Tuesday, October 6, 2009


2months has passed by...it has been 2months of hell for me.tears, stress, anxiety, madness-all been mixed up together. And for now,im so anxious waiting for 17th to come..Sob sob sob.
anyways, after a while terasa
1. Wah banyaknyeee words kelate yg saye nggak tau. never heard of it. such as "cemu"..ade sape2 tau?hahaha. it actually means contraction pain.hahaha.
2. wahhh banyaknyee adat org melayu ni..banyak things limited. macam xleh buat tu buat ni. bulan ni x elok, bulan ni bagus. macam wow!!
3. Wahhh banyaknyeee kes buli membuli kat msia ni..
4. Wahhh gile birokrasi msia nii!!!
5. Wahhh kenape kenape and kenape.hahaha. nanti la cite balik..
ngantok tetibe.
pasni maybe akan regularly update blog again mcm dulu..banyak mende nak story about. rinduuu sangat nak blogging!!!!hahaha..ari tu complicated sket sebab xde laptop..skarang ade laptop pinjam from ayahanda..anyways take care everyone..selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin!!


Anonymous said...

slmt hari raye maaf zahir batin aina..!!!

sudah pulg ke malaysia ker?

Wahidah said...

kembali aktif berblogging???? i likeeee...:)

Dr Zek said...

tu la houseman life namanye...zek dah lalu long2 time ago in HKL...but HRPZII actually is better...otherwise HKL is good for learning sebenarnya...zek pernah jd MO kt HRPZII...HRPZII 3x less buzy than HKL...so good luck for next 5 posting kan...its like hell..huhu

Rashid said...

satu senarai penuh kejujuran..

suka ayat, "wahhh gila birokrasi msia ni.."

cayalah.. itulah kebenarannya.