Monday, January 9, 2012


hubby is doing a passive call here i am..postcalll and still stuck in this bloody hospital.muahaha.i love u!haha
well..patutnye passive call dok rumah je kan but die kan budak baek.. mo yg buat active call kene buat 3 pending caesar so die cover labour room..
wife die?wife diee stuck kat sini lah-bilik oncall..doing what?-sudoku!!
anyway smlm for d first time i was oncall alone!!i mean without my husband oncall together..usually kalau i oncall die akan oncall jugakk.smlm die kene teman my MIL sebab my FIL antar adik die kat lepak sorang2.pastu ho ong sini punye la electively admitted from
clinic masuk ptg lagi tapi clerknye kul 7..pastu guess what?refer medical team for maternal pyrexia of unknown origin kul 10.selamat la kan?mlm2 nk kaco specialist..kalo yg urgent xpe nak kata urgent xmane tapi sebab obs n gynae punye case kan i takut sikit la..medicolegal banyak sikit..nanti xpasal2 msk paper mcm metro last week..chopp..xnk komen!sekian..sape2 nk surf sila la and u judge it urself la kan..huhu..

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