Wednesday, March 28, 2012

day 2 - jaundice!

Tok ngoh mandikan marissa
many friends and family came to visit us..
tok ngoh came everyday mandikan icha sebab tok mommy takutt sebab cord icha ade lg..hehe..
icha jadi rebutannn..sume org pon nk pegang icha yg comel nii..
toknik came and cakap muka icha bulattt mcm daddyy..dagu icha tu mmg confirm2 mcm daddy lah.hehe..
buttt at the end of d day,mommy n daddy tgkkk icha jaundiceeeee!!!aiyooo...nd worst still icha ounye badan panasss..temp was 37.8..aiyoo risau sebab mommy kan prom more than 48hrs,.if pegi hospital icha akan kene prick sume..haiyoo..daddy cakap xpe kite try tgk after tepid sponging..lgpon icha was feeding well and active..icha siap bole angkat kepala and straightkan kaki keraskan kaki masa mandi..sedara yang dtg cakap icha x macam baby r lahir.mcm dh sebulandah..heheh..mommy proud of u sayang!!

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