Wednesday, February 27, 2008

OMG..i hate this kinda feeling..seriously!!!i think i really need to meet the psychiatrist..huhu...but afterall im going to meet the gp tomorrow..and so maybe i can talk to her about these stupid n unease feelings...i hate it..i need to think sumting wonderful n great to cheer me up but nothing really cheer me up for this past few months. I hate being here..=(..i felt so lonely and miserable..i need my mommy..i wish i have lots of money so that i can go to China tomorrow and meet my mommy and my sister momm y, my sister, my grandmother n my aunty are going to China tomorrow and so kalau boleh jumpe diorg sangat relieve...=(..i want my family desperately..=(..ive asked my brother to come to cork as im missing him(apart of missing kicap..ngee)and he told me that he might come on 8th March..cant wait!!!but i still have a choice..i can go to dublin ths week with aju cuz aju is going to dublin this tengok la macam mane...kalau g dublin boleh gak jumpe few friends kat sane..tapi xsure la..tengok la...huhu....

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