Pm shift today after 2 days off..
Maximised my precious time with the love ones.
keje kat emergency department keje shift
everyday keje..
NO WEEKEND at all..every 4th day then kiteorg kene double shift-
morning and night shift..
after night shift tu then day off..
tapi balik pon after pass over which is around 9am..and if u r unlucky petang tu ade CME or teaching session which u have to attend it..
therefore basically u xde cuti langsung la kan other than 8days cuti rehat in 4 months that u r eligible to)
then as another human being u fikir la best ke x best jadi doctor ni..
ur right as human is kind of denied kan?hahahhaa
hahaha..sebab banyak articles recently keluar sal how teruk doctor keje kan..
yes we worked
36hrs non stop if we r oncall..(kat posting lain lah sebab a&e keje shift)
and utk orang2 jonar mcm i yang kalau oncall cases non stop datang thus 36hrs without sleep would be so terribly exhausting and tiring..
oncall bukan setakat attend new cases tapi ward cases and bukan satu ward je...
"doctor, doctor tak tido ke doctor?xpenat ke?semalam sy tengok doctor dok tgk pt tu ni pagi ni pon doctor ade balik kul brape doctor"ayat tu mmg common lah..
for those yang prihatin je lah..
sebab tu sometimes kalau orang request pelik2 malam2 buta rase macam nak meletup je...
yang baru masuk ptg tu then malam kul 2pagi nak keluar ward mmg mengundang kemarahan yang teramat lah..
mcm ari tu ade my friend mcm nak gaduh je ngan relative sorang pt ni..dtg sebab accident then kiteorg fight for urgent ulrasound malam2(mind u that susah nak mintak urgent ultrasound malam2 ni.radiologist bukan oncall stay hospital mcm org len),lepas kene sebakul bla bla bla penting ke, urgent ke bla bla dapat la ultrasound tu.yes we'll do anything for each pt yg dtg kan...kene marah dengan others tu biase lah...tapi yg ni lepas kene marah semua, lepas dpt ultrasound pt ni sesuke hati je nak mintak keluar.mmg stress gile ah member i tu..dah la relative tu mengarah die.and mind u that it was 4am in the morning ok.
alamak tetibe jadi cerita lain lak.actually nak cerita sal activities that ive done for the past 2 days.