Friday, February 1, 2008

Sakit perut..hahahaa...explosive diarrhoea..hahaha...(ade org jeles x?terutamanya those yg constipated..hahahaa..)..anyway my patient today sangat2 la best..super nice+ great+ friendly..he has chronic coughing+phlegm but still nak bagi history kat i..sangat2 la best..he showed me his hands...sangat la erk ape ye word utk die..hehe..extendable kah?elastic kah?haahaha..he has ehlor danlos syndrome-something to do with his connective tissue la..(mati kalau present hx jawab "sumting to do with hs connective tissue"..terus dapat 0 kalau cakap camtu...hahaha..anyway die sangat bagus..ok tetibe rs malas nak tulis.nanti tulis lagi.nak mencari teman seperjuangan.

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