Sunday, July 26, 2009


At Vistana Hotel-Induction for a week..dieorg ckp kami batch ke-3 yg induction n btn 1 week je...
owh n dh dapat posting..
dekat ngan Umi!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

keciknye dunia

Awww keciknyee dunia..
Hari ini dipendekkan cerita, my ex classmate sejak zaman 1 mawar kat SRK Zainab (2) yang mmg x terpisah sampai ke MRSM YT Besut telah di matchmadekan dengan cousin saya and of course la saya sokong..hehe.:D
Hari itu dipendekkan cerita, saya tanye la ex classmate saye masa saye 6 Hijau zaman SRK Zainab (2) tentang seseorang. Then saya tanye mr bug kan name penuh pompuan tu..sekali pompuan tu rupenye2 hsemates. ish ish ish..

Hmm esok induction!!tatutnyeeee nak start kejeeee dhhh..huwaaaa..rase tatau ape2 ni..
sob sob sob..mane dapat pon xtau.hahaha..


wahhh tadii makan2 kat umah auntie.
die buat soto.
kumpul almost sume la makcik2..
ade la yang xde.. tapi almost sume ade..
cousins ramai xde la sebab study sume kan..
bising gilee and seronokkk!!!
nyways ari tu jumpe iza..
iza call last minute ckp nak dtg kb umah wawa kwen tapi xdapat contact wawa..
seb baek ade few hrs b4 nak pergi genting..
so sempat la amik die n g umah wawa sume.. wawa n jimi, CONGRATS!!!!

owh terasa kehilangan!!!!

Cyber Love

Arrived home at 1245am.
Went to genting yesterday n overnight kat firstworld hotel.
then pagi tadi pas check-out g memain kat outdoor.
then makan then balikkk terus..
on the way balik tu alarm rumah bunyik..hahaha.risau gak.sebab lame..
tapi Alhamdulillah sume ok..
Tadi balik actually penat gile. nak tdo..plan esok nak g swimming but somehow tetibe xle tdo..
Jommmm kiteee borak22 pasal cyber love.
Sape penah involved cyber love???
angkat kaki?
bole cayeee x?
sambung next entry.malas nak menaip.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


ade a friend of mine called kkm kan die cakap kiteorg most prob keje 1st august!!woooo
sangat x ready okeh!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009


saye nak titon tapi saye restless..
makin dekat dengan induction makin banyak mende terfikir2..
mmg kene ikut flow je kan tapi mcm takut...
terfikir kat mane nanti kene posting..
if dapat other than kb what should i do?
bole ke survive jadi doctor..
mu future camne?boleh ke jadi housemen yg bek?
on call bleh survive ke?dh la antu tdo.
pastu terfikir sal the other half.
as usual camne kite nak tau he's the one for us?
boleh ke die accept myself as who i am?
then terfikir sal kedai.
terfikir sal suraya..
terfikir sal duit....
pasni dh xleh mintak duit ngan parents dh..
then xleh nak swipe kredit kad sesuke hati dh...
tetibe rs nak jadi student balik..
pdahal xstart keje lagi ni.hehe

owh tadi g buat medical check up. malas nak wat appointment n malas nak menunggu lame kan so buat kat satu klinik ni. i didnt show them my offer fact kat pekerjaan tu x tulis pon. after jumpe doctor, doctor tanye keje ape then baru cakap. patutnye med check up rm100..masa nak bayar tu pembantu klinik tu cakap,
" dik doctor kasi rm60 je sebab adik doctor. pastu die siap tambah kat sume name adik dr kat depan", sambil tunjuk borang2 kad2 yg die ade.
owh before that masa jumpe doctor i tunjuk kt dr my getting worst kan since balik msia ari tu. then dr tu cakap
"u should be able to diagnose it urself"
then i cakap la i rase die eczema cume risau kot2 mende len. then die tgk n check mmg eczema...die ckaap sebab humidity len. my skin kene try balik adapt dengan weather sini.huhu..kesian my skin.ahahaha.bukan setakat eczema this time.rashes, jerawat.hahahaha..
oh bp i 110/54.hahahaha.hypo.lalala.


saya annoyed.
dengan die.
owh sapekah die?
biarlah die tau sendiri.
terima kasih.

after 15mins:-
terasa lagi annoyed. tdo jee laaa

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Went to University Darul Iman 4days ago for ijah's convocation..
best gileee convo msia!
happening gile..
ade convo fair sume..
in fact robe die dapat a week before lagi..
us?ireland?kiteorg dapat robe a day before..
pastu ceremony kiteorg 1 hr je..
ijah nyer lak ceremony patut start kul 145 tapi kul 230 baru start..
seb baek ade aircond kan..
pastu perarakan masuk ade perarakan graduan, perarakan kecil, staf akademik, perarakan besar n perarakan masuk naib canselor..gile banyak perarakan..
kiteorg perarakan masuk graduan n sume uni council tu la..
then kiteorg xde doa 15minit..sini doa 15minit..owh before tu ade org cakap
1. Hadirin dilarang membuka telefon bimbit.
2. hadirin dilarang bangun dari istiadat konvokesyen sebelum tamat
3. hadirin dilarang meninggalkan dewan sepanjang istiadat berlangsung..
hahaha..kiteorg xdenyer..
hahaha...owh and diorg ade 2 kali raptai before ceremony tu..
2 kali ok!!
kiteorg xdenyee raptai..
in fact on the day itself kiteorg xtau kat mane kiteorg patut pergi pon.hahahaha
pastukan, kiteorg die panggil name kalau xde die tinggal je, next person..(punctuality penting kan kat sane)..
sini dengar cikgu diorg panggil brape kali tah nama graduan tu..hehe..kiteorg panggil sekali xde kene dok belakang sekali kene dok kerusi sebelah len sekali ngan budak dental..
owh pastu diorg ade speech yg agak panjangg..hehee..
ok malas nak tulis dh.ahahhaa
tapi malam b4 ceremony tu pergi keluar ngan ijah..
Waaaa rase bestnyeee belaja kat msia!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Letter to the fake farid.

Dear Anonymous/The Coward/The Idiot/The fake Farid,

Thanks for uninvited messages in my shoutbox. As u can see, i have to delete my shoutbox again and all thanks to u, the fake Farid.
U dont have to be ashamed of ur real identity the fake Farid.
And seriously, like seriously, if u have any problems with me just send me an email and stop flooding my blog with ur daffy comments. I dont need those. Thanks. (my email :
Owh by the way, I think u need a very serious help from a psychiatrist. U should go to any nearby GP and ask for a referral to the psychiatrist. Owh and pls seclude urself from ur society. I am afraid someone might get hurt if they r too close with u. Sorry.

Owh and for my fellow bloggers, that freak is not the real Farid. Farid is not a blogger and he does not read my blog as frequent as that freak. And plus Farid is an educated gentleman who would not wasting his time doing those silly things!!!

P/s : My mum told me, that freak might be a SHE not a HE. Sape la kan nak mengucarkacirkan my life ni.huhu.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


asal la ramai sangat org dengkiii eh?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mamat saiko

Sape saiko gile yang nyamar jadi FARID ni??
takde identiti sendiriii kee??
anddddd gileee apeeeeeee laa orang tu...
stop itt!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Lipas merupakan seekor serangga yang busuk.
Lipas terbang merupakan musuh utama manusia.
terutamanya aina jeffery.
Aina Jeffery merupakan musuh utama lipas juge.
Walaupon kalau tgk lipas terbang tu aina jeffery akan berlari ke tempat lain tetapi apabila melihat lipas berjalan aina jeffery akan mengambil ridsect dan menyemburnye sehingga la melihat lipas itu terbalik menandakan kematian musuh manusia itu.
Dan rumah aina jeffery skarang mempunyai banyak sangat lipas.
tetapi yang pelik hanya di dapur dekat dengan bilik bibik.
oleh itu sangat confuse.
oleh itu sekarang kerja aina jeffery setiap malam sebelum tido adalah turun ke dapur dan menyembur ridsect walaupon lipas tidak kelihatan..
kerana saya percaya lipas akan mati pada keesokkannya.hahahaha
saya benci lipas.
owhhh 2malam lepas betapa bencinya pada lipas,
saya mimpi lipas.
dalam mimpi itu lipas telah menyeranggg sayee..
mungkin sebab b4 tdo tu 4 ekor lipas mati di tangan sayeee..
hahahaha..bangun2, ayat pertama
"umiii lipass..lipassd"
ibu saya pon tanye la manee?
lantas saye menjawab "taktau..tapi ade lah.hahahaha"...
trauma ngan lipas.
saye pembenci lipas.xsukeee lipas..lipas keji..hahahaha

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pepper Spray

Sape tau kat kelantan mane nak beli pepper spray ek?

Friday, July 10, 2009

ninitee!! ni mcm sedikit bersawang sedikit.

bosan laaaa..hahaha..tetibe rs nak keje.hahahaha.
kalau bosan kan banyak mende kite akan tend to fikir..
and kite akan rase cepat annoyed..
and like now..
something is bothering me..
mcm how do u know he really likes u?
or mcm is this a sign?or what?
or mcm is he pretending?
or mcm is he sick of u?
or mcm do i think too much?

okie dookie nak titon..

Thursday, July 9, 2009


back in kb!hehe..
anyway today ade kete yang penah followed and blocked my sis punye kete did the same thing to me. minus block kete la.. he/she waited outside our hse in his/her kancil yang tinted hitam gile xnampak orang pon and plet kete bukan kete kb r..
mule2 kiteorg xberani nak masuk pintu pagar umah but my mum cakap xpe kot cuz my mum ingat kawan sis pon xperasan mule2 but after my mum called kawan ijah tu and he said that die on the way je baru mmg umi cakap tutup pintu cepat2. agak takut jugak la time tu actually...and kete tu nampak kiteorg masuk umah je terus pusing kete and pelik gle..and the owner of the car knew that suraya ade tuisyen malam ni..dulu die followed my sis from umah cikgu die lagi...tonite maybe die x recognize my baby vios kot...tapi agak scary..i wasnt remember the car plate exactly tapi i do remember the 1st 3-MAR.hmmm..

Friday, July 3, 2009

3rd day

3rd day ...

Havent makan ikan bakar n sambal belacan. also havent makan nasi ulam budu. xsempat. hehe..banyak jemputan. owh u know what. arrived kat kb kul 725 bag was among the 1st sampai atas conveyer tu awal la keluar.kene bukak beg b4 keluar tu immigration nak tgk tapi diorg ok je.bukak camtu..nyways keluar2 cari parents, parents xsampai lagi!seb baek ade 20sen rm dalam handbag n seb baek ade public phone. called my mum asked why takde org amik ni. rupenye they tot i sampai 8++.sedih kejap.hehehe..tapi ok dad sampai dulu then followed by my mum driving my brandnew baby vios and my makcik punye kete..then another car nak sampai airport tapi xsempat sampai ayah i suruh pusing balik jumpe umah. Sampai umah ade big pink banner "welkam back dr.pretty." awww..hehe..sweett..hehe..should take the photo of that banner...=)
nyways mum order nasi n few lauk from our favourite caterer. die punye paprik ayam mmg terbaekk uncles n aunties sume toknik pon dtg drive on her own..risau gak drive merce die tu sorang2 malam2 kan. Then malam tu dh tertido dh mule2 kul 11+ masa geng2 kbmall ade..tertido atas kerusi urut my dad.pastu dgr ijah cakap terus terjaga n pastu dh xleh tdo dh.hahaha.sampai la kul 4 pagi. Owh a night b4 tu adik i cite ade another try nak masuk umah kiteorg. Alarm bunyik n spotlight nyala..alarm tu bunyi kalau org nak masuk pintu atau die sense org dlm umah. cuak gak.tu yg xleh tdo gak..well i think sebab jetlag kot sebab smlm kul 4 gak tdo.hahaha..
nyways tadi makan nasi dagang at poknik.sambil buat obs examination kat my beloved mok c.u. she's due in 2weeks time. dapat rs baby..hehehe..cuteeee..hahaha..owh n yeah im starting to get worried. hahaha..tapi xnak la cakap kat sini nape risau..
OWH AND YEEEEE.. SAPEKAH YG PENAKUT YANG TAH PAPE NYAMAR JADI FARID TU?gile coward. hahaha..pengecut gile.haish.asal la ade manusia camni dlm muke bumi ni. xfaham betol.
OWh n to be honest, im a bit rimas dengan msia.hahahha..lalallalaa.