Tuesday, April 24, 2012

d42- cloth diaper

Morning everyone!!Marissa ngantok arini sebab bgn awal tp xde org nak layan...hehe..mommy ngantok sangat n daddy pergi keje..my marissa ni dh besar dh...xnak bottle..huhu..kene try kasi few times baru die minum...aiyokk..maybe kecik lagi tapi hopefully besar sikit bole tolerate bottle sebab mommy keje sayang...mommy xleh nak direct feeding 24hrs..june ni mommy start keje and worst if mommy oncall..almost 2days xjumpe marissa kan?36hrs xcampur travelling time lagi..huhu...sian marissa... ni tetibe buat mommy rase nak pergi klinik kesihatan ni..at least working hrs and weekend free...kalau ade extended hrs pon brape jam snagat la and oncall pun oncall kat rumah..phone je pon..tp mommy mmg x minat clinics sangat...the fact that i have to sit in d clinic tngk almost the same condition everyday mmg sangat boring!i need adrenaline rush for example like "doctor, pt stop breathing!:, "doctor, pt collapse".. i need to do rounds, cakap2 ngan patients & relatives, resus pts and few others.. i never do locum..and i sangat x suke in charge green zone masa posting emergency medicine dulu...clinics banyak orang dtg mintak mc and kalau kite xnak kasi macam nak marah pulak..macam keluar dalam paper aritu, its doctor's decision to give pts mc or not after careful evaluation of his/her condition...kiteorg ni kalau demam pun keje lagi,..penah masa i demam pregnant aritu xde suara langsung pun i dtg keje even i knw it would be so difficult sebab keje saye kan memerlukan history taking sume..sakit tekak pun try jugak nak cakap dengan patients. hari tu masa 3rd trimester kerap sangat demam sampai my specialist tanye u betol2 dh check ke?dh mkn antibiotics tak?knowing me of course la i tak makan sangat meds masa pregnant aritu except paracetemol..antibiotics penah amik masa warded ari tu je...ubat batuk tu pun makan sebab 2weeks batuk...selsema mmg xmakan langsung..masa warded aritu diorg kasi ubat selsema i semunyikkan dlm bekas..hahaha..dieorg tny dh makan lom i cakap dh..yes, doctor is the most difficult patient..hehee...
 and last night kiteorg pergi kenny rogers lagi..my husband nak makan lamb tu tapi xde stok..so die makan roasted chicken je la...balik tu masuk tido awal jugak..bleh nampak muka die snagat penat...oncall die was quite bz and die cakap skarang bz sikit kat htm..banyak event and banyak cases;...semalam nak kaco die masa marissa bangun tengah malam pun kesian.
my cloth diapers tapi xtau nak try bile ni..hehehe..nak kene prewash dulu..semalam nak g tambah stok lagi tapi kedai tu xbukak..dh tutup dh..nak g cari legging cantek pon xde..haish..nak g kl pls..nak g mothercare!!!kat kb ni choices tak banyak...

AI2 lunatots premium...
Cloth diaper ni cantek2..and marissa's skin sangat la sensitive..asek kene nappy rash je sebab tu decided nak gune cloth diaper tapi my mum ckaap takut terkangkang die nanti sebab lebar sebab tu x gune lagi..so far still gune huggies for newborn tapi dh boleh kot skang sebab marissa dh demok2 dah...need to prewash die dulu and tgk camne...sebab i wll have my own bibik who will take care of marissa je keje die so boleh la die gune cd ni...bleh suruh die basuh sume..hehe..:p..hopefully pasni ok ngan cd and i dont need to buy any disposable diapers...alalalala..:P...

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