Friday, February 1, 2008

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is a rare genetic disease that is caused by defect in collagen synthesis. The severity depends on the extend of the mutation from mild to life-threatening. There is no cure for this disease and treatment is mostly supportive. EDS can affect the skin, joints, and blood vessels so symptoms may vary according to which organ is affected. Normally it is characterized by joint hypermobility, cutaneous fragility, and hyperextensibility.
My patient today has EDS since he was young but it didnt really interfere with his life until 12yrs ago when he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. After he was infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis in 1994, his health was deteriorating and he started to have very severe pain in his left leg. The pain keep on worsen and in 1996, he was completely bed-bound. He cant even go to the toilet without any assistance. Irish goverment helped to relieve his burden by giving him a wheelchair thus helping him to go wherever he wanted to go without really burdening other people. However since last yr he cant even go to his wheelchair without his wife assistance.
My patient also had chronic pain syndrome since he was diagnosed with TB. The pain started in his left leg and worsen over the time. The pain also radiates to everywhere in his body and its really severe. He had morphine pump in his spine placed in 1996 and at beginning it really helped him but over the time he cant dependent on that pump anymore. He did go to the hospital once in every 2 month for his morphine pump but the pain worsen and he usually need to take oral pain killer as well as the morphine.
Ok sekian terima kasih.nanti saye rajin saye tulis lagi.
Papepon silalah bersyukur dengan ape yang kite ade..Dilahirkan normal, dengan pendengaran n penglihatan yang baik dan silalah jaga tubuh badan anda daripada segala anasir2 luar terutamanya sexually transmited diseases.Sangat2 common ok in gp practice. So silalah lap dulu toilet b4 duduk n silalah menggunakan protection sebetolnye bagi mereka yang dah kawen.hahaha..bak kata dr.I, "eventho u have this implant, it doesnt mean that u dont have to use condoms.Condom is good for ur protection n u really, really need to wear it when u r having the sexual intercourse. U doesnt know when ur partner is cheating and with whom he is cheating. So be careful."..
Eh..chop..die bukan bitau saye..die bitau her sume patient je die bitau,.hehe


Medertainer said...

i have a "patient" with EDS in my house!! =P..
cik yusma is hyper-extensible! serious, tak tipu.. =D

Anonymous said...

hahaahahha ye ke???hahahhaa...sebab selalu jatuh ke ape?hahahha

Medertainer said...

hahaha... mungkin.. =P
no, seriously.. nnti suruh die jilat siku.. she can do it! and suruh flex jari2 die.. =P

Witty Angel said...

hahaha..i tried to jilat my siku xleh r.hahaa..lupe nak suruh aju btadi.hahahaa