saye nak titon tapi saye restless..
makin dekat dengan induction makin banyak mende terfikir2..
mmg kene ikut flow je kan tapi mcm takut...
terfikir kat mane nanti kene posting..
if dapat other than kb what should i do?
bole ke survive jadi doctor..
mu future camne?boleh ke jadi housemen yg bek?
on call bleh survive ke?dh la antu tdo.
pastu terfikir sal the other half.
as usual camne kite nak tau he's the one for us?
boleh ke die accept myself as who i am?
then terfikir sal kedai.
terfikir sal suraya..
terfikir sal duit....
pasni dh xleh mintak duit ngan parents dh..
then xleh nak swipe kredit kad sesuke hati dh...
tetibe rs nak jadi student balik..
pdahal xstart keje lagi ni.hehe
owh tadi g buat medical check up. malas nak wat appointment n malas nak menunggu lame kan so buat kat satu klinik ni. i didnt show them my offer fact kat pekerjaan tu x tulis pon. after jumpe doctor, doctor tanye keje ape then baru cakap. patutnye med check up rm100..masa nak bayar tu pembantu klinik tu cakap,
" dik doctor kasi rm60 je sebab adik doctor. pastu die siap tambah kat sume name adik dr kat depan", sambil tunjuk borang2 kad2 yg die ade.
owh before that masa jumpe doctor i tunjuk kt dr my getting worst kan since balik msia ari tu. then dr tu cakap
"u should be able to diagnose it urself"
then i cakap la i rase die eczema cume risau kot2 mende len. then die tgk n check mmg eczema...die ckaap sebab humidity len. my skin kene try balik adapt dengan weather sini.huhu..kesian my skin.ahahaha.bukan setakat eczema this time.rashes, jerawat.hahahaha..
oh bp i 110/54.hahahaha.hypo.lalala.