Thursday, March 5, 2009

Demam denggi

It was snowing heavily this morning when i went out. Cam xpercaye je snow in March kan..patutnye dh spring dh..and of course sejuk gile and of course jalan slow gile cuz kasut mmg slippery gile..end up sampai lmbt tapi lambat2 pon connor,olya and husna lagi lambat..muahaha..and after i introduced myself to mr.f he asked me;
hahaha..ingat i nak ponteng ke?ahaha..i cakap la i was doing anaesthetic and die pon ok je..hehe..and die sempoi la..haha..suke die..basically so far surgeons kat sini baek2 la...tapi groupmates cakap mr.D tomorrow menakutkan..hahaha..and he knw that i was in theatre doing anaesthetics last week so he asked connor and olya to teach me of what he taught them last week..and if die tanye and i xleh jawab esok die akan marah connor and olya. hahaha..i asked connor and olya to treat me for lunch if they want me to answer it correctly.hahaha..masa ni la kan nak jadi jahat?hehehe..
Oh semalam i cam x sedap hati. I thought sebab x study kan sebab tu xsedap hati..i slept at 10 camtu kot semalam then i wokeup at 2am...then my brother msg i kat me at 2am+ kot which was so unusual cuz die mane buzz i sangat kan..Sekali bukan die pon msg..His friend yang gune ym die msg and cakap mad was suspected dengue..they were waiting for the blood test..mmg xleh tdo terus la kan..terus i msg ijah and called member die tu tanye how was he sume...Ijah skang ni kat BTN. My parents waktu tu were on their way back from Los Angeles kan..So theoretically mmg xder orang pon yang boleh pergi look after die. I xtido sampai kul 6+ kot ke berape tah sebab tunggu results and he was confirmed by 6+ that he has dengue fever. His platelet was 90. Doctor tak admit him yet sebab nak tunggu another blood test..Then i tertido gak and bangun rushing g kelas sume..and petang tadi br dapat text my mom and my mom dh sampai and she said that my brother is going home tomorrow morning..Senang sket kan kalau sakit kt kelantan..nak masuk hspital pon senang sebab diorg dh ade record kan..I hope he is gettng better...Risau gak la..dah la die baru balik from Indon..And dah la die ilang hset..huhu...


Wahidah said...

kt Msia skrang mmg byk kes denggi la aina...get well soon to ur bro...

Unknown said...

kesian mad...suruh dia minum 100plus byk2...