Friday, January 18, 2008


waaa..the GP placement list was out on blackboard today and ive got a gp rotation in waterford...waa jauhnyeeee...dah la jauh sorang2 lak tu..owh tak2..i have an Irish partner but im not sure whether she will go directly from her house to Gp or she does have the same problem with me-accomodation. Waaa..sangat sedih g sorang2..ari tu mmg sengaja mintak jauh2 sebab ade milah tapi skang xde milah..sob2..ok2 think positively aina..dapat rotation jauh2 boleh claim ngan mara insyaAllah..eventho xdapat elaun macam jpa tapi at least boleh claim rather than dapat placement yang 1hr duration je tapi xleh claim...ok2..think positively..alaa tapi mesti kurus la after balik frm gp..huhu...sob sob..
owh saye terasa begitu emo sekali..macam perlu pegi mengshoppingkan diri di tesco..hoho..makan doritos ke coklat ke best gak ni..ok ill definately go to tesco after this..ngeh2..lagipon ade tutorial nga dr nazri kat outpatient department mmg pegi tesco..tescooo sila menungguku..haha..owh tadi pegi lecture lambat cuz we were finished at 1150am so nak jalan from cuh to brookfield lambat la kan..pegi2 masuk lecture class asessment..bapak r terkejut..naseb baek die x amik..hehe..siap x hantar lagi eventho die nak kalau ade org nak hantar..hehhe..:P..pastu after lecture tu ade talk sal final yr project..hahaha.. saye belom berkeja utk final yr project saya lagi..owh banyaknye mende nakkene bwattt...banyak n banyak...saye tak sentuh langsung lagi dissertation saye..bkn setakat sentuh, lupe terus dh actually sampai pagi tadi baru teringat..hahaha..:P..choyyy..lepas exam ni saye ade gp..mane sempat nak saye xkan la ade internet kat b&b kan?huhu..kalau ade mmg bersyukur gile r...kalau xde bukan setakat xleh blogging, check email pon xleh..waaaaaa....
owh teringat pagi tadi..milah n nick were supposedly to meet the opthophist on wednesday and attached to her but for some reason they werent able to attach with her...and dr james scheduled them for today session kul after abis 1st tutorial tu dr james cepat2 suruh diorg pegi jumpe orthoptist tu kan pastu diorg pon cepat2 la pegi kan..and dr james lak die pegi amik laptop die utk amik presentation for the tutorial..pastu elok je dr james datang pasang2 presentation ade die g call bleep tu and when he was away to answer the bleep, nik n milah came back to the tutorial room said that they were finished for the just 10minutes after they gone to see the orthoptist..and lepas tu pacik james datang and die nampak muke milah die gelak jahat punye..hahaha..die gelak camni
"ha ha ha ha"
hahaha keji2..i cant stop laughing masa tu sebab yelah jahat laaa..die padahal supposedly tolong kiteorg ni gelakkan kiteorg?hahaha.jahat2..pastu die cakap la die suke annoyedkan minah orthoptist tu..hahaha..tapi jahat la gelak kat milah..gelak jahat..kalau sape2 ade kat situ mmg tergelak la..hehe sebab die mmg spontaneously gelak after tgk muke milah..hahahahha..:P...


Anonymous said...

haha aina.mcm bleh byg je muke pakcik tu gelak..=D

Witty Angel said...

hahaha..ko tanye fatim la camne die gelakk..ehhe..mmg lawak r..hahaa.spontan jeee