so much funnn!
maybe because im working with fun people kan..
the ratu2 gossip, Mila, Yani, Nadia, Mokknik and few others make it so much fun!
patients ramai pon boleh gelak2 even serabut sket..
owh of course minus the "no weekend" lah..
but if ade weekend mmg menarik gile lah..
owh and of course minus the "no oncall claim" lah..
hehe..tapi best tau!
macam2 cite and ragam orang kat emergency department ni..
yang marah doktor, yang nak tipu doktor, yang betol2 ill, yang nak mc and bla bla..hehe.:P
and the doctors sendiri pon...hehe..
meh i share a pic with u all...
Ni clerking sheet one of my colleagues at 625am in the morning..macam tulisan budak darjah satu buat karangan tak?hehehe.:P..malam tu jonar aka penat gile so by 6 tu dah flat dh die ckp..hehe..tapi lawak gile la..and of course la lepas tu die g basuh muke and write another one sebab malu tulisan buruk gile and nanti boss marah..hehe.:powh and end up patient tu sebenarnye nak mc je..kiteorg diagnose pt ni as "malingering"
nak tau ape itu malingering?
Malingering : is a medical term that refers to fabricating or exaggerating the symptoms of mental or physical disorders for a variety of secondary gain, motives, which may include financial compensation; avoiding school, work or military service; obtaining drugs; getting lighter criminal sentences; or simply to attract attention or sympathy.
1 comment:
i told u er is fun...wai since gradute keje kt ER..tk minat terus department lain..n kalo p department lain dh jadi kekok..hehehe...
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