I slept at 4am last night!!!gile ape..huhu..so of course la kan bangun lambat pagi tadi n of course la terkejar2 pegi hospital..gile penat..sampai hospital tercungap2 la kan…naseb baek xde anjing sial menghalang my journey to hospital ari ni…papepon sampai hospital Dr Cockery wasn’t there yet and we had to wait for 20minutes before she showed up…die lambat..in fact GF(psychiatric ward in CUH) seems quiter than usual..I didn’t see doctors I used to see and I didn’t see nurses as well..owh sebut pasal nurse, last week when I first started my rotation in GF I went to see the nurse to ask for the patient to take the history..I was with Milah on that time and as usual we both were quite confuse on who should we approach and where should we go. Then we saw a board which had the names of primary nurses for the week. It was written “male nurse” and “female nurse”. We found the nurses’ name who were under Dr Cockery…We asked for the female nurse but she was busy assisting a patient to take a shower so we looked for the male nurse. We found him and I asked him, “ Hi J. R u the nurse under Dr.Cockery? We r 4th yr medical student and we r new here. We r looking for a patient named JG to take her history”
And he was like, terdiam kejap and then I can see from his face that his kinda shocked..haha..maybe because we used the word “nurse”..but it was written on the board “primary male nurse”.,,so what else should we call him?hahaha…and then he said:-
“Ok, ill bring JG to u in a moment”..
ok pastu die blah n pegi kat ward(we are not encouraged to linger in the ward cuz they afraid sumting will happen..plus we cannot clerk the patient beside their bed…its inappropriate in psychiatry...maybe due to the confidentiality or pape laa…usually we’ll ask the staff to bring the patient to us and we have to clerk them in the interview room. Papepon kat sini, what should we call the male nurses actually?haahaha..:P…
Owh anyway i called en kamis already asking about the allowance and everything..this mara thing has been boggling me for quite some time..i don’t want to hear from anyone else anymore..papeon the answers that en kamis gave me wasn’t really satisfying..tapi xpe la..i don’t want this stupid thing to bother me anymore..i will just try it once and let it be..malas dh nak fakir…bosan..i wish I knw someone..someone who is a politician and who has a good influence in MARA…mende ni kalau setakat involve pegawai2 camtu mmg xde effect pape la..haiyoyo…bosan la..malaysia sangat la birokrasi..ireland pon birokrasi..hayayayaya…patut mengamalkan dasar communism..hahah..gile bintang tiga kan?hehehe..gune ajaran karl max..pastu baru la hancur kan..alalal..tapi ok la semua manusia pon same..tapi sebenarnye in reality xkan ade manusia yg sama..mesti ade yg kaya n mesti ade yg miskin..mesti ade yg jadi leader n mesti ade yg jadi pak turut…macam yesterday I learnt sumting about gini coefficient during epidemiology(sebenarnye xde la belaja sangat..i was busy playing my fav game in my ipaq)…but I heard what he said..gini coefficient is a measure of inequality of wealth distribution..if gini coefficient is 0, it means that wealth is equally distributed across the country and if the coefficient is 1 its mean that there is only one person yg kaya raya n yg len miskin..camtu la lebih kurang…correct me if Im wrong…anyway rsnye kat msia mesti tinggi sket kan coefficient die?mesti 50% kan kalau ikut percentage sebab kat msia bleh nampak actually ade jurang between org kaya n org miskin..maybe kat kelantan xnampak sangat but if pegi negeri len nampak la kot..kelantan nampak je macik2 yg jual rokok daun kat kedai miskin..but sebenarnye diorg kaya tau…i knw one story..macam pasal makcik yg keje die tanam padi tau..kirenye a farmer la..dah tua..60s or 70s…cam die ni selalu la org kasi die sedekah kalau bulan puasa n nak raya..pastu ade satu hari ni she was asking one person that she trust…”makcik ni ade RM300000 dalam bank tapi makcik taktau nak bwat ape duit tu..makcik dah pegi haji. Makcik takde anak..suami makcik dh meninggal…jadi ape patut makcik bwat ngan duit ni”…org yg die tanye tu cam OMG!!!!makcik ni kaya gile..kite ni punye la ingatkan die xde duit sekali ade duit n siap xtahu lagi nak bwat ape ngan duit tu..so papepon kirenye don’t judge the book by its cover…ngeh2..cam ade a person that I knw pakai merce tapi kene kejar ngan bank sebab xbayar hutang..so moral of the story is tak semestinya org tu pakai handbag dior, kasut Gucci, dress Versace, pakai Mercedes compressor kaya..diorg maybe nampak kaya tapi diorg sebenarnye sengkek..n xsemestinye org yg pakai kain sarung atas kepala, pakai baju kurung kedah frm kain cotton, pakai kain batik n selipar jepon org yg x berduit..kadang2 diorg lagi berduit dr org2 yg appearance die mmg mantap..org2 yg cam makcik tu sebenarnye diorg xnak membazir beli brg2 yg branded tapi kualiti same je.. (ceh cakap orang)..huhu…ok2..sekian utk hari ni..terima kasih..
P/s : Aini Hayati..I miss u..sila rindu aku jugak..hahahha....
ahaha perluke tulis name aku kat situ hehe. anyways..been thinking a lot abt u lately. wes risau psl ko la...
ive finished exams, n now start to get busy (apekah hehe), jadinye susah la utk bump into u online... =p
counting days nak balik mesia....
hahah..thanks sayang!!!hehehe..:P...dont wori aku dh dapat sinar sket dh..sket je la tapi..uhu
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