Saturday, February 23, 2008

"And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation." --Kahlil Gibran"
Long distance relationships require a special willingness and understanding that can test love like no other type of relationship can. It requires constant communication and a desire to continually create your relationship, using the only real tool you have... your words. In our guide, we've provided everything you need to do this and more from fun games to play to hundreds of romantic ideas to help keep your fire burning no matter how many miles may separate you.-adapted from

Yeah..finally…alhamdulillah…hehe..ive arrived in cork safely today with laura…laura drove me to Victoria lodge and drop me there…I didn’t use my return ticket as laura invited me to join her to cork..=)…owh iklan2:Any Corkians pegi town naik bas ari ni n x gune tiket bas die?i mean xde nak claim2?boleh x kalau saye nak?sekian…

Hehe..wahhh happynyer dapat balik cork..i like Tralee..there’s sumting interesting there…ngeh2…and the doctor wasn’t really racist..i think I might b too short so die xleh nak tunduk sebab ade osteoporosis ke or back pain ke or ade opthalmoplegia ke when look down so xleh nak tengok saye..xper la..hehe..tried to think positively..ngeh2….

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