Saturday, August 30, 2008

personal love questions

[01] Are you currently in arelationship?
= single and available.hahahaha
[02] Have you ever been given a rose?
= yerp and really loves it!!!
[03] What is your all-time favoritelove story movie?
= a walk to remember
[04] Are you in love right now?
= derrrr...NOPE
[05] Do you believe that everyonehas a soulmate
=hehe..sume org telah ditetapkan jodohnya dengan somebody oleh Allah swt. adekah jodoh itu dikira soulmate?hehehe..saye percaye sume org ade jodoh tersendiri..tapi saye kureng sket soulmate same je sebenarnye?hahahaha
[06] What's your current problem?
= takut dengan final yr
[07] Have you ever had your heartbroken?
[08] Your thoughts of online or long distance relationships?
= wont last me.hehehe
[09] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?
[10] The person your with right now,do you want to spend your life with?
= erk xde sape2..
[11] How many kids do you want tohave?
= max 4 boleh?hehehe..tapi kawen pon x lagi?
[12] What is/are your favoritecolor/s?
= pink, red, white, black, natural colors
[13] Who is your celebrity crush
= justin hurtley
[14] Do you believe you truly only love once?
= yes i do.
[15] Imagine you're 40 & your spousejust died, would you get re-married?
= haha tengok la sape yg i akan kawen kan..kalau i betol2 sayang die mmg x la kan..hahahhahahaha...ade gaya2 isteri x solehah je ni.hahahaha
[16] Do you believe in love at firstsight?
[17] What song u want to be played atyour wedding?
= erk bile nyer nak kawen?
[18] Do you like anyone?
= ade2..justn hurtley, oguri shun


Unknown said...
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f_mgh said...

kreatif and locomotive...