Friday, May 8, 2009

paeds oral list

Last nightkan i slept at 11++ but keep on waking up sampai la kul 8+ then tdo balik sampai 10+.hahaha..kejap2 bangun mcm malam exam sedangkan x exam pon..haha..xtau nape..
sampai study group pon kene cancelled cuz we got 3 people kene headache..hehe..:p..
Tapi the day getting better..
planned my hols with husna, yopit n mila..
hopefully pass all the exams sume..
paeds oral list pon dh kuar ari ni..
and ade email kat gmail liz cakap nobody fail final med without seeing an external examiner so hopefully ok lah sume..
malam ni nak kene finish up the presentation for study group..
ive been so lazy ass for the past few days..
wake up call..kene insaf..kalau nak jalan2 dengan gembira kene la pass all the exams and to do that kene la study kan?hehe..
so mari study dengan bersungguh2..
owh n liz cakap ade je yang dapat solid honours or 1st class without been called up for an dont worry to those yang high achiever.
ni sebab Dr.F cakap yesterday nobody will get honours without an pelik gak la yang tu cuz selama ni pon dapat 1st class or honours takdelak kene panggil for an oral..nyways final med, gudluck..2 more darlsss...pasni kite bley enjoy puas2...bak kata S, "at least kite ade life before kite takde life"..hahaha..:p..jap ayat die kurang sempurna di situ tapi xpelah..abaikan je...

1 comment:

Wahidah said...

dh kuar ye oral mcm mn aina???