Saturday, May 11, 2013

Down with d flu

Im dealing with sick people all the time..
Almost everyday..
When i breathe in, i took some of the viruses/bacterias from my own patients..
They cough, they sneeze, they bleed, they urinate and they b.o in front of me..
I think i even literally drank amniotic fluid when i was in obs and gynae before..
However i dont get sick easily..
It was like my body is immune to this rganism..
Last week my dearest mother was down with the flu..
Followed by my marissa, maryam and sarah..
And 2days ago, i was down with d flu..
I think i got it from my mother..
I dont know where she got this very strong virus but it did infect me and my other half..
My husband is also coughing and sneezing today..
Semoga cepat sembuh..

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