.::Hot Milo, Lasagne, Spaghetti goreng pedas n x pedas and cheesy beef burger..owh handphone nad..hehehe..::.
Ok so sambung..
We were playing mafia when we heard a bell rang...so i went to the front door to open the door cuz everyone were busy bermafia'ing...owh saye out sudah on that time cuz mafia jeles n takut dengan saye so they killed me in the 1st round..hehe..anyways sebab saye penakut saye xde la terus bukak pntu pun..ala even sape2 yg berani pon akan make sure dulu sape kat depan pintu kan b4 bukak pintu..tambah2 most of the students dah moved out from the apartments already...mule2 saya ingatkan syakur n wami but when i asked them diorg x menyahut...so saye ingat diorg nak main sorok2..so saye intai la ikut lubang pintu but nobody there...so saye cakap kat my hsemates..nad tried to call syakur n wami but diorg xjawab ke ape..so saye masuk kitchen n tak bukak la pintu...ok tu satu..
and then after syakur and wami sampai kiteorg main la..lagi syok la kan main ramai2 orang mafia...and then the phone rang....someone called and told us to keep our voice a bit lower sebab kiteorg too loud..kiteorg ingat warden cuz kiteorg x tutup tingkap sebab panas so maybe warden la dengar kot even x de la logik sangat sebab jauh..kiteorg ingat the neighbours sume dah kosongkan apartment...ok so kiteorg pon after tu try la kurangkan bising sket but still a bit bising la..hehe..
and then kul brape tah when diorg sume nak balik dah, n kiteorg tengah kemaskan dapur suddenly budak2 tu datang balik cakap,
"wei sampah korang berterabur"..
owh lupe nak cakap..kiteorg taruk sampah kat luar sebab kiteorg nak bersihkan kitchen..BUT when kiteorg tgk kat luar, that definately not our sampah..i took the picture as a evidence to show the receptionist and everyone tomorrow...
SOOOOO in a conclusion, someone threw their rubbish in front of our door and i dont know sebab kiteorg bising ke ape ke..tapi ni mmg sengaja diorg lakukan..so kiteorg asked the guys to throw our sampah n kiteorg cool down kejap..suraikan dulu and then me n nad called the warden..we told them that we didnt want to clean the sampah because that wasnt ours...mule2 kiteorg mmg ingat nak bersihkan BUT tah2 ade pork ke ape ke sebab sampah tu sangat BUSUK okk n banyak food yang basi dalam tu sume so kiteorg decided xnak kemaskan..i told the warden that it was a crime..n kiteorg cakap yg kiteorg MEMANG xkan bersihkan those rubbish..stupid la...kalau ye pon marah xyah la pecahkan sampah tu..huhu..busuk ok!!...and gus, the warden cakap xpe xyah bersihkan...tomorrow just report it to the receptionist...so ok...xpe la..so tmrw sebab kiteorg kene bangun awal check out from the apartment, kiteorg akan report sekali la mende ni...tah pape je kan??n tadi yg angkat phone cakap suara yg call suara foreigner...saya rs org sebelah sebab die skema pelik..but hey?tonite is our last nite in the apartment n sume org dh abis exam kot?rasenye org sebelah ni die saiko la..hahaha...
dia jeles tu kot..kamu smua hapy sangat2,,,,hahahahha...
asal aku bukak blog ni je, ada makanan, nampak mcm sedap plak tu, ish.... tergugat iman diet aku ni oi....
perghhh.. best nyer makun... klu camni, tak takut gemssss..
henfon tu nyebok jer.... asal ada makanan jer, dia ada, asal dia ada jer... makanan ada.. ntah paper tah... takde tempat len ker
tapi mmg sadis ler ur neighbor tuh
makanan yg enak sekali...
tp itu neighbour ada gangguan jiwa..
tekanan kot...
hehhe hehhe....
depa jeles tuh :D
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