Maggi ketam with d newlyweds..
I knwww im not supposedly eat maggi!
But what to do??
My baby inside me yang nak makan!!
Hahaa..oh myyyy!!hehe
Alaaa kalau ikutkan sume fastfood n food yang beli outside pon ade msg..hahhaa
Ok itu bukan doctor yg berkata2.hahhaa..
Last night pergi scan..unfortunately tak nampak lelaki ke perempuan...takpe la lelaki ke perempuan ke pakai je baju kakak marissa..hehhee
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Majlis menyambut menantu
Tak banyak amik picture gune iphone..sebab dh ade team photographer yang awesome n mantap kan-photoaura so tak banyak la kesimpulannye amik gambar..hehe.. It was a very happening day alhamdulillah.of course tiring jugak la.. Tapi enjoy every second of it..
Next----- ijah's wedding on 6-6-13
Next----- ijah's wedding on 6-6-13
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Attended a course today at rtc.. A very interesting topic..thyroid..endocrine is actually used to be one of my fav subject..but then after graduated ilmu endocrine ilang begitu saje so sekarang mmg tak suke sangat lah honestly..
Nyway one of the presenter was a well known surgeon...i just knw that we can do a laparoscopic thyroidectomy in hrpz! Omg!! Rase dh tua..padahal surgical posting was not that long ago..kat malaysia ni ade dua centre and dua surgeon je buat procedure tu and proudly one of the hosp yg buat tu hrpz..hehe.the other one kat hukm.. The incision yg jecik tu buat kat axilla so tak nampak sngt la..utk cosmetic purpose i think its very good...
Hehe antara banyak2 yang tu je sangat menarik perhatian..ngee
Nyway one of the presenter was a well known surgeon...i just knw that we can do a laparoscopic thyroidectomy in hrpz! Omg!! Rase dh tua..padahal surgical posting was not that long ago..kat malaysia ni ade dua centre and dua surgeon je buat procedure tu and proudly one of the hosp yg buat tu hrpz..hehe.the other one kat hukm.. The incision yg jecik tu buat kat axilla so tak nampak sngt la..utk cosmetic purpose i think its very good...
Hehe antara banyak2 yang tu je sangat menarik perhatian..ngee
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Candy crush saga
Oh my..
Im so addicted to this game..
Anyone wants to give me extra life?
Puas hati tgk levels yg dh accomplished..hehe..
Paling kejam level 65 lah..berhari2 la stuck kat situ..huhu
Im so addicted to this game..
Anyone wants to give me extra life?
Puas hati tgk levels yg dh accomplished..hehe..
Paling kejam level 65 lah..berhari2 la stuck kat situ..huhu
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Bridal shower
Last min punye plan..hehe
Mmg kalut sikit la.
Utk menyenangkan diri of course beli je fast food..
Sebab kene boikot mcd terpaksa la beli kfc..
Of course i xmakan pon kan sebab mmg xle makan kfc..
Kalau makan usually nauseated n vomitting terus..
Bidal shower ni utk aisyah, ijah n mimi..
Aisyah dh xkire dah actually sebab dh kawen..hehe..
Tak banyak sgt amik gambar ghne iphone sebab dh ade team from photoaura yg pictures will b uploaded once dh dpt from photoaura..hehe..thanks everyone!
Mmg kalut sikit la.
Utk menyenangkan diri of course beli je fast food..
Sebab kene boikot mcd terpaksa la beli kfc..
Of course i xmakan pon kan sebab mmg xle makan kfc..
Kalau makan usually nauseated n vomitting terus..
Bidal shower ni utk aisyah, ijah n mimi..
Aisyah dh xkire dah actually sebab dh kawen..hehe..
Tak banyak sgt amik gambar ghne iphone sebab dh ade team from photoaura yg pictures will b uploaded once dh dpt from photoaura..hehe..thanks everyone!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Hahhaa dah lame gile dh actually ni..well at least a month lah..kelab medik organized bowling tournament kt pacific bowl jugak..enjoy lah..i join mo punye team cuz no other female mo yg nk join apart from me n ayuni..ramai jugak tanye takpe ke pregnant tu?hehe takleh ke?bowling kan gune tangan..
I still berpegang kepada prinsip jangan manjakan diri sgt masa pregnant nnti bb jadi sangat manja..kene aktif so that bb pon aktif n insyaAllah jadi cerdik..alhamdulillah marissa mmg sangt aktif and senang follow arahan..cakap sekali pon buat..macam semalam tgh kemas2 barang ngan die mommy suruh die amik tudung yellow die amikkan n bawakkan kat mommy..memang alhamdulillah..tapi shes so clingy..xnak lepas mommy..mommy g mane2 mesti nak ikut..hehe
I still berpegang kepada prinsip jangan manjakan diri sgt masa pregnant nnti bb jadi sangat manja..kene aktif so that bb pon aktif n insyaAllah jadi cerdik..alhamdulillah marissa mmg sangt aktif and senang follow arahan..cakap sekali pon buat..macam semalam tgh kemas2 barang ngan die mommy suruh die amik tudung yellow die amikkan n bawakkan kat mommy..memang alhamdulillah..tapi shes so clingy..xnak lepas mommy..mommy g mane2 mesti nak ikut..hehe
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Went to Aware workshop last week..most of the speakers dok cite pasal multi resistant organisms..a quite scary thing u know..skrg ni kt our hospital acitenobacter species yg superb yg hanya respond to only few antibiotics tu mmg berlambak2 la..some kite rase colonizer some tu maybe yg menyebabkan infection and sepsis scary lah..bayangkan in the future takde pon ubat antibioti yang berkesan utk kite sebab sume pon dh resistant..sape yg salah?
A. Microbes itu sendiri..they have a brilliant and genius genes..they evoled..
B. doctor- the doctors nowadays esp go suke sangat prescribe antibiotic..demam denggi pon g prescribe yg actually lead to resistant sebab banyak sgt antibiotic n human host yg organism or microbes tu bleh bereksperimen..
C. Community itself..-patient ni request antibiotic tapi makan 2 hari je..lepas rs sihat dah tak makan..jadi lagi senang la kuman tu nak membiak and belaja camne nak atasi kuasa antibiotic itu..
D. Poor hygiene.. Yes..sume la..patients, relatives, healthcare staff..some of them lepas jumpe patient tak basuh tgn lantas menspreadkan kuman itu kepada org lain..maka jadi la outbreak..
E. semua jawapan di atas.
Of course la the answer is plss kakak kakak abang abang ibu ibu bapa bapa dan semua sekalian..pls jangan prescribe and jgn makan antibiotic sebrangan..n kalau dh makan tu pls la comply..jangan la lepas sehari dah rs sihat terus buang..
Fikir fikirkan lag nasib anak cucu kita seksok..nnt takde antibiotic dah kesian diorg..
A. Microbes itu sendiri..they have a brilliant and genius genes..they evoled..
B. doctor- the doctors nowadays esp go suke sangat prescribe antibiotic..demam denggi pon g prescribe yg actually lead to resistant sebab banyak sgt antibiotic n human host yg organism or microbes tu bleh bereksperimen..
C. Community itself..-patient ni request antibiotic tapi makan 2 hari je..lepas rs sihat dah tak makan..jadi lagi senang la kuman tu nak membiak and belaja camne nak atasi kuasa antibiotic itu..
D. Poor hygiene.. Yes..sume la..patients, relatives, healthcare staff..some of them lepas jumpe patient tak basuh tgn lantas menspreadkan kuman itu kepada org lain..maka jadi la outbreak..
E. semua jawapan di atas.
Of course la the answer is plss kakak kakak abang abang ibu ibu bapa bapa dan semua sekalian..pls jangan prescribe and jgn makan antibiotic sebrangan..n kalau dh makan tu pls la comply..jangan la lepas sehari dah rs sihat terus buang..
Fikir fikirkan lag nasib anak cucu kita seksok..nnt takde antibiotic dah kesian diorg..
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Why everyone choose to be a doctor
Went to karnival mara in kota bharu today..
Met lotsa people..
Paling best ramai ingat i lulusan spm( insert sedikit perasaan riak di sini) hahhaa..
Rase muda kembali n secara tak langsung tak ingat lak tgh pregnant 2nd trimester..hahaha..
Nway went there to teman my sister and my sister just finished her foundation and she doesnt really know what she wants to auntie lak her daughter just got a very excellent spm results last ke this month?xingat bile tapi excellent la yang pastinta straight 11a..abis kalah my record straight 10as..hehe... My cousin minat medic and i can assure u she will b a great doctor in d future..she really wants to be a doctor..bkan sebab mak ayah die nak die jd doctor..she got various offers from various university tapi still chose to b a doctor..sngt bersemangat..
Nyway kembali kepada isu sebenar..dalam banyak2 ipts yang ade kt situ about 50% or more dok promote sal medicine- md, mbbs, mb bch bao etcetera in everywhere around d worl mainly mesir, indon, russia n india..ade la terselit allianze twinning dengan national uni of ireland and monash uni..then i saje la g tanye kan..dengan muka awet muda diorg ingat i just finished my exam-spm.. Semangat diorg dok promote sal uni masing2 tu..pastu ade siap cakap kalau adik ade c pon dont worry..bleh ejas..i was so suprised!! No wonder everyone can b a doctor sekarang ni.. Am not saying that im really good..tapi yelah macam cara die ckp tu even yg dapat result rendah pon bleh jadi doctor as long as ade duit.. Hmmm kenape kerajaan xnk buat something pasal ni ek? Tahu tak jadi doctor ni bukannye senang..bukan sebab pangkat je n duit?duit pon xdapat banyak pon kalau jadidoctor..might as well mintak jadi engineer..lagi kaya dari doctor esp those yg keje ngan petronas..dengar cite dapat bonus 6bulan?bestnyee...
Doctor ni u kene tahu banyak dacrifice kene buat..janga expect nak keje 8-5 je..kadang2 kiteorg ni dh jadi mo n ade some specialist pon kul 6 xbalik lg tgk patients tau..lunch hour pon jangan la harap dapat..macam skrg ni kan our physician clinic kul 2ptg la standard abis..then u go n grab a quick lunch b4 sambung round ward n tgk new cases n buat procedure..pastu u need to remember u r dealing with human life..repeat- human life.. Human life ni tak tau sape kan; mother, father, sister ,brother, husband, wife, son, daughter or sape2 je..kene ingat kalau tu family kite camne?mesti we want d best to treat them kan?pastu kite kene ingat patient tu maybe d breadwinner of their family..kalau die sakit or worse meninggal sape akan tgkkan n sara family diorg?kene ingat mende tu..its not a simple job yang boleh try n error..a small mistake maybe fatal.. Kene ingat jangan la mudah2 je nk msk programme tu kalau rs tak mampu..kesian patients nanti..and agent pon jngn la nak cari duit sampai main tipu camtu..kalau org ni jd ur doctor cambe?buat simple error that lead to fatality?camne agaknye eh?
Met lotsa people..
Paling best ramai ingat i lulusan spm( insert sedikit perasaan riak di sini) hahhaa..
Rase muda kembali n secara tak langsung tak ingat lak tgh pregnant 2nd trimester..hahaha..
Nway went there to teman my sister and my sister just finished her foundation and she doesnt really know what she wants to auntie lak her daughter just got a very excellent spm results last ke this month?xingat bile tapi excellent la yang pastinta straight 11a..abis kalah my record straight 10as..hehe... My cousin minat medic and i can assure u she will b a great doctor in d future..she really wants to be a doctor..bkan sebab mak ayah die nak die jd doctor..she got various offers from various university tapi still chose to b a doctor..sngt bersemangat..
Nyway kembali kepada isu sebenar..dalam banyak2 ipts yang ade kt situ about 50% or more dok promote sal medicine- md, mbbs, mb bch bao etcetera in everywhere around d worl mainly mesir, indon, russia n india..ade la terselit allianze twinning dengan national uni of ireland and monash uni..then i saje la g tanye kan..dengan muka awet muda diorg ingat i just finished my exam-spm.. Semangat diorg dok promote sal uni masing2 tu..pastu ade siap cakap kalau adik ade c pon dont worry..bleh ejas..i was so suprised!! No wonder everyone can b a doctor sekarang ni.. Am not saying that im really good..tapi yelah macam cara die ckp tu even yg dapat result rendah pon bleh jadi doctor as long as ade duit.. Hmmm kenape kerajaan xnk buat something pasal ni ek? Tahu tak jadi doctor ni bukannye senang..bukan sebab pangkat je n duit?duit pon xdapat banyak pon kalau jadidoctor..might as well mintak jadi engineer..lagi kaya dari doctor esp those yg keje ngan petronas..dengar cite dapat bonus 6bulan?bestnyee...
Doctor ni u kene tahu banyak dacrifice kene buat..janga expect nak keje 8-5 je..kadang2 kiteorg ni dh jadi mo n ade some specialist pon kul 6 xbalik lg tgk patients tau..lunch hour pon jangan la harap dapat..macam skrg ni kan our physician clinic kul 2ptg la standard abis..then u go n grab a quick lunch b4 sambung round ward n tgk new cases n buat procedure..pastu u need to remember u r dealing with human life..repeat- human life.. Human life ni tak tau sape kan; mother, father, sister ,brother, husband, wife, son, daughter or sape2 je..kene ingat kalau tu family kite camne?mesti we want d best to treat them kan?pastu kite kene ingat patient tu maybe d breadwinner of their family..kalau die sakit or worse meninggal sape akan tgkkan n sara family diorg?kene ingat mende tu..its not a simple job yang boleh try n error..a small mistake maybe fatal.. Kene ingat jangan la mudah2 je nk msk programme tu kalau rs tak mampu..kesian patients nanti..and agent pon jngn la nak cari duit sampai main tipu camtu..kalau org ni jd ur doctor cambe?buat simple error that lead to fatality?camne agaknye eh?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
"Di mana jua kamu berada, maut akan mendapatkan kamu (bila sudah sampai ajal),sekalipun kamu berada dalam benteng-benteng yang tinggi lagi kukuh." (Surah an-Nisa':78)
Dah lame rasenye tak nangis tgk patient passed away..maybe sebab dh macam jadi kebiasaan..isi death certificate tu takde makne je rase..rase macam isi borang biase je..but last saturday setelah lama tak berlinangan air mata akhirnya menitis jugak..
Sedih sangat tgk waktu husband die sampai hospital dengan berlari pergi katil arwah isteri die and goncangkan macam tak percaya isteri die dh meninggal..lepas cuba kejut isteri die tapi tak berjaya he kissed her forehead banyak2 kali n usap rambut arwah isteri die sambil menitis air mata..sedih..secara tak sedar menitis jugak air mata ni..tried to act cool tapi tak bleh..hati ini sangat tersentuh..husband die tak sempat nak ajar mengucap and cakap goodbye...and my patient tu pon still young..she was 37year old..ade 6 orang anak in which youngest baru 3tahun.. Sedih tak??boleh bayangkan tak macam mana anak die nanti?mesti anak die akan dok tanya ayah die mana mak die kan?i rase sedih sebab boleh bayangkan kalau it was me yang passed away tu..camne marissa n my husband nanti?kesian marissa kalau takde ibu kan? Dah la mak die sebelum ni sihat je..takde medical illness pon..datang dengan demam 4 hari je...mungkin severe leptospirosis with pulmonary haemorrhage kot..bahaya kan lepto?this year quite banyak la kes leptospirosis death..mungkin skrg musim panas and kering and musim tikus mengawan kot...
So my dear blog reader..pls jaga kebersihan rumah semua ye?
And ingatlah ajal tu boleh datang bila2 sahaja..beribadatlah umpama kita akan mati esok hari dan berkerjalah umpama kita akan hidup selamanya...
Dah lame rasenye tak nangis tgk patient passed away..maybe sebab dh macam jadi kebiasaan..isi death certificate tu takde makne je rase..rase macam isi borang biase je..but last saturday setelah lama tak berlinangan air mata akhirnya menitis jugak..
Sedih sangat tgk waktu husband die sampai hospital dengan berlari pergi katil arwah isteri die and goncangkan macam tak percaya isteri die dh meninggal..lepas cuba kejut isteri die tapi tak berjaya he kissed her forehead banyak2 kali n usap rambut arwah isteri die sambil menitis air mata..sedih..secara tak sedar menitis jugak air mata ni..tried to act cool tapi tak bleh..hati ini sangat tersentuh..husband die tak sempat nak ajar mengucap and cakap goodbye...and my patient tu pon still young..she was 37year old..ade 6 orang anak in which youngest baru 3tahun.. Sedih tak??boleh bayangkan tak macam mana anak die nanti?mesti anak die akan dok tanya ayah die mana mak die kan?i rase sedih sebab boleh bayangkan kalau it was me yang passed away tu..camne marissa n my husband nanti?kesian marissa kalau takde ibu kan? Dah la mak die sebelum ni sihat je..takde medical illness pon..datang dengan demam 4 hari je...mungkin severe leptospirosis with pulmonary haemorrhage kot..bahaya kan lepto?this year quite banyak la kes leptospirosis death..mungkin skrg musim panas and kering and musim tikus mengawan kot...
So my dear blog reader..pls jaga kebersihan rumah semua ye?
And ingatlah ajal tu boleh datang bila2 sahaja..beribadatlah umpama kita akan mati esok hari dan berkerjalah umpama kita akan hidup selamanya...
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