Wednesday, November 12, 2008

intern yang hampeh

Kami mencari history obs..
Kami=yopit and i..
Kami xnak history gynae but then xde sangat antenatal patients..
So kami pegi 4th south sebab kadang2 miscarriage punye cases kat situ kan..
And terjumpe Intern kat situ..
Intern tu tegur la kami die nak suruh kami buat admission...
Kami cakap kami xnak sebab kami nak amik history obs..
Ok pastu die tarik muka la..
And kami merayau2 lagi and end up pegi study room and study for few minutes..
Pastu after visiting hours abis kami pergi wards balik..
2south, 2east, 3south, 3east...sume xde patients yang sesuai...
So kami pergi 4 South...
Pastuu terpaksa la amik gynae patient..
I chose patient with uterovaginal prolapse..
And then i pegi, asked the consent from the patient sume and patient agreed for a chat so amik la history...
Tetibe intern muncul nak buat ECG kat patient tu..
Die cakap,
"I want to do ECG on her. Can i KICK U OUT from this room?"
Then kiteorg,
"Okay" while thanking the lady...
Then minah tu kat luar marah kiteorang...
Die cakap, len kali nak amik history tanye die dulu sebab patient tu x berape sehat..
Adeh...Selama ni kalau tanye even SPR pon dieorg suruh cari sendiri kotttt patient for histories...
And patient tu sendiri cakap die feeling better today and ok je kami nak chat..
Cam tah hape2..
Saya rase die sangat marah sebab kiteorg xnak buat admission..
ITU kan keje kamu?ape kate kamu buat and xyah la marah org len..Betol x?


Anonymous said...

haha are my 'partner in crime'

Wahidah said...

nampak sgt 'die' bengang sbb korang tk wat admission..huhuh..kewl kay...certain time mmg ade org yg menjengkelkan ..huhuhu