Yeayyy...Great day today!bulan pon mengambang dengan caanteknye masa on the way balik tadi...=)...
Woke up at 9am++ and sat in front of the computer till 1215pm..ngee..pastu baru pegi..Tapi tu pon pegi2 x terus direct pegi Cork University Maternity Hospital(CUMH)..hehe..Melepak dengan yopit, haizum and aimi rahayu kat Cork University Hospital punyer canteen..Best jugak lepak2 ngumpat2 ni..hehe...
Anyways alhamdulillah delivered my 1st baby today..bukan setakat satu..hehehe..3 org today..alhamdulillah..=)..mule2 midwife tu nampak cranky gile tapi baek sangatla..hehe..and dapat juge tengok instrumental delivery yang sangat horror ok!!Dr.Yopit yang buat and sebab xleh vacumm die gune forceps pastu sebab kepala die still stuck and contraction die xkuat dr.yopit tu after taruk forceps die main gunting jeeeeeeeee kat tut tut...sakittttttt!!hahahha...naseb baek minah tu on epidural kan..kalau x mati die kesakitan..haha...besar gak kot cut tu..tengok die stitch cam banyak juga je...huhu...
Owh and hari ni saya menjadi student yang sangat baek..Saya telah mengattachkan diri sy kat midwife, student midwife, obstetricians, neonatologist, anaesthetist and porter...owh parents kepada baby juge..hahaha...Mule2 attached kat midwife la buat baek ngan diorg, bodek2 sket so that boleh deliver a baby...pastu student midwife sebab nak mintak die ajar camne nak check placenta..pastu obstetricians(ni sebab mmg kene attached la kan sebab name pon buat rotation OBS n GYNAE)..pastu neonatologist...pastu porter..hehe..
I saw a baby with ascites and hepatomegaly last week while doing ultrasound scan with Dr.M..And luckily i got to see the mother before she delivered a baby, helping her out with epidural and explaining few things to her and her husband.. Lame jugak la dok dalam birthing room ngan die..ade la dalam 3hrs ke 2 hrs..but best least i got to assist the anaesthetist doing epidural and jadi macam nurse kejap check temperature, check fetal heart sound and tukang picit alarm signal off..hehe..pastu when she was fully dilated and nak deliver a baby, i tukang sambut!!hehehe..of course la with midwife kat belakang saya ready to do something if anything happened and dr.f jugak ade sebab die high risk lady so in case something happened juge die ade kat dalam room tu and with neonatologist juge...husband die punyer la nervous..keluar toilet masuk toilet je keje die..haha..kelaka je...pastu yeay berjaya sambuttt tapi midwife tolong la sket2 sebab kepala die cam stuck sket..then masa nak deliver placenta tuuu CUAKKK ok!!tetibe blood die banyak gile keluarrrrrrrrr okeyyy!!!terleby dari biasa..pompuan ni kecik je tau tapi baby die besarr n polyhydramnios pon tapi mmg banyak blood die sampai midwife tu suruh i buang glove n panggil head midwife datang...cuak gak la kan takut salah saya ke ape tapi bukan salah saye..hehehe..
After delivering the baby, boleh nampak abdomen die a bit distended and mate die slightly merah sket compared to other babies...Lepas deliver sume tu saya pon usha neonatologist taruk NG tube sume and lepas tu sebab baby tu kene buat xray kan so lepas tu saya ikut porter n ayah baby tu pegi neonatology unit...Bestttt kat sini cuz i boleh tanye banyak questions and diorg very helpful nak jawabb...pastu i told the neonatologist about the baby and asked him whether i can feel for the abdomen sume tu n die kasi..hehe.n betolllll hepatomegalyy..pastu mmg dull in percussion..pastu dr tu cam xsure sangat kidney ke or splenomegaly on the left side..die cakap most prob kidney but in this baby case sebab die ade ascites sume kan so takut maybe die ade splenomegaly..So xray malam ni nak rule out few things dulu n esok baru buat full ultrasound..tapi dr tu cakap baby with ascites sangat rare kat sini..die dh keje 7 tahun n die baru jumpe 2 kes of baby with ascites..=)bestttttt!!hehhe..pastu neonatologist tu suruh i buat cannulation kat baby tu..pastu die tengok muke cuak kan so die cakap "no, im kidding".hahha..xtau la die betol2 suruh ke ape sebenarnye tapi cuak gak la kan eventho penah je amik blood baby kat msia masa buat INR dulu2 kat msia..Ngee..
ok2 nak sambung makan..hehehe..:p..(patut on call ari ni tapi lapar sangat la so terpaksa balik umah..haha..>>>alasan je...)
haha..cara ko tulis Dr.Yopit tu mcm aku je dr yg assist delivery tu...sdgkn tu Dr.SO, consultant yg aku attach mesti dlm kol 3.30pm kan..sbb mase tu aku dok dgn die kt clinic n suddenly she got a call fr labour ward..tinggallah aku terkontang-kanting sorg2.heee..
aha ko aha around tu la..aku ingat die nak halau aku dh sebab tu private patient die tapi die xcakap pape pon..hehe..maybe sebab aku dh mintak consent dengan pompuan tu n husband die..ngee..hehehe..asal ko x ikut weh?
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