Thursday, December 6, 2007


If u want to know the most ‘perasan’ gurl in the earth, u should meet me..hehe..:P..haha..aju cakap saye sick..hehehe…milah cakap “memang narcissistic…haha.. n fatim gelak2 je…nik cakap ade la sket2…rebecca ckp u r right..hahaha..n a few others ckp but cant really remember it..hehe..there r several reasons for this…ngeh2…

  1. I made a choc brownies and I asked those who tasted it, sedap kan?hahaha. and I even told Rebecca, “if it tasted nice and yummy, its me who baked it but if it doesn’t tasted nice, its milah..hehe”…and when milah told me that the brownies looked more like a cake, I threatened her saying that kalau die camtu xnak masak dh utk die..ngeh2..keji2..
  2. And today, I think one of the psych dr suke saya..lalalallaa..sangat perasan.hahahahaha..sangat sick kan?hahaha..tapi xpe..saye dh bersemangat sket la kan nak g psych rotation..hahahahhaa..:P..ngeng betol..hehe..i just saw that african dr today..he wasn’t in GF for the past 2 weeks..keperasanan bermula when he came to me and looked at my book..ngeh2..pastu tetibe rs asek nampak je die..pegi female nurse room then die dtg..pastu pegi medical personnel room tetibe die muncul..then di mana2 sahaja..hahahahha..ok sila jangan kutuk..lalala

Okies..saya sangat sakit perut..i need to go to the toilet…

P/s : saya diarrhea since last week…mule2 start ngan vomiting pastu dh ok pastu lepas tu asek nak terbuang je la
kan..siap steatorrhoea lagi..huhu….

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