Thursday, November 29, 2007

ponteng lectures

Lalalal..i didn’t go to the lectures today…sangat malas n ngantok ok!even masa case conference pagi tadi I fall asleep…hahah..n i felt like dr cockery was looking at me on that time..haha..kantoi..dh la tmrw im not going to the clinic cuz I have an appointment with a dentist..haha..kantoi la kan..dh la last Monday I didn’t go to clinic as well..tapi tadi dh try dh goda milah so that she wont b going to the GF as well xde la nampak sangat..hahahaha…keji2..hehe..anyway I called my parents this afternoon and my parents ngah makan kat waheda’s restaurant ngan sume staff…it’s a normal routine for my parents to makan together2 with the staff and belanje diorg makan after penat seharian keje..yelah keje 10pagi till 10 malam..sape tak pengsan kan?dah la xde holiday pon..ade la holiday tapi once a month..mmg penat la..tapi honestly I feel like im attached to them..i mean to the staff..i treat them all like my close family…diorg sume best2…(except a few yg dh resigned and siap stealing barang2 kan..tu mmg keji la tapi rasenye so far 2 org je kot identified as a stealer..hehe..)..anyways called them and ijah said she want to say sumting to tadi I chatted with her and she said that she was currently stressed out..sebabnye she has to accompany my grandma to Jakarta with kerabat johor and she doesn’t like to…yelah nanti kene control sume makan, cakap n everything…leceh..dah la kene bawakkan beg mekap my grandma kan..haha..sian2..bersabar la ijah…tapi xpe..dah jadi cucu kesayangan skarang ni ye?hehehe..mek jojah ore nok g jugok!!hahahhaha..pastu tadi during psychiatry kiteorg bwat draw and the main prize for that draw is to present the chronic diseases management in GP class next week..hahahah..and the prize goes to EMMA…hahaha…:P..kesian gile..kiteorg punye group xde sorang pon nak volunteer..hehhe..cliodhna, tess and Rebecca asked me to present that GP thing but I don’t want…I think it is ok to present it but I don’t like the fact that I have to answer all the questions after the presentation..nak2 questions from Canadian or American yg bombastic tu…NO, THANKS..hahaha…

Hmm anyway I have 2 bad news…al-fatihah kat mohammad afnan saifuddin, anak dr fiza and dr puden yang baru meninggal semalam sejurus selepas dilahirkan (stillbirth)…and kat nenek yusairi…al-fatihah..semoga roh mereka ditempatkan di kalangan orang2 yang dirahmati Allah swt…

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