Monday, October 20, 2008

brain tumour

I saw a very fascinating case today. She is a 27y.o lady who is diagnosed with a brain tumour after having few episodes of seizures and severe headache back in 2005. She had undergone 2 surgeries to remove the tumour but she still has the tumour. She was having her first child when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour. She had a different partner on that time and apparently her partner left her after he found out that she had a tumour in her brain. Just after she went out from the room my doctor said,

“it’s pity u know. Her partner left her after he found out that she had a brain tumour. Sometimes men just couldn’t cope with the stress”

And i was like,

“That’s cruel! She was carrying his child!and that was the only time that she really need someone to hold to!!!

And he replied,

“i know but u know, sometimes men just couldn’t. We just couldn’t cope with lots of stress”

And he left to get a new patient for his next consultation.

I was a bit emotionally on that time. I even raised my voice to my consultant. But its absolutely ruthless. He left her after he found out that she has a tumour in her brain. Cmon!Give her some mercy?will u?huhu...a big no!no! for a guy like that!But sape tahu kan?Jodoh semua itu di tangan Allah swt. DIA sudah tentukan semua nasib kita..=)


Nadhirah Ahmad said...

selfish guy. hate it!!! im becoming emoitional too.. huh

Anonymous said...

leh ar. sudah termaktub! skang berusaha lah, jgn letak kesalahan org len d tempat pertama. tp tgk diri kita cane dlu. org atas oke ke? meh hadiri tazkirah oleh ET.