Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Went to South Infirmary Hospital today for gynae surgeries and got a chance to scrub in for a radical hysterectomy and pelvic nodes dissection. It was quite a long surgery and i spent about 3hours standing beside Dr.C watching him doing the surgery.. The patient is a 36y.o lady with cervical cancer mets to uterus..(erk xsure sngt history..lalala)..Me, as usual being the retractor and tukang gunting jer..oklah..at least boleh jugak assist satu major gynae surgery kan?haha..penat juge jadi retractor ni yeee...lalala...and penat juge berdiri lame2...nanti tua2 mesti ade varicose vein ni..ngee..
Owh ye...i was excited when i saw the uterus been taken out from her pelvis, thus i tried to touch it and picit2 die..lalalala..pastuuu kene tukar sterile gloves baruu sebab air from uterus terkene my gloves and sebab die kire from vagina and x sterile maka kene tukar gloves baru. Moral of the story : jangan gedik main2 during surgery. Luckily Dr. C yang jadi head surgeon. Kalau dr lain mesti dh suruh stop assist dah..ahha..=)...Owh and Dr.M pulak ade la kan kat CUMH hari ni and die ingatkan yopit tu i..yopit cakap die tanye aiman;
"is that my student?", while pointing his hand towards yopit..Ngee..kantoii..
Owhhh last but not least!!!!!Umi is reading my blog!!hahaha..haruslah careful pasni cakap2...hahaha...ouch.. umi cakap nak comment..sila la comment ye encik umi.. puan umi tadi hujan lebat so i dh beli payung dh..ngee..(tu pon nak kene cakap ke?hehe..)... puan umi esok i ade presentation so u doakan i ek?i x buat lagi ni..hehe...i love u umi shomeyyy!!!

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