Ok sekarang saje jagaa nephro unit..with another friend of mine yang terpaksa cover ward 2nd class and 1st class.. dulu HOD cakap ward 2nd class and 1st class patutnye MO yang round bukan HO. SOrnag MO satu ward je jaga yang patient medical x sampai 10 orang pon. very sket kan?tapi keje satu pon xleh buat. Bos pesan discharge, blood sume MO yang amik ward 2nd class and 1st class. Dulu MO UD 52 pon buat discharge but ade sorang MO baru ni. well die HO yang kene retain jadi MO la.dulu dh buat MO call waktu die HO tapi die buat hal so didowngradekan jadi la HO balik then now BOS BESAR pergi course so bos sorang lagi retain la die.
xkesah la kan nak retain die.
tapi die ni management tah pape.
Pastu kalau ade patient collapse bukannye nak attend.
Ade je alasan die.
For example dulu saye la kene. Patient saye HCO3 8 jer. memang acidotic gile.patient dh gasping pon. no know renal problem pon before. no ssx of pulmonary oedema pon. i informed die kan. die cakap
" sory aina aku xleh dtg. ade patient kat klinik aku tgh tgk"
n i was like WTF?patient kat klinik stabil kot and u were in charged of that patient kot?
and then i pon cakap kat die i nak kasi HCO3. Then die cakap
"tuh KO Punye plan. aku xde plan. ko tulis plan ko. aku xnak kasi.ko tanye kak S.(another MO)"
and i was like WHAT THE F***?cam hellO?
then i consult akak tu akak tu lak sebab bukan patient die and nak lunch hr, die cakap "AINA SAYE XDE KAT HOSPITAL"
padahal sah2 die kat bilik oncall.hahaha.
then i pon memberanikan diri call specialist terus la consult. then specialist came.
yes dear, specialist came but not the MO.specialist suruh kasi bicarb la kan sebab hco3 die kan sangat low.
i rase cam je tunjuk plan tu kat muke si mo tu.
anyway ari ni my colleague kan.kiteorg nephro unit, kene cover Haemodialysis unit juge kan. so kalau ade patient tetibe bleeding from IJC site ke ape site ke kene pergi attend. patient ade chills and rigors during Haemodialysis pon kene attend terus. And ari ni nak dijadikan cite 5 discharge and 4 new cases yang 3 of them nak kene buat peritoneal dialysis.
Then bos lak buat round kul 4. then mane la sempat nak buat PD sume. Sempat buat satu. tu pon xsempat nak lunch break pon kan.xkesah la kan. then ward 8 call la (2nd class ward) cakap ade patient gasping. die kate die dh call MO yang tersebut tapi Mo tu xnak attend. MCM WTF la kan?then mase tu i tgh buat PD and my colleague pon same then cakap kat nurse tu suruh call MO again. pastuhhhhhhhhhhhhh MO tu jawab die bz.
I rase die busy tidor je..die jaga satu ward jeee?ari ni xde klinik pon?ape je lagi?ala macam xtau la kan.i penah cover die waktu specialist tanye mane MO?die mase tu g beli nasi utk adik ipar die and beli lauk kat pasar. mase tu rs cam boleh tahan lagi tapi from ari ni bubye la.
lepas tu my colleague berlarii la g attend patient tu.dh la minah ni oncall.i pulak siapkan another 2 PD and mende remeh2 dlm ward. Pastu kul 7 tadi i received a call from my colleague suara stress gile cakap patient tu passed away and that damn MO x attend langsung.
teruk kan?
sangat irresponsible kan?
sume staff nurses so far yg saye pergi sume ward la kan sume xsuke die
sume cakap die eksen terer.
xtau la camne die nak jaga family die kalau perangai macam hantu.
oh sia2 je cakap sal mamat ni.
xgune langsung.
tambah dosa je.
ok sekian