Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Huwaa..ade salahhhh utk short answer questions semalam.aiyok..mcq pon ade salah
owh tak check tak check cume terbaca sal mende tu.
fokus aina fokus..
esok medicine ni..fixed ari tu cam banyak salah jugak so kene score ni.haishh
seb baek mcq..hahaa..
obs nanti 20, repeat 20, short answer questions in 3 hrs..hahaha..
so satu question tu 9mins..
die xleh lebey satu page jawab xsalah so i might have difficulty in writing my answers..tulisan saye besarr..mesti lambat kalau nak tulis tulisan kecik2.haish..
ok mari sambung..
hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism..
jarisch herxheimer reaction..
owh i baru tahu kan one of the side effects of metronidazole adelah dark urine..hahaha..i would never forget that!.hahaha

1 comment:

Wahidah said...

oh really ke aina..me pun br tahu side effect flagyl dark urine..hehehe..tq 4 da infoo