Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Dah dapat dah provisional offer letter..hahaha..
I wasnt prepared for the interview actually...
sebab i was telling myself,kalau xdapat maknenye a sign suruh jangan balik..hahaha..
interview tu sempoi je pon..
hhaha..tekankan about seniority..
suruh balik..
bla bla bla..
and seriously kalau ni betol2 interview keje kan kiteorg confirm dh fail..hahaha..
confirm xdapat..
kiteorg argue with the interviewer,
bagi opinions kiteorg sendiri..
being defensive..
basically, kiteorg take things for granted..
n kiteorg maybe malaysians akan cakap kiteorg rude..
but kiteorg just being open kot..kiteorg just bagitau je ape kiteorg rase kiteorg nak cakap..
just being honest...
tapi tula..
tu bukan culture malaysians kan?hahahaha..
kiteorg ni sebab referring to me and my colleagues...
kiteorg serius take things for granted la tapi..
sbab kiteorg macam sumenye most of us mmg mcm xnak balik or contemplating pon and kiteorg cam tahu diorg mesti nak kiteorg balik so take things for granted which i dont think we were supposedly to do that..
and satu mende lagi saye sedar, saya harus mule bercakap dalam bahasa melayu standard cuz tadi last question die suruh kiteorg jawb dlam bahasa melayu and seriously!!!!i had a very tough time masa tu..sbab i dont even know what global warming in bahasa melayu is until keluar from that room!!hahahahhaa..muahahahah..gelak2...
it is pemanasan global..hahahahaha...
english teruk..
malay pon teruk...

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