i made fool of myself..heehehe..:P
I had volunteered myself to do a full and complete nervous system examination on a child today...
I wasnt really confident at the first place but then being a competitive person, secara spontannye saya jawab "yes, i want to do that"..
My groupmates were consisted of few best students in our class so really, i look like a fool and idiot in front of them..Ngee...I had to do that examination in front of 7 groupmates and 1 registrar..ngeeeeeeee...
And dah la saya gatal tangan pergi main fishing games yang budak tu punyer...Sangat teruja tengok "fishing games" n prgi tekan on games tu n try memancing..muahhaha..owh patient tu pergi toilet time tu..hehehe..
Anyways, i think i did fine for periperal nervous system punyer examination but cranial nerves sucks sedikit..Ngeee...
Moral of the story :practice makes perfect.
Owh and my consultant was really nice to me today..Maybe because my irish partner wasnt there and maybe this is going to be my last week with him. Or perhaps he already scolded a paeds sho first thing in the morning so xyah lepskan geram kat student dah..
And yes!!!finally i have the opportunity to do a full newborn examination on a baby!finally!!and berjaya buat moro reflex twice!hehe..sangat takut actually nak buat moro reflex depan parents baby tu tapi ari ni dapat patient yang baek plus i was alone time tu without a partner!!yes!!alhamdulillah..
practice makes prefect..ala relax la aina..even dh keje pun kdg2 kiter terbuat mistakes..n we learn from mistakes also la..:)
LOL @ picture
Hi.I enjoyed doing newborn examination too.But Im yet to do the Barlow's and Ortolani test.Probably one of these days kut =)..Cheers doc
where is tht picture taken?
wahidah : hehhe..:P
raja otai : ngeee
nabil : takut sket nak buat test tu..
fendi : mini europe brussels
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