Friday, October 17, 2008

semalam punye entry patutnye

Someone broke in to my house today. Honestly i don’t know how he/she got in but it only took him approximately 3hours to take 1100euro and 350pounds away from my house together with ira’s gold bracelet. Our theory would be from mila’s window. Mila went to limerick last Sunday and she left her window open since then. I did realize it and did have an intention to close it but keep on forgetting and plus balik everyday pon kul 8pm dekat 9 pon so dh penat kan..Milah’s room is upstairs and a bit impossible for the pencuri to masuk ikut pintu tingkap milah in the afternoon..but there’s no other way that he could enter our hse other than from that window unless he got a key into our hse..He left the main and the back door widely open. He might got a chance to masuk ikut that window by pretending that he was an electrician repairing something or pretending he was a window cleaner or something. I don’t know but there’s a chance of he entered the hse from the window..Lagipon siang2 hari org keje so die berani or maybe die dh lame observe umah kiteorg n tahu kiteorg away siang hari..I don’t know..Really don’t know..tapi maybe la kan die dh lame usha sebab die tgk bilik depan semua gelap(aju’s and milah’s) and die tgk tingkap milah terbukak. So die pon sewa satu bulan kan...tapi xpe2..fikir least i wasn’t least WE weren’t there.. We don’t know what might happen to us if we were there...But seriously, i never thought something like that would happen..I always feel safe and secured here compared to Malaysia but skang dh terkene kat diri sendiri selamat la. Rase nak duduk hall balik la kann..huhu..takuttt..Takut he might come back cuz he knw that we all have laptops in our room and sebab die maybe xcukup tangan tadi so die might come back and amik laptop pulak..huhu..takuttt...luckily for me he just geledah my drawers and left it widely opened and didn’t really took anything from it. I left my jewelleries in a drawer and die xperasan kot..Maybe he thought that i xde valuable jewelleries cuz i got a box of jewelleries left open kat atas meja solek and barang2 kat situ sume yang tipu je other than a gold brooch yang maybe die nampak biasa je so die x amik..naseb baek..tu peninggalan Arwah Mek tu..huhu..

Anyways, in a conclusion,

1. Saya xleh shopping dh. Kene jimat dh cuz kene bayar balik duit sewa rumah 212euro..Terpaksa r lupekan wish list tu. Huh!!!!

2. Sila jalankan responsibility as hsemate yang baek dengan make sure lock the door and windows before pegi mane2.

3. Sila pastikan barang2 anda disembunyikan di tempat yang xleh diteka...huhu...

4. Make sure jangan ade pattern keluar masuk umah so org boleh tahu kite xde kat rumah bile2..tapi ni susah sket la kan cuz kite punye kelas semua everyday lebih kurang je keluar masuk..aiyok..

5. Saya takut nak tdo kat sini malam ni so maybe akan tdo bilik ira..some sort of trauma sket walaupon xjumpe pon but takut lah room kat bawah and sorang2 pastu kitchen dekat...pintu bilik xleh kunci...oho..menakutkan okeh!!tadi dgr azalea turun tangga pon dh melompat dh..huhuh

Ok update!kan tadi saya balik je saye terus called garda..walaupon dh lambat few hours tapi after call garda, garda datang i told him about the window sume..he had a look at it and die pon cakap akan suruh Crime Scene Investigations punyer people datang..Garda left our hse dalam kul 8pm+ kot xsure sangat and then kul 9.30 CSI tu datang...Ok punye la saye expect ramai akan datang ngan uniform or baju yang gempaq ke sekaliiii bapak bosann..xnampak kete pon kat luar pastu mamat tu datang dengan 1 torchlight yang besar (bukan lah torch light but something yg boleh keluarkan cahaya la) and a bag with few chemicals inside..pastu die datang i brought him to milah’s room and die buat la kan cam cat2 sket..then die cakap xde shoe marker kat atas katil so die cakap maybe a bit impossible..kiteorg dalam hati(kalau gune socks xde la shoe marker) but xde la cakap kat die kan...pastu i told him about the polisterine ke ape tah yg org panggil tu yg i found in my room and unfortunately dh buang tu n xjumpe when die nak tengok so terpaksa la lupekan...huhu..pastu i asked him to look at the back door tapi sebab very greasy die xleh even nak sapukan cat pon!! xdapat pape pon..die cakap die xdapat any fingerprint pon but die cakap dieorg akan investigate mende ni further..(yelah tu)...pastu so die pon balik la...tapi kodi gile..pakai baju kemeja je datang buat investigation..hahaha..shahid called tanye die tunjuk id tak so i dh a bit cuak dh tah2 tu pencuri tu kan pastu nampak die tulis CSI kat torchlight die tu betol la kot..xkan nak nipu kan?kan2?lagipon die dh call tadi cakap nak dtg kul 930 and mmg tepat2 930 pon die dtg..ngee.....

Perasaan rumah kene pecah masuk?xde perasaan...sedih dicancelkan dengan takut n bersyukur sebab wasn’t there on that time...duit boleh dicari, nyawa xleh Alhamdulillah walaupon ilang barang...

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