Saye suke neuro...saye rase neuro adalah subjek yg saye agak ok suatu ketika dulu..(skang x dah..aalalalala..)...n tadi opd neuro tetibe je cam xnak jadi neurologist/neurosurgeon dah..sebabnye most of the cases people are getting worse...ade sorang je yg getting better...yg len getting worse..yg getting better tu pon still have 5/10 pain in his lower back + mild foot drop...dr ruby cakap that pain would never go away..cuz disc prolapse punye surgery will only take away the pain in the leg, not in the patient tu kene bear the pain for all his skang macam tah la xtau la nak lagi ke x neuro..but seriously i do like neuro..cume the fact that most of the patients xkan recover sepenuhnye bwat saye terfikir, sanggup ke saye?well, sume org kenal saye nampak saye ni jenis robot..aju ke sape tah penah cakap kalau tengok grey's anatomy saye macam christina yang...but actually saye sangat fragile...banyak kali je saye berair mata n nangis after jumpe patient...paling xsanggup waktu bwat psych rotation, patient with schizo..sedih sangat..sedih bukan sebab die dapat schizo..sedih sebab die marah mak die as if mak die ni xde perasaan padahal mak die try her really best nak happykan die..huhu...1st time nangis jumpe patient was in 3rd yr when saye jumpe patient umo 27 with stage 4 ovarian cancer...and she's dying..ascites die makin besar..dr.zul cakap chemo pon dah xde effect kat die...sedih sebab she was 27 on that time and baru nak kawen..huhu...n dengan budak pon..memang la garang n xsuke budak sangat but when saye dh baek ngan budak tu ape die nak pon saye kasi..macam anak-anak my cousins..senakal mane die pon sebab dh sayang kat die ape die nak kasi...hehehe..
IKLAN : punyer la bangun awal, prof quigley xturn up pagi tadi..huhu
ok sambung..tadi masa opd ade satu patient ni sweet sangat...die kene schedule for surgery...pastu my dr tanye la
"r u ok for short-notice"
die cakap ok...but not on the 1st week of june..
pastu dr ruby tanye la nape
die cakap sebab 1st week of june die nak bawak wife die g amsterdam suprise for their anniversary..SWEET GILE..padahal die kalau tengok mmg sangat2 kesakitan..nak duduk pon amik masa n nak bangun pon amik masa sebab kesakitan yg amat...huhu...tapi sanggup tu xnak bwat surgery kalau dapat time tu sebab nak bawak isteri celebrate anniversary kat amsterdam...ok now im thinking of marrying an Irish guy..haahahha...:P
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