call husband ajak datang rumah saje buat makan2 die hubby ni seronok la tapi unfortunately kiteorg oncall so mintak maaf kat die..then lepas tu die cakap
"oh ye ke..actually aku nak mintak c sebenarnye..ko bole kasi ke?"
Owhh ade udang di sebalik mee rupenye..rupenye makan2 tu utk mc..sorry dude..we r not selling pur mcs..kiteorg pun sakit sampai dehydrated tapi still keje..sometimes with iv lines and drip infused.. And dari segi proffesionalism, anda semenangnya tidak profesional and tidak menunjukkan contoh yg baek utk pegawai2 lain...
2nd scenario : pinjam duit
Ade sorang lg kawan hubby ni..beriya ajak jumpe..ajak minum air..ajak pergi tgk rumah semua..mcm beriya gile sampai husband pon serba salah..tap alhamdulillah my huband bukannye jenis suke keluar rumah lepak sangat..he is better off main games or tgk movie..and kalau die nak lepak pon usually with me...lgpon skrg ni ade marissa..masa yg x keje mmg specially dedicated to qaisara marissa...pastu last skali die call ajak husband cakap xleh then die sms cakap actually die nak pinjam duit..masalahnye mamat bi adalah kawan sek rendah yg dh lame x jumpe tapi terjumpe balik masa solat jumaat aritu kt tetibe nk l pinjam duit...hello????
1st : mc aka medical certificate
Yang ni memang ramai la kan manusia suke..padahal kerje tu dh rilek dah..9 to 5..keje lak dok dlm ofis goyang kaki tapi still malas..ade kawan husband i ni call husband ajak datang rumah saje buat makan2 die hubby ni seronok la tapi unfortunately kiteorg oncall so mintak maaf kat die..then lepas tu die cakap
"oh ye ke..actually aku nak mintak c sebenarnye..ko bole kasi ke?"
Owhh ade udang di sebalik mee rupenye..rupenye makan2 tu utk mc..sorry dude..we r not selling pur mcs..kiteorg pun sakit sampai dehydrated tapi still keje..sometimes with iv lines and drip infused.. And dari segi proffesionalism, anda semenangnya tidak profesional and tidak menunjukkan contoh yg baek utk pegawai2 lain...
2nd scenario : pinjam duit
Ade sorang lg kawan hubby ni..beriya ajak jumpe..ajak minum air..ajak pergi tgk rumah semua..mcm beriya gile sampai husband pon serba salah..tap alhamdulillah my huband bukannye jenis suke keluar rumah lepak sangat..he is better off main games or tgk movie..and kalau die nak lepak pon usually with me...lgpon skrg ni ade marissa..masa yg x keje mmg specially dedicated to qaisara marissa...pastu last skali die call ajak husband cakap xleh then die sms cakap actually die nak pinjam duit..masalahnye mamat bi adalah kawan sek rendah yg dh lame x jumpe tapi terjumpe balik masa solat jumaat aritu kt tetibe nk l pinjam duit...hello????
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Open house
Yes raya is over..haha tapi my hospital ni lambat sikit..segalanya lambat la actually..claim2 pon xmasuk lagi..penyelarasan duit oncal yg since last yr tu pon x masuk2 lagi..boleh imagine sendiri la kan kelembapan diee..yang oncall kb earlier than tanah merah ni i dh dapat tapi yang kat current hospital ni x dapat2..
Anyway ade 2 open house arini..anaes and o&g..memang food heaven..honestly i suke food yang afe kat anaes lagi sebab banyak dessert..i mmg suke dessert as compared to heavy meal..yg plg best cendol and locong..i dont know what people outside kelantan panggil mende alah tu tapi memang best la lokcong ni..bulan puasa restoran sham yg quite femes kat kb ni ade jual..memang berebut la org beli mende alah tu..memang dengar cite ade sampai bertumbuk beli mende alah tu..kiteorg kalaudpt beli pon weekend je sebab weekdays balik keje sampai pon dh kul 6..memang harapan lah.. Mende alah tu by 4 pon dh abis...
So arini kiteorg abis klinik awal...b4 12 pon dh abis..pergi singgah ward pon no new case so sebab perut lapar pergi la open house anaes yang located kat new ot..tuan rumah x siap lagi tp kiteorg buat muke x malu tunggu dpn tu.muahhaa..
Last2 ade sorang mo anaes ni suruh je kiteorg msk n makan and yessss rasmiii sume makanan..hehhee...masa makan tu ramai la mula dtg..houseman, nurses and bosses from each department including pengarah..seronok la boleh borak2dengan org admin n sape2 yg dh lame x jumpe..
Lepas abis anaes kiteorg naik g o&g pulak..banyak gile jugak kot..soto ayam, mee kari, nasi kerabu, roti jala and too many to be named...tapi sebab h kenyang i just amik mee kari sikit...pastu colek buah..ade sape2
xtahu ke colek buah ni ape?
Colek buah ni rojak buah lah..hehe... Org kelantan cakap colek sebab colek ni maksud die colek nicelyp la and usually makan ramai2 best..hehhee..
Lepas abis makandh kul 1+ masuk bilik oncall utk melakukan rutin harian- double pumping and solat zohor.. Dalam blk oncall yg crowded tu dok borak2 ngan mo2 lain sal bottle susu and breastfeeding..banyak info jugak la dapat..i asked them how thy feed their baby and basically semua pon cakap baby sy makan ape yg sy makan..hehhe bezanya baby food diblend lah..hehe..
Anyway ade 2 open house arini..anaes and o&g..memang food heaven..honestly i suke food yang afe kat anaes lagi sebab banyak dessert..i mmg suke dessert as compared to heavy meal..yg plg best cendol and locong..i dont know what people outside kelantan panggil mende alah tu tapi memang best la lokcong ni..bulan puasa restoran sham yg quite femes kat kb ni ade jual..memang berebut la org beli mende alah tu..memang dengar cite ade sampai bertumbuk beli mende alah tu..kiteorg kalaudpt beli pon weekend je sebab weekdays balik keje sampai pon dh kul 6..memang harapan lah.. Mende alah tu by 4 pon dh abis...
So arini kiteorg abis klinik awal...b4 12 pon dh abis..pergi singgah ward pon no new case so sebab perut lapar pergi la open house anaes yang located kat new ot..tuan rumah x siap lagi tp kiteorg buat muke x malu tunggu dpn tu.muahhaa..
Last2 ade sorang mo anaes ni suruh je kiteorg msk n makan and yessss rasmiii sume makanan..hehhee...masa makan tu ramai la mula dtg..houseman, nurses and bosses from each department including pengarah..seronok la boleh borak2dengan org admin n sape2 yg dh lame x jumpe..
Lepas abis anaes kiteorg naik g o&g pulak..banyak gile jugak kot..soto ayam, mee kari, nasi kerabu, roti jala and too many to be named...tapi sebab h kenyang i just amik mee kari sikit...pastu colek buah..ade sape2
xtahu ke colek buah ni ape?
Colek buah ni rojak buah lah..hehe... Org kelantan cakap colek sebab colek ni maksud die colek nicelyp la and usually makan ramai2 best..hehhee..
Lepas abis makandh kul 1+ masuk bilik oncall utk melakukan rutin harian- double pumping and solat zohor.. Dalam blk oncall yg crowded tu dok borak2 ngan mo2 lain sal bottle susu and breastfeeding..banyak info jugak la dapat..i asked them how thy feed their baby and basically semua pon cakap baby sy makan ape yg sy makan..hehhe bezanya baby food diblend lah..hehe..
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Phantom pregnancy
We had one patient came in to our casualty yesterday presented with sudden onset of right hemiparesis..
She is 40years old,gravida 6 para 5, 18weeks POA..
Claimed her last menstrual period was somewhere in may and already booked her pregnancy at klinik kesihatan..this is her first child from a second marriage.
Apart from sudden onset right hemiparesis, she has hx of chronic headache for more than 6 months..
On examination pt was comfortable. Vital signs were stable. All examinations are unremarkable. Her abdomen was to feel a mass at the abdomen at 14weeks size..
CAse was initially referred to o&g team to rule out eclampsia but was asked by o&g team to refer d case to medical team..
Patient was then planned for urgent cr brain to rule out intracranial bleed.
As pt is "pregnant", radiologist was a bit reluctant to accept the case eventho 2 specialists allowed her for ct scan..radiologist said that it was unlikely intracranial bleed and most likely space occupying lesion..she refused to do urgent ct brain and asked us to do it tomorrow during office hr..
As a part of examination, fetal assessment need to be done. O&g mo did an ultrasound in casualty when she didnt see anything per abdomen..
She thought that the machine migt b faulty so she asked the attendant to push patient to labour room whereby more reliaable ultrasound around..shee repeated an ultrasound and still found nothing..she did an urgent urine pregnancy test and guess whatt???
Shes not even pregnant!!!
She is 40years old,gravida 6 para 5, 18weeks POA..
Claimed her last menstrual period was somewhere in may and already booked her pregnancy at klinik kesihatan..this is her first child from a second marriage.
Apart from sudden onset right hemiparesis, she has hx of chronic headache for more than 6 months..
On examination pt was comfortable. Vital signs were stable. All examinations are unremarkable. Her abdomen was to feel a mass at the abdomen at 14weeks size..
CAse was initially referred to o&g team to rule out eclampsia but was asked by o&g team to refer d case to medical team..
Patient was then planned for urgent cr brain to rule out intracranial bleed.
As pt is "pregnant", radiologist was a bit reluctant to accept the case eventho 2 specialists allowed her for ct scan..radiologist said that it was unlikely intracranial bleed and most likely space occupying lesion..she refused to do urgent ct brain and asked us to do it tomorrow during office hr..
As a part of examination, fetal assessment need to be done. O&g mo did an ultrasound in casualty when she didnt see anything per abdomen..
She thought that the machine migt b faulty so she asked the attendant to push patient to labour room whereby more reliaable ultrasound around..shee repeated an ultrasound and still found nothing..she did an urgent urine pregnancy test and guess whatt???
Shes not even pregnant!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Busy day
Had a really really busy call yesterday..
Few unstable patients admitted..
2 were intubated and sent to hrpz for ventilatory support..
Had one bleeding dengue last night..
Luckily his vitals were stable over d night..
So scary to have that kind of patient in ward..should have been monitored in icu..unfortunately bed were all occupied in the ICU..
Glad that its all over for lets enjoy our day off!!yeehaaa
Few unstable patients admitted..
2 were intubated and sent to hrpz for ventilatory support..
Had one bleeding dengue last night..
Luckily his vitals were stable over d night..
So scary to have that kind of patient in ward..should have been monitored in icu..unfortunately bed were all occupied in the ICU..
Glad that its all over for lets enjoy our day off!!yeehaaa
Friday, September 14, 2012
Today is my day first i wanna cook something to my dear husband but my mom asked me to teman her shopping..
So we went to jakel and look at the damage..
Rm3000 for kain only..haiyaaa
So we went to jakel and look at the damage..
Rm3000 for kain only..haiyaaa
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Happy 6months qaisara marissa
13/9/2012-marissa is 6month old already!
Still breastfeeding my baby..
No formula introduced to my darling marissa..
Its not easy for me as a working doctor to breastfeed her.
Im working 1 hr away from my baby..
I cant just go home to breastfeed her..
We go to work at 7am every morning and arrived home at 6pm everyday..
And if im oncall or both of us oncall we leave our beloved daughter to our pengasuh and my mom..
If i am oncall i wont be seeing my daughter for at least 36hrs..
Ill see her the day after tomorrow..therefore marissa mmg kene gune stock ebm je lah..kalau hubby tak oncall but im oncall die akan bawak balik susu tu kat marissa..milk yang i pump that day..kalau both of us oncall mmg praying really hard so that stok ebm cukup for that day..
I do a regular double pumping least 4x day..first waktu nk pergi keje dalam kereta..usually morning pumping dapat la 8-9oz both sides..
Then during lunch hour..usually i makan cepat2 then terus pergi bilik oncall and pump..afternoon pon usually dpt 7-8oz..depends..
Next pumping masa balik keje...kul 5 dalam kereta tu i pump siap2 and usuallydapat lah 4oz maximum both sides...
Kat rumah lepas direct bf marissa around 8-9 pm i pump lagi both sides and usually dpt 2-4oz..
I did that since i start working..malam tu if i penat sgt i xsempat pump dh tertdo dh..that usually happened during post-call..
Pernah sekali i oncall back to back..cthnye i oncall isnin n selasa isnin pergi keje kul 7pagi then i jumpe marissa balik on wednesday 6pm...macam 3hari jugak la x jumpe anak kan?
And usually kalau weekend call mmf jadual pumping lari sikit sebab bz x sempat nak pump..cthnye semalam..semalam i had intubated pt kul 10am..siap2 ambulance and stabilize d pt kul 1230 baru g antar..arrived back at htm kul 330..then solat semua and sebab mmg ramai pt x stabilize i dapat pump only at 630pm..lepas tu g attend pt balik i pump balik lepas isyak around 845 b4 pergi tgk pt 3 kali je la pump semalam sebab by 1230 masuk bilik oncall tu dh collapsed dh..
So alhamdulillah eventho my milk tak banyak sngt,still boleh breastfeed..fully breastfeed..
Syukur sangat2..
Oleh itu those working moms yang keje 8-5 everyday atau yg mengajar pagi je ke petang je ke takde alasan actually xleh nak breastfeed anak kite sendiri...kene ade niat tu awal2 and invest sikit duit utk beli a good pump.. Worth it..really worth it..
Keep on going..dont give up..ingat kite nak kasi the best to our do the best!kalau kene sacrifice lunch hour ke ape ke just sacrifice..its for our baby..and kdg2 tu when org cakap susu sikit ke, kenape kedekut sgt mak beli formula ke,kenape nk susahkandiri ke ape ke u jawab je " i want the best for my baby"..
Still breastfeeding my baby..
No formula introduced to my darling marissa..
Its not easy for me as a working doctor to breastfeed her.
Im working 1 hr away from my baby..
I cant just go home to breastfeed her..
We go to work at 7am every morning and arrived home at 6pm everyday..
And if im oncall or both of us oncall we leave our beloved daughter to our pengasuh and my mom..
If i am oncall i wont be seeing my daughter for at least 36hrs..
Ill see her the day after tomorrow..therefore marissa mmg kene gune stock ebm je lah..kalau hubby tak oncall but im oncall die akan bawak balik susu tu kat marissa..milk yang i pump that day..kalau both of us oncall mmg praying really hard so that stok ebm cukup for that day..
I do a regular double pumping least 4x day..first waktu nk pergi keje dalam kereta..usually morning pumping dapat la 8-9oz both sides..
Then during lunch hour..usually i makan cepat2 then terus pergi bilik oncall and pump..afternoon pon usually dpt 7-8oz..depends..
Next pumping masa balik keje...kul 5 dalam kereta tu i pump siap2 and usuallydapat lah 4oz maximum both sides...
Kat rumah lepas direct bf marissa around 8-9 pm i pump lagi both sides and usually dpt 2-4oz..
I did that since i start working..malam tu if i penat sgt i xsempat pump dh tertdo dh..that usually happened during post-call..
Pernah sekali i oncall back to back..cthnye i oncall isnin n selasa isnin pergi keje kul 7pagi then i jumpe marissa balik on wednesday 6pm...macam 3hari jugak la x jumpe anak kan?
And usually kalau weekend call mmf jadual pumping lari sikit sebab bz x sempat nak pump..cthnye semalam..semalam i had intubated pt kul 10am..siap2 ambulance and stabilize d pt kul 1230 baru g antar..arrived back at htm kul 330..then solat semua and sebab mmg ramai pt x stabilize i dapat pump only at 630pm..lepas tu g attend pt balik i pump balik lepas isyak around 845 b4 pergi tgk pt 3 kali je la pump semalam sebab by 1230 masuk bilik oncall tu dh collapsed dh..
So alhamdulillah eventho my milk tak banyak sngt,still boleh breastfeed..fully breastfeed..
Syukur sangat2..
Oleh itu those working moms yang keje 8-5 everyday atau yg mengajar pagi je ke petang je ke takde alasan actually xleh nak breastfeed anak kite sendiri...kene ade niat tu awal2 and invest sikit duit utk beli a good pump.. Worth it..really worth it..
Keep on going..dont give up..ingat kite nak kasi the best to our do the best!kalau kene sacrifice lunch hour ke ape ke just sacrifice..its for our baby..and kdg2 tu when org cakap susu sikit ke, kenape kedekut sgt mak beli formula ke,kenape nk susahkandiri ke ape ke u jawab je " i want the best for my baby"..
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Pre loved samsung galaxy 7+ for sale
Anyone interested?
Email me at
Used only for few months before my better half bought his new s3..
Thought wanted to give it to our precious marissa but my siblings just gave me a new ipad so dont think i need it anymore..
Email me at
Used only for few months before my better half bought his new s3..
Thought wanted to give it to our precious marissa but my siblings just gave me a new ipad so dont think i need it anymore..
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Laksa penang
Yes..i cooked laksa penang yesterday..and baked a choc cake as well..yeeehaaa..
Hubby teringin laksa do i.. So we went to pasar siti khadijah and bought all the ingredients..bought sotong as well as my dear husband wanted to eat ketupat sotong..
First of all we need to basuh the ikan and rebus the ikan..when i was in ireland i used tuna chunk in a brine.. Ikan mahal ko kat sane...sekor ikan mackarel dah euro1.20.. Muahaha..
While waiting for the ikan, i started to mix all d ingredients for my choc cake..initially i wanted to make cupcakes with choc chips inside but there was no choc chips and bekas cupcakes available at home so i just proceed to make a teddy bear choc cake..after finished mixing all d ingredients and put it in the oven i went back to my laksa..
I dont knw whether its the correct way/recipe for laksa penang or not but i just do what i think i wanna do..hehe..firstly tumis blended cili kering, onions, lengkuas n belacan..lepas tu masukkan bunga kantan n daun kesum and then masukkan ikan yg dh direbus and dh di blend..i tersilap blend die hancur sevab masa blend tu i pg tgk cake..haha.. Lepas tu gune air rebusan ikan yg dh ditapis masuk dlm masakan tu..lepas tu masukkan lg daun kesum and bunga kantan biar sampai naik bau..then a bit of salt..alamak lupe lak...asam keping masukkan since d very beginning..
Lepas tu taraaa..laksa penang!!!
Hubby teringin laksa do i.. So we went to pasar siti khadijah and bought all the ingredients..bought sotong as well as my dear husband wanted to eat ketupat sotong..
First of all we need to basuh the ikan and rebus the ikan..when i was in ireland i used tuna chunk in a brine.. Ikan mahal ko kat sane...sekor ikan mackarel dah euro1.20.. Muahaha..
While waiting for the ikan, i started to mix all d ingredients for my choc cake..initially i wanted to make cupcakes with choc chips inside but there was no choc chips and bekas cupcakes available at home so i just proceed to make a teddy bear choc cake..after finished mixing all d ingredients and put it in the oven i went back to my laksa..
I dont knw whether its the correct way/recipe for laksa penang or not but i just do what i think i wanna do..hehe..firstly tumis blended cili kering, onions, lengkuas n belacan..lepas tu masukkan bunga kantan n daun kesum and then masukkan ikan yg dh direbus and dh di blend..i tersilap blend die hancur sevab masa blend tu i pg tgk cake..haha.. Lepas tu gune air rebusan ikan yg dh ditapis masuk dlm masakan tu..lepas tu masukkan lg daun kesum and bunga kantan biar sampai naik bau..then a bit of salt..alamak lupe lak...asam keping masukkan since d very beginning..
Lepas tu taraaa..laksa penang!!!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Wonderful weekend
I have a very great weekend..thanks everyone!special thanks to my kekasih hati - rahimie sayutti..hehe..actually weekend ni the only weekend off for my husband..he is going to oncall on every weekend ths mnth...penat kan?so tiring..esp when u r a nice people..
My great weekend started with a family photoshoot; followed by a bbq and today i cooked for my beloved husband..yezzaaa.alamak xle nk upload lak gmbr ni..later lah..n dah la malam ni marissa first time selsemaaaa
My great weekend started with a family photoshoot; followed by a bbq and today i cooked for my beloved husband..yezzaaa.alamak xle nk upload lak gmbr ni..later lah..n dah la malam ni marissa first time selsemaaaa
Friday, September 7, 2012
Bbq tonight
We r currently at poknik's house for a bbq!happy mode!!
I didnt have a time to bake( read : malas) so i just bought few cans of fruit cocktails,lychee, evapored milk,peaches and nata d coco..
Sampai je rumah poknik mixed all those and taraaaa- fruit cocktail!yeeehaaa
I didnt have a time to bake( read : malas) so i just bought few cans of fruit cocktails,lychee, evapored milk,peaches and nata d coco..
Sampai je rumah poknik mixed all those and taraaaa- fruit cocktail!yeeehaaa
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