Tuesday, May 1, 2012

d49 - no electricity for 6hrs!

Semalam marissa tdo dengan nyenyak n bangun twice je tapi mommy and daddy xleh tdo..teka nape?NO ELECTRICITY!!takde lektrik start kul 12malam sampai 6pagi..dasyatt tak TNB? lampu jalan ade tapi rumah kiteorg and few neighbours takde...sakit atiiiiiii sebab when report banyak2 alasan diorg kasi..that particular operator, kiteorg call berbelas kali cakap banyak gile alasan and different alasan each time..kul 2 tu when report again die cakap dah repair tapi kalau dh repair takkan la takde elektrik lagi?siap sms our neighbour lagi..panasss and paling penting my milk storage!!!!!ebm tu since day 2 confinement lagi ok!!!!!!!!!sayang ok!tapi sebab usually by 2-3 hrs ade la kan..then kiteorg call every 15minutes..lepas cakap dh repair and will re-check with technician called balik die cakap mmg shutdown..patutnye ade notis kiteorg terima..owhhhh okayy fineeee we r so going to write a complaint letter..sebab yelah takde notis and ade ke baiki malam2 kan?die kate bukan emergency shut down..lepas tu call balik die cakap nanti die email..what the????email ape ke bendenye takde elektrik ni???pastu call lagi die cakap pasal pejabat pos?suara mmg mcm baru bangun tdo la..ahahaha..lepas tu call lagi die cakap will ask her supervisor to call us which sampai sekang pon x call la kan?
at 4 tu called tapi still banyak alasan kasi so kiteorg decided kne bawak susu pergi rumah sape2 tumpang fridge diorg...so about 5am pg rumah my aunty n simpan susu kt situ..marissa pon heret sama sebab tkt die pns kn...around 6am my mom call ckp electric dh ade..sakit ati betol...
yg kelaka operator tu pon kalau xde alasan pom jgn sampai bodohkn diri sendiri,..hubby tny ade ke org repair tghmlm n mlm cuti labour day lak..then die ckp "aha ye tak ye jugak"..haiyokkkk...

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