Ngeee..barulah ade masa nak berblogging balik..
very the bz since my mum balik from mecca...
balik bangkok kene pindah2 barang sume..
n this weekend lak nak pegi wedding nad..
pegi kedai pon malam baru sampai..
n so far x jual satu notebook pon lagi..ngeee..
tahap kritikal ni..
anyway bangkok's trip wasnt really great..
a bit bosan and tiring..
kiteorg stay kat The Emerald Hotel, Bangkok..
n this time ramai gile pegi..
400 people!!!!!!
ade new products launching for Canon...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Ngeee..semalam umi balik from umrah...
flight delayed sampai kul 3++..
alhamdulillah umi sehat, toknik sehat n cik elin sehat..
ayah ed demam sket but diorg sume ok la.
my mum ade sore throat sket..
n diorg ni sume shopping punye la..
sampai balik 4 troli penuh beg..ngeee..ill upload the pictures later..
nggak sempat memandangkan ari ni kebzan sket bwat few things with my mum...
plus kat kbmall pon skarang..
anyway, nak cite sal matchmaking..
sape tak tau ape itu match making?
match making is a method(zaman dulu2) utk menjodohkan anak2 mereka..
ngeee...tapi x semestinye kawen pon..
semalam sebab my mum balik from umrah so ade la sket makan2..
n my auntie pon bawak la kawan die...
bersama2 anak kawan die...
utk berkenalan...
aka matchmaking..
n saya xtau pon nak bwat ape..
sebab mane la biasa..saye kan perempuan melayu moden yg baek hati n rock..ngeee...
sangat la xtau nak bwat ape..
n so duduk la dapur sampai la diorg balik..pegi keluar waktu nak salam dengan his mum jer...
n masuk dapur basuh pinggan sume...
ok sekian terima kasih..
flight delayed sampai kul 3++..
alhamdulillah umi sehat, toknik sehat n cik elin sehat..
ayah ed demam sket but diorg sume ok la.
my mum ade sore throat sket..
n diorg ni sume shopping punye la..
sampai balik 4 troli penuh beg..ngeee..ill upload the pictures later..
nggak sempat memandangkan ari ni kebzan sket bwat few things with my mum...
plus kat kbmall pon skarang..
anyway, nak cite sal matchmaking..
sape tak tau ape itu match making?
match making is a method(zaman dulu2) utk menjodohkan anak2 mereka..
ngeee...tapi x semestinye kawen pon..
semalam sebab my mum balik from umrah so ade la sket makan2..
n my auntie pon bawak la kawan die...
bersama2 anak kawan die...
utk berkenalan...
aka matchmaking..
n saya xtau pon nak bwat ape..
sebab mane la biasa..saye kan perempuan melayu moden yg baek hati n rock..ngeee...
sangat la xtau nak bwat ape..
n so duduk la dapur sampai la diorg balik..pegi keluar waktu nak salam dengan his mum jer...
n masuk dapur basuh pinggan sume...
ok sekian terima kasih..
Friday, June 13, 2008
Alhamdulillah..provisional results dh keluar..hopefully everything tu dh btol la..a bit sedih sebab jatuh gile my results menarik sgala average dan harapan tinggi yang diletakkan..tapi xper..bersyukur la dengan ape yang telah dianugerahkan oleh Allah swt...
bersyukur aina..
i will study harder for next yr..
i will.
waaa shedih jugeee tapi xpe lah..nak bwat camnekan..
ok mari lah mengenjoykan summer..
at least dh tau pass..
at least xyah balik kene re-sit ke ape ke autumn ni..
n dah lepas pon..
bersyukur aina..
i will study harder for next yr..
i will.
waaa shedih jugeee tapi xpe lah..nak bwat camnekan..
ok mari lah mengenjoykan summer..
at least dh tau pass..
at least xyah balik kene re-sit ke ape ke autumn ni..
n dah lepas pon..
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
my family b4 my mum pegi Mekah
Monday, June 9, 2008
a story that i wanna share
when i came back last 3days, someone told me an unfortunate story of someone closer to me..and the 1st word that came out from my mouth on that time was bodoh. and after that keji gile...
ok..this is a story about how stupid people can jahat people can be and how intolerable people can be...saya gunakan A for someone closer to me tu n B for someone yg bodoh itu and C for someone yang keji itu. A= a lady, B= gentleman, C= stupid, gedik betina.
A ni a very successful teacher.. She is a great mother, daughter, wife and friends.. She's really a great woman and i adore her as someone who is tabah and berjaya la...and B ni pon a very successful man xsure pangkat ape but gaji die 5digits la..n both of them struggling together la masa muda2 dulu kumpul duit..their 1st daughter is 18 y.o and mmg pandai..skang tengah bwat preparation nak pegi overseas..ok remember ye anak die sorang 18, sorang 17 n yg len kecik2 lagi la..the youngest 4 y.o...anak2 dieorg ni mmg pandai gile r..pastu kan selalu didengar kan for lelaki life begins at 40..konon2 la..and mamat tu pon skang dh kaya la..die punye ladang kelapa sawit yang diusahakan bersama with his wife dah agak success n mmg dh jadi someone la..pastu yang si A ni die ade anak murid...anak murid die ni rapat la ngan die sebab dok depan umah je..n mmg kawan rapat la dengan anak-anak die sebab umo lebih kurang anak die..anak murid A ni umur die 21 this yr...ok abis la intro..
anak murid cikgu A ni mmg baek la..rapat dengan family diorg la..kalau kenduri ke ape ke die la yang akan dok tolong basuh pinggan sume...pastu die bwat la praktikal kat tempat keje si B ni..pastu tup tup dengar2 after xtau la berape lame dh tapi dh pregnant dh terbongkar la yang si B ni kawen dengan SI C C ni padahal dh beriya2 nak bertunang ths yr dengan tunang A ni tahu yang husband die, B ni kawen dengan C after C ni pregnant berape bulan dh..kire dh lame dah diorg kawen senyap2 tapi A tak tau..yang A tau tu pon sebab terbace msg kt handphone...
ok skang cam siot x?harapkan pagar, pagar makan pagi..yang si A ni siap kasi duit sume kalau si C ni nak g belajar sume...keji x?pastu si C ni after si A tahu die pon datang la melutut2 mintak maaf dengan si A ni..tapi si A ni cakap xpela nak bwat macam mane kan tapi die cakap jangan tunjuk muka lagi depan die..tapi si A ni dok makan hatila...rumah si C tu depan umah je..siasat punye siasat kan, si A tanye la kawan2 si C ni..kawan2 si C ni cakap, si C tu nk kawen dengan si B tu sebab la si mamat tu dh kaya dh kan skang..tapi boleh x macam tu?siasat2 lagi rupenye parents si C ni yang mengalakkan si C ni kawen dengan si B..yang xtahannye kawen kat thailand n direstui oleh ibu bapa si C ni..yang lagi xtahannye parents si sial ni pegi pesan kat si C,
"papepon pasni kene lebihkan si A la kalau jadi pape"..(maksud die..mmg menjerumus kepada pembahagian harta...)..KEJI X?
keji kan..mak bapak die yang paling jahat la..kire cam jual anak la sebab nak kan harta...huhu..jahat gile ok..jahat jahat..saye benci manusia camni..saya tau skang sume pon pandang duit...and saye pon materialistik..tapi utk sanggup jadi 2nd wife just for the sake of harta, boleh blahhh...and saye rs b4 kawen cam nak g bwat perjanjian dengan lawyer..kalau suami saye kawen lain, segala harta benda jatuh kepada saya n die akan diisythiharkan muflis...huhu...kalau die kawen lain sebab saye xle kasi zuriat ke ape ke, acceptable la..but if xde sebab just sebab hawa nafsu mmg sorry la..saya sanggup jadi ibu tunggal..(eerk kawen pon xtau bile lagi la kan..hahahah)
owhhh..yang kesian kan..anak2 si b ni sume la including yg kecik tu pon nangis kat kaki si B ni cakap,
"nape ayah buat camtu..kesian ibu. Ibu bukannye ade buat salah ke ape kat ayah..and along xkesah kalau ayah kawin sebab ibu buat salah ke ape tapi ni kalau ikut ilmu ape yang along belaja selama ni, ayah kawin sebab nafsu ni..budak tu umur 21..terang2 sebab hawa nafsu ni ayah"...
sedih x?
and ari tu ade sekali tu masa si B balik from sumwhere, anak die yg paling kecik tu peluk die sambil nangis sampai teresak2..and when ditanye budak tu jawab ape?
"X(name budak tu) sedih dengan ayah sebab ayah dah berubah dah"
sedih x?budak umur 4tahun pon boleh faham?cerdik..dah boleh fikir dah...when saya dengar cerita ni especially when saya dengar anak2 die nangis sume tu mmg bercucuran air mata saya....sebab they r people that i love..and someone jahat buat diorg camni sebab harta benda yang xkan kekal...=(
ok..this is a story about how stupid people can jahat people can be and how intolerable people can be...saya gunakan A for someone closer to me tu n B for someone yg bodoh itu and C for someone yang keji itu. A= a lady, B= gentleman, C= stupid, gedik betina.
A ni a very successful teacher.. She is a great mother, daughter, wife and friends.. She's really a great woman and i adore her as someone who is tabah and berjaya la...and B ni pon a very successful man xsure pangkat ape but gaji die 5digits la..n both of them struggling together la masa muda2 dulu kumpul duit..their 1st daughter is 18 y.o and mmg pandai..skang tengah bwat preparation nak pegi overseas..ok remember ye anak die sorang 18, sorang 17 n yg len kecik2 lagi la..the youngest 4 y.o...anak2 dieorg ni mmg pandai gile r..pastu kan selalu didengar kan for lelaki life begins at 40..konon2 la..and mamat tu pon skang dh kaya la..die punye ladang kelapa sawit yang diusahakan bersama with his wife dah agak success n mmg dh jadi someone la..pastu yang si A ni die ade anak murid...anak murid die ni rapat la ngan die sebab dok depan umah je..n mmg kawan rapat la dengan anak-anak die sebab umo lebih kurang anak die..anak murid A ni umur die 21 this yr...ok abis la intro..
anak murid cikgu A ni mmg baek la..rapat dengan family diorg la..kalau kenduri ke ape ke die la yang akan dok tolong basuh pinggan sume...pastu die bwat la praktikal kat tempat keje si B ni..pastu tup tup dengar2 after xtau la berape lame dh tapi dh pregnant dh terbongkar la yang si B ni kawen dengan SI C C ni padahal dh beriya2 nak bertunang ths yr dengan tunang A ni tahu yang husband die, B ni kawen dengan C after C ni pregnant berape bulan dh..kire dh lame dah diorg kawen senyap2 tapi A tak tau..yang A tau tu pon sebab terbace msg kt handphone...
ok skang cam siot x?harapkan pagar, pagar makan pagi..yang si A ni siap kasi duit sume kalau si C ni nak g belajar sume...keji x?pastu si C ni after si A tahu die pon datang la melutut2 mintak maaf dengan si A ni..tapi si A ni cakap xpela nak bwat macam mane kan tapi die cakap jangan tunjuk muka lagi depan die..tapi si A ni dok makan hatila...rumah si C tu depan umah je..siasat punye siasat kan, si A tanye la kawan2 si C ni..kawan2 si C ni cakap, si C tu nk kawen dengan si B tu sebab la si mamat tu dh kaya dh kan skang..tapi boleh x macam tu?siasat2 lagi rupenye parents si C ni yang mengalakkan si C ni kawen dengan si B..yang xtahannye kawen kat thailand n direstui oleh ibu bapa si C ni..yang lagi xtahannye parents si sial ni pegi pesan kat si C,
"papepon pasni kene lebihkan si A la kalau jadi pape"..(maksud die..mmg menjerumus kepada pembahagian harta...)..KEJI X?
keji kan..mak bapak die yang paling jahat la..kire cam jual anak la sebab nak kan harta...huhu..jahat gile ok..jahat jahat..saye benci manusia camni..saya tau skang sume pon pandang duit...and saye pon materialistik..tapi utk sanggup jadi 2nd wife just for the sake of harta, boleh blahhh...and saye rs b4 kawen cam nak g bwat perjanjian dengan lawyer..kalau suami saye kawen lain, segala harta benda jatuh kepada saya n die akan diisythiharkan muflis...huhu...kalau die kawen lain sebab saye xle kasi zuriat ke ape ke, acceptable la..but if xde sebab just sebab hawa nafsu mmg sorry la..saya sanggup jadi ibu tunggal..(eerk kawen pon xtau bile lagi la kan..hahahah)
owhhh..yang kesian kan..anak2 si b ni sume la including yg kecik tu pon nangis kat kaki si B ni cakap,
"nape ayah buat camtu..kesian ibu. Ibu bukannye ade buat salah ke ape kat ayah..and along xkesah kalau ayah kawin sebab ibu buat salah ke ape tapi ni kalau ikut ilmu ape yang along belaja selama ni, ayah kawin sebab nafsu ni..budak tu umur 21..terang2 sebab hawa nafsu ni ayah"...
sedih x?
and ari tu ade sekali tu masa si B balik from sumwhere, anak die yg paling kecik tu peluk die sambil nangis sampai teresak2..and when ditanye budak tu jawab ape?
"X(name budak tu) sedih dengan ayah sebab ayah dah berubah dah"
sedih x?budak umur 4tahun pon boleh faham?cerdik..dah boleh fikir dah...when saya dengar cerita ni especially when saya dengar anak2 die nangis sume tu mmg bercucuran air mata saya....sebab they r people that i love..and someone jahat buat diorg camni sebab harta benda yang xkan kekal...=(
okies..kesah camni happened for like thousand of times already..and im getting fed up and irritated with these kind of people..pleaseee people..act like u r not that stupid....kiteorg dh xtahan dh nak gelak tauu..huhu..
ok cite die camni..printer canon n hp mostly cartridge die after kite installed die akan bergerak ke tepi so xnampak la kan...and this people dieorg ni jenis customer yg nak kite installkan sume ink sume tu..(kat ireland jangan harap la ade org nak pasangkan sume tu for u kat kedai)..ok xpe la..kiteorg kan nak kasi good services for kiteorg installkan la...kadang2 bz2 pon installkan jugak..even kat pc fair yg super duper bz tu pon kiteorg akan installkan sume masukkan cartridge test print, scan sume n sume2 la basically..pastu orang2 ni pon lepas tengok ok diorg pon bawak la balik printer tu..kiteorg taruk dalam kotak balik la after siap sume..cume kotak cartridge dh kosong la sebab kiteorg dh installkan masuk dalam printer sume..
and then after few hrs of minutes when diorg dh sampai umah ha mule lah call marah2 kiteorg, camni antara dialog yg kiteorg selalu encounter:-
CUSTOMER : hello,.ni monaliza ke?tauke ade?Saye nak cakap dengan tauke".(n monaliza ni sume org pon jadi tauke..ngeee)
us : tauke die la ni bercakap...nape tu encik
CUSTOMER : ha ni tauke..saye nak report pekerja awak curik barang.
us : curik barang?barang ape tu?staff saye baik2 sume..xkan la diorg mencurik.
CUSTOMER : xtau la..saye beli printer tadi pastu ink saye xde dah..tadi elok2 je ade/
us : (sambil tahan gelak)..owh cik camni...encik dh bukak printer dh?
CUSTOMER : dah.saye dh bukak n check dah sume..xde..
us : encik on printer tu belum?
CUSTOMER : dah.xder kaitannya...kotak ink kosong ni.
us : owh...encik suruh install sume tak tadi?suruh pasang sume tak?
CUSTOMER : ye saye suruh tadi.tu yang syae tahu tadi ade tapi skang takde.
us : ok camni cik.cik on printer tu dulu. bace bismillah.
CUSTOMER : (nada irritating) ok lepas tu?
us : ok lepas tu bukak compartment yg kat depan yg ink tu?on printer dh kan/
CUSTOMER : owh.ok dah ade dah.
us : ha so staff saye mencurik x?
CUSTOMER : hang up phone..
hahaha..malu la tu..bukannye nak cakap sori sebab tuduh staff kami mencurik n bukannye nak cakap thanks ke ape..terus letak phone..
tp kiteorg xpe lagi..kiteorg sementara bleh sabar, kiteorg la standard berbisnes kan..hehehe..
ok cite die camni..printer canon n hp mostly cartridge die after kite installed die akan bergerak ke tepi so xnampak la kan...and this people dieorg ni jenis customer yg nak kite installkan sume ink sume tu..(kat ireland jangan harap la ade org nak pasangkan sume tu for u kat kedai)..ok xpe la..kiteorg kan nak kasi good services for kiteorg installkan la...kadang2 bz2 pon installkan jugak..even kat pc fair yg super duper bz tu pon kiteorg akan installkan sume masukkan cartridge test print, scan sume n sume2 la basically..pastu orang2 ni pon lepas tengok ok diorg pon bawak la balik printer tu..kiteorg taruk dalam kotak balik la after siap sume..cume kotak cartridge dh kosong la sebab kiteorg dh installkan masuk dalam printer sume..
and then after few hrs of minutes when diorg dh sampai umah ha mule lah call marah2 kiteorg, camni antara dialog yg kiteorg selalu encounter:-
CUSTOMER : hello,.ni monaliza ke?tauke ade?Saye nak cakap dengan tauke".(n monaliza ni sume org pon jadi tauke..ngeee)
us : tauke die la ni bercakap...nape tu encik
CUSTOMER : ha ni tauke..saye nak report pekerja awak curik barang.
us : curik barang?barang ape tu?staff saye baik2 sume..xkan la diorg mencurik.
CUSTOMER : xtau la..saye beli printer tadi pastu ink saye xde dah..tadi elok2 je ade/
us : (sambil tahan gelak)..owh cik camni...encik dh bukak printer dh?
CUSTOMER : dah.saye dh bukak n check dah sume..xde..
us : encik on printer tu belum?
CUSTOMER : dah.xder kaitannya...kotak ink kosong ni.
us : owh...encik suruh install sume tak tadi?suruh pasang sume tak?
CUSTOMER : ye saye suruh tadi.tu yang syae tahu tadi ade tapi skang takde.
us : ok camni cik.cik on printer tu dulu. bace bismillah.
CUSTOMER : (nada irritating) ok lepas tu?
us : ok lepas tu bukak compartment yg kat depan yg ink tu?on printer dh kan/
CUSTOMER : owh.ok dah ade dah.
us : ha so staff saye mencurik x?
CUSTOMER : hang up phone..
hahaha..malu la tu..bukannye nak cakap sori sebab tuduh staff kami mencurik n bukannye nak cakap thanks ke ape..terus letak phone..
tp kiteorg xpe lagi..kiteorg sementara bleh sabar, kiteorg la standard berbisnes kan..hehehe..
badanku sakit...
main tennis without warming up..
beginilah jadiinyeee....
my mum is coming back on the 14th..
tadi she called and die tengah shopping..
pelik tol..mule2 patut balik tmrw but skang balik 14th lak..
owh semalam ade memori sungguh memalukan..
yang rasenye satu kbmall dok tengok kiteorg..
mek yaya nangis dengan kuatnye sebab hset die rosak..hehehehe
mmg anak bongsu..
manja betol...
main tennis without warming up..
beginilah jadiinyeee....
my mum is coming back on the 14th..
tadi she called and die tengah shopping..
pelik tol..mule2 patut balik tmrw but skang balik 14th lak..
owh semalam ade memori sungguh memalukan..
yang rasenye satu kbmall dok tengok kiteorg..
mek yaya nangis dengan kuatnye sebab hset die rosak..hehehehe
mmg anak bongsu..
manja betol...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Lalala...balik umah pon makan nasi beriyani..havent makan ikan bakar n sambal belacan yet..hehe..semalam tetibe je keluar from basement tu hujan lebattt...terus terpaksa pergi kedai makan dekat kiteorg pergi kedai ar tarbush or something..hehehe..kedai makan jual arab punye food...dh muak sket food camtu n akibatnye after makan tu, on the way nak balik terus la kan termuntah sebab muak sangat..huhu...naseb baek x banyak..ngeeee....
n yang bestnye sume org pon cakap i makin kurus...wink~wink~..hehehe..tapi xpe...sebulan naik la 5kg..hehehe..balik msia last yr 10 ke 7kg tah i gained for just 3 tapi ade wii skang...mmg berpeluh2 main wii gile..highly recommended la for those yg nak kuruskan badan..hehehe...owh n masa nak bwat profile Wii Fit tu, n kire2 BMI, saye underweight... hehe.,..mmg dulu pon masa bwat kat mane tah mmg underweight...n if kire sendiri pon underweight juge..lalalala....owh tapi yang fit age is 53y.o..hahaha..gile x fit...tahap fit same cam umo 53..hehehe...dah tua dh makcik nampaknye..hahahaha..:P...
pasni kiteorg nak g makan tomyam paling best kat kelantan..hehe..dah order dh cume tunggu makan jer...hehehe..ingat nak makan ikan bakar tapi sume my siblings takmo pegi sane...cis betol..ngeeee....owh i havent met my lil bro yet..wan muhammad asraf saye xtau die nak balik kb blee..ari tu nak balik 6th but sebab my mum balik a bit later die xjadi beli skang saye x confirm..owh ayah saye baru terpecahkan spec die yang agak bernilai..kesian die....saye suruh die bwat laser surgery je tapi xtau kat mane kat sini..i think laser surgery will be much cheaper than die punyer spec kalau keep on pecah je..huhu..yayayaya..jumpe cek mad sudah tadi..hehe..cekmad datang umah bawak kfc..hehehe..tq cek mad..sekali lagi kamu berjasa kepada diri ini..hehehehe....=)..
okies dookies..take care everyone!!!!!!!enjoying each n every seconds of my life skang..=)....
n yang bestnye sume org pon cakap i makin kurus...wink~wink~..hehehe..tapi xpe...sebulan naik la 5kg..hehehe..balik msia last yr 10 ke 7kg tah i gained for just 3 tapi ade wii skang...mmg berpeluh2 main wii gile..highly recommended la for those yg nak kuruskan badan..hehehe...owh n masa nak bwat profile Wii Fit tu, n kire2 BMI, saye underweight... hehe.,..mmg dulu pon masa bwat kat mane tah mmg underweight...n if kire sendiri pon underweight juge..lalalala....owh tapi yang fit age is 53y.o..hahaha..gile x fit...tahap fit same cam umo 53..hehehe...dah tua dh makcik nampaknye..hahahaha..:P...
pasni kiteorg nak g makan tomyam paling best kat kelantan..hehe..dah order dh cume tunggu makan jer...hehehe..ingat nak makan ikan bakar tapi sume my siblings takmo pegi sane...cis betol..ngeeee....owh i havent met my lil bro yet..wan muhammad asraf saye xtau die nak balik kb blee..ari tu nak balik 6th but sebab my mum balik a bit later die xjadi beli skang saye x confirm..owh ayah saye baru terpecahkan spec die yang agak bernilai..kesian die....saye suruh die bwat laser surgery je tapi xtau kat mane kat sini..i think laser surgery will be much cheaper than die punyer spec kalau keep on pecah je..huhu..yayayaya..jumpe cek mad sudah tadi..hehe..cekmad datang umah bawak kfc..hehehe..tq cek mad..sekali lagi kamu berjasa kepada diri ini..hehehehe....=)..
okies dookies..take care everyone!!!!!!!enjoying each n every seconds of my life skang..=)....
Saturday, June 7, 2008
nose picking
heh..whyy..and why i met many people with nose-picking behaviour today??wahai kamu semua..sila la jangan korek idung merata2...its so EWWWWWWW ok....dont korek2 idung in front of me okeh?hahahhaa...
long journwy
Hwyyyy evyone!!! in malaysiaaa and its for reallll....however, UNFORTUNATELY i havent met my beloved parents, encik aboh n encik umi..encik aboh went to chiang mai and sampai today kot and puan umi will b arriving on the 10th..hehe..tapi dh asek call2 umah dh cik umi..hehe..xsabar dh la tu nak jumpe anak2 die yg comel..and to my suprise encik usop pulang ke malayysia dengan rambut yang sangat panjang!!rasenyer mase jumpe die kat cork ari tu rambut die x panjang mane...
anyways i had a very long journey b4 arrived in KB...malam b4 bertolak tu i tdo kul 5 sebab nak siapkan my questionnaire n hantar aju n nad..aju n nad balik awal sket...pastu i woke up at 830am sebab ade appointment kat student health for the blood ..test..pastu siapkan antar everything yg ethical approval tu by 1pm baru settled sume...tebal gile ok kene hantar ethics committee tu..bayangkan la saye kene charge sampai 6euro disebabkan keberatan parcel itu...huhu...saye ingat hanya hantar borang itu aje..anyways alhamdulillah dh hantar..ngeee..lalalala...
balik msia agak rs x best sebab rs macam loser balik sensorang2 n mmg banyak problems terpaksa encounter b4 sampai kb...bayangkan my cab to the airport was at 2pm and kul 110pm baru saya sampai umah after antar the borang kat post office sebab xmuat nak hantar gune post box..and then kul 2pm pegi..yang kat cork smooth je la..sampai je heathrow sebab saye dh checked-in my bag direct to kbr so saye nak pegi la flight connections..tapi security xkasi sebabdie cakap saye xde boarding pass..PELIK GILE OK!!!...and then terpaksa la melalui segala hassle naseb baek xyah keluarkan beg same...sampai kat check in counter dekat half an hr stuck kat situ sebab die cakap ade prob but wasnt my fault..die cakap ade prob ngan system sebab e-ticket...pastu settle yg tu masukla kat tempat menunggu..boarding time kul 9 but kul 9pm tu pon gate number xkeluar lagi..dh puas dh makan, minum, shopping sume..penat dah...pastu die bwat announcement delay sebabnyer ade prob ngan crew nak masuk security...sejam gak la delay saye dh tau la confirm saye xkan sempat la nak naik flight to kbr...sebab my expected arrival b4 delay tu pon 530..and my next flight was at 630...confirm2 la kan...pastu dlm flight tu half way baru lah movie die ok..b4 ni cam ade prob ngan entertainment punyer system..tapi mmovies die boring pon..most of the movies saye dah tgk..boring r..dah la food die tak sedap gile ok!!!!SANGAT x sedapp..repeat lagi XSEDAP!!!
n after that i told one of the jap die laki so jadi panggil ape eh?hehehe...saye cakap sal saye maybe ade prob sebab my next flight kul 630 n my bag just checked in up to Kuala Lumpur..die cakap dont worry..he will let me be THE FIRST PERSON to disembark from the flight...and guess what?HE DID NOT!!!but he did tell me that sum1 will wait for me mmg la sampai2 ade org mas pakai baju hijau pegang banner KBR n KUCHING...then saye tanye die n die tanye wan jeffery?so yeap...and ikut die..pastu die saye dh cakap dh my baggage camne?die ckp dont worry..rupenye diorg ingt yg saye check in sampai kbr....but seriously due org yang managed saya kat klia tu SANGAT2 superb..rase cam nak wrote a letter to MAS puji their services..sangat mantap la..their name are raja roslam and kumarasen..sangat mantap ok!!!dieorg mmg handle saye dengan baeik sekali..=)...after lepas keluar tu baru diorg realized sy tak xchecked in my baggage lagi..sebab tu xde boarding pass..n diorg pelik la camne saye boleh lepas immigaration eventho xde boarding pass..well, see the leg la kan..hehehe..then diorg pon settlekan my ticket sebab still got the prob with the e-ticket n they asked me to re-confirmed my ticket after pasni2 la..later2 when pegi amik my mum...
anyways masa kat klia tu diorg dapatkan i boarding pass n then kasi voucher for dinner..kire ok la kan?hehe..voucher dinner die RM25...not bad..i makan nasi lemak kat asian fusion..macam basi je..beluekk..mahal xyah cakAP la kan..naseb baek i used the dinner voucher..kalau x mau pegi jumpe manager..lalalala...:P...lepas dpat boarding pass i went to the baggage claim n amik luggage..custom tu kasi i masuk balik sebab ade org mas tu..just tunjuk pasport jer..ngeee...pastu lepas dapatkan bag tu yg org mas yang sangat mantap n baek gile servis die yg agak 1st time la DaPAT servis 1st class macam tu kat malaysia..bagus2..keep up the good services...owh stewardess dlm mas london-kl yang pompuan punyer 3 org saye mintak tolong mmg patut kene buang la..huhu...hello?i paid for the ticket ok?eventho saye dok dalam economy class je pon u should give me ur hand ok!tah pape jer...xnak cite la..
SO LAST2 end up amik flight 1030..n delayed lak tu sampai end up lepak klia sorang2 cam loser...lalalala....
owh masa check in my luggage, org mas tu cakap la..
"kalau ikutnye saye patut charge awak ni tp xpela..saye lepaskan la kali ni tapi pasni awak kene la make sure luggage awak betol2 20..kalau x 1kg domestic rm10..n kalau sampai ireland rm191.."
"thank you..thanks a million for helping me out,"
"nanti b4 balik give me a call", he told me while writting his phone number..
pastu masa nak masuk dalam tu kan..kastam tu tgk la saye punyer boarding pass..and the he told me;
"owh balik kb ko?ore kelate ko?namo wan jeffery????"
"aha balik kelantan..orang kelantan asal...aha name wan jeffery".. i was like,
WELCOME HOME AINA~!!!(dalam hati je la)
anyways i had a very long journey b4 arrived in KB...malam b4 bertolak tu i tdo kul 5 sebab nak siapkan my questionnaire n hantar aju n nad..aju n nad balik awal sket...pastu i woke up at 830am sebab ade appointment kat student health for the blood ..test..pastu siapkan antar everything yg ethical approval tu by 1pm baru settled sume...tebal gile ok kene hantar ethics committee tu..bayangkan la saye kene charge sampai 6euro disebabkan keberatan parcel itu...huhu...saye ingat hanya hantar borang itu aje..anyways alhamdulillah dh hantar..ngeee..lalalala...
balik msia agak rs x best sebab rs macam loser balik sensorang2 n mmg banyak problems terpaksa encounter b4 sampai kb...bayangkan my cab to the airport was at 2pm and kul 110pm baru saya sampai umah after antar the borang kat post office sebab xmuat nak hantar gune post box..and then kul 2pm pegi..yang kat cork smooth je la..sampai je heathrow sebab saye dh checked-in my bag direct to kbr so saye nak pegi la flight connections..tapi security xkasi sebabdie cakap saye xde boarding pass..PELIK GILE OK!!!...and then terpaksa la melalui segala hassle naseb baek xyah keluarkan beg same...sampai kat check in counter dekat half an hr stuck kat situ sebab die cakap ade prob but wasnt my fault..die cakap ade prob ngan system sebab e-ticket...pastu settle yg tu masukla kat tempat menunggu..boarding time kul 9 but kul 9pm tu pon gate number xkeluar lagi..dh puas dh makan, minum, shopping sume..penat dah...pastu die bwat announcement delay sebabnyer ade prob ngan crew nak masuk security...sejam gak la delay saye dh tau la confirm saye xkan sempat la nak naik flight to kbr...sebab my expected arrival b4 delay tu pon 530..and my next flight was at 630...confirm2 la kan...pastu dlm flight tu half way baru lah movie die ok..b4 ni cam ade prob ngan entertainment punyer system..tapi mmovies die boring pon..most of the movies saye dah tgk..boring r..dah la food die tak sedap gile ok!!!!SANGAT x sedapp..repeat lagi XSEDAP!!!
n after that i told one of the jap die laki so jadi panggil ape eh?hehehe...saye cakap sal saye maybe ade prob sebab my next flight kul 630 n my bag just checked in up to Kuala Lumpur..die cakap dont worry..he will let me be THE FIRST PERSON to disembark from the flight...and guess what?HE DID NOT!!!but he did tell me that sum1 will wait for me mmg la sampai2 ade org mas pakai baju hijau pegang banner KBR n KUCHING...then saye tanye die n die tanye wan jeffery?so yeap...and ikut die..pastu die saye dh cakap dh my baggage camne?die ckp dont worry..rupenye diorg ingt yg saye check in sampai kbr....but seriously due org yang managed saya kat klia tu SANGAT2 superb..rase cam nak wrote a letter to MAS puji their services..sangat mantap la..their name are raja roslam and kumarasen..sangat mantap ok!!!dieorg mmg handle saye dengan baeik sekali..=)...after lepas keluar tu baru diorg realized sy tak xchecked in my baggage lagi..sebab tu xde boarding pass..n diorg pelik la camne saye boleh lepas immigaration eventho xde boarding pass..well, see the leg la kan..hehehe..then diorg pon settlekan my ticket sebab still got the prob with the e-ticket n they asked me to re-confirmed my ticket after pasni2 la..later2 when pegi amik my mum...
anyways masa kat klia tu diorg dapatkan i boarding pass n then kasi voucher for dinner..kire ok la kan?hehe..voucher dinner die RM25...not bad..i makan nasi lemak kat asian fusion..macam basi je..beluekk..mahal xyah cakAP la kan..naseb baek i used the dinner voucher..kalau x mau pegi jumpe manager..lalalala...:P...lepas dpat boarding pass i went to the baggage claim n amik luggage..custom tu kasi i masuk balik sebab ade org mas tu..just tunjuk pasport jer..ngeee...pastu lepas dapatkan bag tu yg org mas yang sangat mantap n baek gile servis die yg agak 1st time la DaPAT servis 1st class macam tu kat malaysia..bagus2..keep up the good services...owh stewardess dlm mas london-kl yang pompuan punyer 3 org saye mintak tolong mmg patut kene buang la..huhu...hello?i paid for the ticket ok?eventho saye dok dalam economy class je pon u should give me ur hand ok!tah pape jer...xnak cite la..
SO LAST2 end up amik flight 1030..n delayed lak tu sampai end up lepak klia sorang2 cam loser...lalalala....
owh masa check in my luggage, org mas tu cakap la..
"kalau ikutnye saye patut charge awak ni tp xpela..saye lepaskan la kali ni tapi pasni awak kene la make sure luggage awak betol2 20..kalau x 1kg domestic rm10..n kalau sampai ireland rm191.."
"thank you..thanks a million for helping me out,"
"nanti b4 balik give me a call", he told me while writting his phone number..
pastu masa nak masuk dalam tu kan..kastam tu tgk la saye punyer boarding pass..and the he told me;
"owh balik kb ko?ore kelate ko?namo wan jeffery????"
"aha balik kelantan..orang kelantan asal...aha name wan jeffery".. i was like,
WELCOME HOME AINA~!!!(dalam hati je la)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
hahah supik gelenya..
Ade sape2 taktau ape itu "supik gelenya?"
-Supik gelenya is plastik dalam loghat kelantan..
sila ingat ye..
actually this entry is specially dedicated to my dear AJULIANA..
kiteorg gelak xhengat tadi kat aju..
sebab die cakap...
pasni sape2 dtg kb silalah cakap..
"mokcik bubuh nasi dale cotton bud deh?"
ok 4th med who are reading my blog n xbalik msia lagi tomorrow,
could u pleaseeeee text me on my meteor number if the epid oral list come out tmrw...
cakap je number mane yg kene..u knw kan number malaysians start ngan ape silalah ye..thanks a million!!
-Supik gelenya is plastik dalam loghat kelantan..
sila ingat ye..
actually this entry is specially dedicated to my dear AJULIANA..
kiteorg gelak xhengat tadi kat aju..
sebab die cakap...
pasni sape2 dtg kb silalah cakap..
"mokcik bubuh nasi dale cotton bud deh?"
ok 4th med who are reading my blog n xbalik msia lagi tomorrow,
could u pleaseeeee text me on my meteor number if the epid oral list come out tmrw...
cakap je number mane yg kene..u knw kan number malaysians start ngan ape silalah ye..thanks a million!!
Hahaha melampau x kalau nak bwat countdown jam balik msia?
xsabar sudah saya mau balik itumalaysia..
but at the same time cam rase hopeless...
and malas...
1. project x siap lagi ( i mean 2nd step pon xsiap lagi..cisss)
2. balik sorang2
3. Umi x sampai lagi kat msia so xde delicious food menunggu
4. banyak keje kene bwat kat msia
5. leceh n hassle yg harus dilalui di airport b4 naik aircraft
6. ngantok but kene bwat keje..haishhh..naseb baek kenyang makan indian moon tadi dengan diorg secara semunyik2..hehe
xsabar sudah saya mau balik itumalaysia..
but at the same time cam rase hopeless...
and malas...
1. project x siap lagi ( i mean 2nd step pon xsiap lagi..cisss)
2. balik sorang2
3. Umi x sampai lagi kat msia so xde delicious food menunggu
4. banyak keje kene bwat kat msia
5. leceh n hassle yg harus dilalui di airport b4 naik aircraft
6. ngantok but kene bwat keje..haishhh..naseb baek kenyang makan indian moon tadi dengan diorg secara semunyik2..hehe
tear drops
Two tear drops were floating down the river.
One teardrop said to the other,
"I'm the teardrop of a girl who loved a man and lost him. Who are you?"
..."I'm the teardrop of the man who regrets letting a girl go..."
Bottom-line : Nobody will sympathize with a person who constantly let chances pass by without making any efforts to salvage them.
We normally don't realize how important our loved and close ones are until they leave us, and then we start regretting, which results in misery.
Lost time is NEVER gained again.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
minyak naik
Wohooo...Petrol naik 78 sen kepada RM2.70 seliter, diesel naik RM1 kepada RM2.50 seliter....adekah ini hanya satu mimpi?atau adekah ini realiti??biar betol..beras naik, minyak naik..huhu....n sejak paklah pegang pm ni rasenye dh berjuta kali dh minyak naik harga...mengapakah terjadi begini?huhu..mau ade demonstrasi esok kan...n mau tiket flight balik msia sampai 2000euro next yr..huhu....Dato' Nazri masa datang kat cork ari tu ade cakap sal subsidi minyak2 ni sume but xdela paham saye tahu pasni mesti BN akan kalah forever kat msia..huhu..berape tahun ek paklah pegang msia?n berapa kali exactly minyak nai harga?cam every yr twice je naik harga?mmg la satu dunia naik harga but agak2 r kot..Milah cakap yang peliknye, kite negara pengeluar minyak n beras..tapi nape ek both mende tu yg naik harga melampau?mengapakah?kenapakah?
ok mesti pasni nak pegi mane2 kene minimisekan semurah mungkin..ngeee..minyak nai harga..xleh la jalan2 dah...ngeeee...
anyway, at the same time 423pm, saya sudahpon berada di dalam flight to heathrow from cork..ngeeee...oral list epid nggak keluar yr project belum antar ethical approval lagi tapi dh dapat signature....ok esok kene bangun seawal mungkin to settle ade appointment kat student health pon tmrw for the blood test...=)
"Kenaikan ini yang tertinggi selepas kenaikan terakhir pada 28 Feb 2006 melibatkan kenaikan 30 sen bagi seliter petrol dan diesel, masing-masing kepada RM1.92 dan RM1.58 sen seliter."
ok mesti pasni nak pegi mane2 kene minimisekan semurah mungkin..ngeee..minyak nai harga..xleh la jalan2 dah...ngeeee...
anyway, at the same time 423pm, saya sudahpon berada di dalam flight to heathrow from cork..ngeeee...oral list epid nggak keluar yr project belum antar ethical approval lagi tapi dh dapat signature....ok esok kene bangun seawal mungkin to settle ade appointment kat student health pon tmrw for the blood test...=)
"Kenaikan ini yang tertinggi selepas kenaikan terakhir pada 28 Feb 2006 melibatkan kenaikan 30 sen bagi seliter petrol dan diesel, masing-masing kepada RM1.92 dan RM1.58 sen seliter."
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Tragedy di malam hari
Ok..we were having makan-makan again with the guys..lepak2 di malam terakhir kat hall ni cuz we want to finish our food stuff..sayang la kan nak buang...n of course we were playing mafia yg sangat bising n kasi teka teki kat the guys...n playing mafia with the guys lagi la bising kan..syakur a bising..hehehe..and sambil2 tu kiteorg bersihkan kitchen kiteorg same la...
.::Hot Milo, Lasagne, Spaghetti goreng pedas n x pedas and cheesy beef burger..owh handphone nad..hehehe..::.
Ok so sambung..
We were playing mafia when we heard a bell i went to the front door to open the door cuz everyone were busy bermafia'ing...owh saye out sudah on that time cuz mafia jeles n takut dengan saye so they killed me in the 1st round..hehe..anyways sebab saye penakut saye xde la terus bukak pntu pun..ala even sape2 yg berani pon akan make sure dulu sape kat depan pintu kan b4 bukak pintu..tambah2 most of the students dah moved out from the apartments already...mule2 saya ingatkan syakur n wami but when i asked them diorg x saye ingat diorg nak main saye intai la ikut lubang pintu but nobody saye cakap kat my hsemates..nad tried to call syakur n wami but diorg xjawab ke saye masuk kitchen n tak bukak la pintu...ok tu satu..
and then after syakur and wami sampai kiteorg main la..lagi syok la kan main ramai2 orang mafia...and then the phone rang....someone called and told us to keep our voice a bit lower sebab kiteorg too loud..kiteorg ingat warden cuz kiteorg x tutup tingkap sebab panas so maybe warden la dengar kot even x de la logik sangat sebab jauh..kiteorg ingat the neighbours sume dah kosongkan apartment...ok so kiteorg pon after tu try la kurangkan bising sket but still a bit bising la..hehe..
and then kul brape tah when diorg sume nak balik dah, n kiteorg tengah kemaskan dapur suddenly budak2 tu datang balik cakap,
"wei sampah korang berterabur"..
owh lupe nak cakap..kiteorg taruk sampah kat luar sebab kiteorg nak bersihkan kitchen..BUT when kiteorg tgk kat luar, that definately not our sampah..i took the picture as a evidence to show the receptionist and everyone tomorrow...
SOOOOO in a conclusion, someone threw their rubbish in front of our door and i dont know sebab kiteorg bising ke ape ke..tapi ni mmg sengaja diorg kiteorg asked the guys to throw our sampah n kiteorg cool down kejap..suraikan dulu and then me n nad called the warden..we told them that we didnt want to clean the sampah because that wasnt ours...mule2 kiteorg mmg ingat nak bersihkan BUT tah2 ade pork ke ape ke sebab sampah tu sangat BUSUK okk n banyak food yang basi dalam tu sume so kiteorg decided xnak kemaskan..i told the warden that it was a crime..n kiteorg cakap yg kiteorg MEMANG xkan bersihkan those rubbish..stupid la...kalau ye pon marah xyah la pecahkan sampah tu..huhu..busuk ok!!...and gus, the warden cakap xpe xyah bersihkan...tomorrow just report it to the ok...xpe tmrw sebab kiteorg kene bangun awal check out from the apartment, kiteorg akan report sekali la mende ni...tah pape je kan??n tadi yg angkat phone cakap suara yg call suara foreigner...saya rs org sebelah sebab die skema pelik..but hey?tonite is our last nite in the apartment n sume org dh abis exam kot?rasenye org sebelah ni die saiko la..hahaha...
.::Hot Milo, Lasagne, Spaghetti goreng pedas n x pedas and cheesy beef burger..owh handphone nad..hehehe..::.
Ok so sambung..
We were playing mafia when we heard a bell i went to the front door to open the door cuz everyone were busy bermafia'ing...owh saye out sudah on that time cuz mafia jeles n takut dengan saye so they killed me in the 1st round..hehe..anyways sebab saye penakut saye xde la terus bukak pntu pun..ala even sape2 yg berani pon akan make sure dulu sape kat depan pintu kan b4 bukak pintu..tambah2 most of the students dah moved out from the apartments already...mule2 saya ingatkan syakur n wami but when i asked them diorg x saye ingat diorg nak main saye intai la ikut lubang pintu but nobody saye cakap kat my hsemates..nad tried to call syakur n wami but diorg xjawab ke saye masuk kitchen n tak bukak la pintu...ok tu satu..
and then after syakur and wami sampai kiteorg main la..lagi syok la kan main ramai2 orang mafia...and then the phone rang....someone called and told us to keep our voice a bit lower sebab kiteorg too loud..kiteorg ingat warden cuz kiteorg x tutup tingkap sebab panas so maybe warden la dengar kot even x de la logik sangat sebab jauh..kiteorg ingat the neighbours sume dah kosongkan apartment...ok so kiteorg pon after tu try la kurangkan bising sket but still a bit bising la..hehe..
and then kul brape tah when diorg sume nak balik dah, n kiteorg tengah kemaskan dapur suddenly budak2 tu datang balik cakap,
"wei sampah korang berterabur"..
owh lupe nak cakap..kiteorg taruk sampah kat luar sebab kiteorg nak bersihkan kitchen..BUT when kiteorg tgk kat luar, that definately not our sampah..i took the picture as a evidence to show the receptionist and everyone tomorrow...
SOOOOO in a conclusion, someone threw their rubbish in front of our door and i dont know sebab kiteorg bising ke ape ke..tapi ni mmg sengaja diorg kiteorg asked the guys to throw our sampah n kiteorg cool down kejap..suraikan dulu and then me n nad called the warden..we told them that we didnt want to clean the sampah because that wasnt ours...mule2 kiteorg mmg ingat nak bersihkan BUT tah2 ade pork ke ape ke sebab sampah tu sangat BUSUK okk n banyak food yang basi dalam tu sume so kiteorg decided xnak kemaskan..i told the warden that it was a crime..n kiteorg cakap yg kiteorg MEMANG xkan bersihkan those rubbish..stupid la...kalau ye pon marah xyah la pecahkan sampah tu..huhu..busuk ok!!...and gus, the warden cakap xpe xyah bersihkan...tomorrow just report it to the ok...xpe tmrw sebab kiteorg kene bangun awal check out from the apartment, kiteorg akan report sekali la mende ni...tah pape je kan??n tadi yg angkat phone cakap suara yg call suara foreigner...saya rs org sebelah sebab die skema pelik..but hey?tonite is our last nite in the apartment n sume org dh abis exam kot?rasenye org sebelah ni die saiko la..hahaha...
Last nite wami n syakur cooked for us and sangat best okeh ape wami masak..hehee...xsangka lak diorg sesweet itu..hehe..i was joking when i told syakur "wei bile nak masak utk aku" and tetibe masa kat umah kak anis he called me saying that he will come to our apartment with food together with wami, kamil and alia..hehe..and the food was fabulous...alia baked some chocolate cookies for us and there were delicious as well...=)...and as usual after makan2 we lepak2 main mafia and mmg best r..hehehe..sampai ade satu tahap yang kiteorg malas nak debate dah so "lap talilap tali tanglum" and dengan terkejutnye yang terbuang disebabkan oleh lap talilap tali tanglum itu adalah mafia2 yang jahat..hehehehe....ahhaha..mmg best gileeeee rr sebab cam tetibe je diorg sorang je lain out of 4 kot sebab 2 org dh kene buang i think on that time and betol lak tu diorg mafia..hehehe...and after that kiteorg main teka teki syakur kasi and seriouslyyyy sangat bestt ok!!!hehehe..saya xde la loser tapi xde la cepat gile pick up..nad cepat gileee...hehe..n diorg cakap it runs in the college..hehe..sebab syakur, wami n nad dulu from KYUEM and the rest from KMB and Taylor's..hehehe...budak banting biasa la..SKEMA...hehehe..:p..
 wami n syakur masak x sempat nak amik gambar dh abis sudah..hehe....aha!!!ben n jerry !!!!my chocolate fudge and nad's strawberry cheesecake..::.

.::SMILEY yang kene makan..sian diorg::.

.::Milah n nad tengah debate menyelamatkan diri diorg dari dibuang..opss kamil tengah gelak juge::.

.::syakur muke frust sebab xleh jadi mafia langsung..hahahaha..:P::.
 capub..::.

.::Wami blushing sebab gelak banyak sangat..hehehe::.

.::saye SPY::. wami n syakur masak x sempat nak amik gambar dh abis sudah..hehe....aha!!!ben n jerry !!!!my chocolate fudge and nad's strawberry cheesecake..::.
.::SMILEY yang kene makan..sian diorg::.
.::Milah n nad tengah debate menyelamatkan diri diorg dari dibuang..opss kamil tengah gelak juge::.
.::syakur muke frust sebab xleh jadi mafia langsung..hahahaha..:P::. capub..::.
.::Wami blushing sebab gelak banyak sangat..hehehe::.
.::saye SPY::.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Pindah Part 2
siap sume pack barang..=)
penat mmg toksah cakap r..
sampai tadi xleh nak bercakap2 dah sebab xlarat..haha
moody gile je rase tadi kejap..muahaha
hmm tmrww lagi memenatkan..angkat turun naik kotak2 sume ni..
xsure fred datang kul brape but hopefully petang..
sebab nak tdo betol2 n bgn lambat..hehe...

.::a view from my room...cantekk kan?::.


.::and after...::.
siap sume pack barang..=)
penat mmg toksah cakap r..
sampai tadi xleh nak bercakap2 dah sebab xlarat..haha
moody gile je rase tadi kejap..muahaha
hmm tmrww lagi memenatkan..angkat turun naik kotak2 sume ni..
xsure fred datang kul brape but hopefully petang..
sebab nak tdo betol2 n bgn lambat..hehe...
.::a view from my room...cantekk kan?::.
.::and after...::.
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