Wednesday, February 27, 2008

ngeee so exhausted..sangat2 penat..padahal xderlah bwat ape sangat..tutorial pon up till 3pmjer..tapi sedikit kerajinan pegi children day unit and spend an hr kat situ..ade sorang patient je but her case was quite complicated and the consultation/review took about 55minutes to finish...ngeh2..dr.nadia cakap case tu weird..agak pelik la..huhu..anyway 2 tasks done for paeds-children developmental programmed and children day unit..the only 2 things left are history taking and playroom..i have an appointment in student health centre tomorrow and need to ask the doctor in charge about my not-so-severe constant pain in right iliac fossa...and i need to ask the gp about the wound in my leg which havent yet heal since last november...(hopefully it wont b diabetic neuropathy) still young!!..ngeeeeeeeeee..
papepon seriously i dont like my new group..sangat bosan ok!!i dont mind be the only malaysian in my group but the fact that everyone have their own colleagues already make it quite difficult for me to join them...bosan jer..serius tak suke..i met rebecca yesterday and boleh bwat bising dalam changing room tu cuz rebecca is great..and i met emma today and sangat2 least ade la sedikit happy after met n had a quick chat with her...emma is the best partner so len bosan...seriously bosan...huhu...sangat rindu emma..=(
and paling tension ari ni when i had a tutorial with Dr.Sami.he asked me about diff diagnosis for my patient. and sebab gauri n tiffanie already mentioned about gastroenteritis and peptic ulcer disease so i mentioned non-ulcer dyspepsia which i just read in the book.gauri pon baca sal non ulcer dyspepsia n even my gp mentioned to me few times when i was having my gp rotation in waterford..tpi yg tensionnyer mamat tu boleh cakap
"non ulcer dyspepsia?i never heard about that"
menyampah..rase nak menyumpah2..dah la panas gile dalam bilik tu sebab dok tepi heater...mmg geram gileee..nak je tunjuk buku sunflower kat die..sebab mmg mende tu kat depan mata..die yg xtau..n tadi patient tadi pon die cakap patient tu rashes tu maybe sebab diabetic..WTF?registrar tu pon pelik camne mamat tu boleh came out with that such diagnosis padahal xde tanda langsung?die xde clinical symptoms of diabetic n die punyer urine xder glucose n blood glucose pon mmg sangat low yang sangat pelik kalau org cakap diabetes?tah pape je kan?marah betol..ok sila cool down..ngeeee...
naseb baek tutorial on the afternoon dr malone banyak agreed with my answers so okla..ngeee..saye sukee...hehehe..kan saye suke capub2 ni..lalalalla....=)
owh i never good in taking compliments..saye perasan saye tahu tapi saye xpenah tahu macam mane nak terima org puji..i mean how to response it...banyak kali ari ni 3 kali org cam puji tapi saye xleh nak cakap segan nak cakap thanks takut perasan but diorg kat sini irish, british, canadian sume la diorg kalau org puji dieorg terus cakap tadi org puji sebab saye nampak muda(thanks to my short petite stature) and gauri cakap saye terer n tanye camne saye study sume tapi saye xtau nak cakap ape..n last sekali dr.nadia tu cakap sal my skin..nampak babyface tapi seriously saye xtau nak cakap thanks ke x..hahaha..kadang2 takut diorg perli sebab omputih ni dieorg prententious sket..depan kite punye la puji kan..belakang tah hape tah xcakap..huhu...lalalallala....
n saye juge selalu gelak xkene tempat n cakap mende tadi kat changing room jumpe breda masa nak masuk toilet n breda cakap la..malas nak elaborate..conversation die camni la..
"Hi Aina.How r u?hows ur weekend?do u miss tralee", breda.
"Hi Breda..Im great. Yeah breda.i do miss tralee.SO MUCH.,"myself
"owh that sounds more like sarcacism"breda
n teka la ape saye jawab?saye gelak je?hahahahhaa..naseb baek dah kat dalam toilet..ngeeee...

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