Friday, May 2, 2008

EXAM done with one of the exams!! wasnt really bad but it wasnt really good. I think those who sat for the morning sessions done better than us...we had osce(objective structured clinical examination) today and there were 16 stations altogether. The 16 stations were divided into 2 parts; manned n unmanned..i think the manned stations were quite good but the unmanned stations were horribleee..super duper horriblee..hahaha...ok mari kite tengok ape yang kami ade ari ni...owh sume station ni 5 mins mmg kene pandai bahagikan masa la...
1st station : REST STATION
-hahaha..masuk bilik lambat sket so dapat rest station 1st..basically u just have to sit down and relax. U are given a headphone and u have to wear that to ensure u dont listen to the questions from other stations...and u have to sit down looking straight to the wall and cant turn ur head back..hahaha...(ok masa ni serius stress..hahaha..sebab yelaaaaa satu penantian itu satu penyeksaan)..hehe

2nd : Surgery
-ok saye dapat Dr.Reardon yang sangat2 baik...hehehe..kurang sket nervous die sebab die sangat la baek..hehehe..basically GI exam presented with diarrhoea and doctor think that the diagnosis is inflammatory bowel disease. So kene bwat examination yang u rase kait boleh dapat findings..not that bad...hehe...n siap ade masa lebih lagi hehe sebab die cakap dh xde soklan die boleh tanye..ngeee..about 2mins gak extra time from 5minutes..padahal bwat from inspection sume...tapi x sempat bwat percussion sebab die terus tanye questions...ngeee...

3rd : PAEDS
-collateral history from a mother who are concerned with his 3y.o child whom she taught has some speech delay..hmmm yang ni kureng i wrote it b4, i hate paeds...xde la benci budak2 tapi xsuke belaja sal paeds sebab xnampak sangat n leceh..tapi i did come to the diagnosis so i think it was ok..HOPEFULLY..hahaha..tapi history die lompat2 la..hehehe

4th : Vaginal Examination
-with supervisor aju...just bwat sume mende tu..dah la lubricant pon mmg xde..hehe..naseb baek
bukan patient betol..dah la die tanye questions sume pon without suruh keluarkan my fingers from patung tu..hehe..but i think ok juge,..ade extra masa juge..about a min or so..

5th : Transient Ischaemic Attack
-ok ni ngan dr yang hensem itu..hehehe..yang kalau dapat die waktu clinical teaching mmg kacau gile jiwa kene tanye soklan..hehe..but die sangat baek n saye suke die..anyway amik hstory from patient tu...ok cume die kene guide sket suruh i cakap statin..ahhaha..die cam dh abis question nak jawab but nak dekat last tu die tanye soklan lagi tapi tak sempat abis...adeh2..hopefully ok..huhu...

6th : IV Cannulation
-it was really quick..they prepared everything sudah...just masukkan je..plaster pon die xkasi..i think i just did it in 2minutes campor explain sume tu..hahaha..pastu dr.ali suruh i cool down sebab nampak i cam nervous gile..hahaha..well, memangg la..hehehe..sebab abis awal n die cakap ok xde pape dah terpaksa la tunggu..pastu pakcik2 time keeper tu nampak saya tunggu n maybe die takut saye listened to other's answers, ade sorang pakcik ni datang borak2 ngan saye..pakcik time keeper..hehee..comel jer...tanye bile abis exam sume..

7th : History, Jaundice.
-back from south east asia 6weeks ago and stayed over there for 6 months.presented to A&E with jaundice, nausea, fever n diarrhoea..xpakai protection masa bwat sex and amik drug tapi serius saye xtau ape name drug die cakap tu..harsh or something..i think tu name street drugs kot cam coke for coccaine..but i kasi diagnosis viral hepatitis..and die tanye differential diagnosis dah kasi sume n station ni mmg elok2 la timing die...

8th : Peripheral Nervous System..
-station ni kelaka..sebab masa nak bwat vibration saye pegang terbalik tuning fork tu..hahaha..tapi best sebab dr.sweeney sangat2 baek..die siap ajar lagi suruh naikkan tangan sket..hehe..but it was good i think..die cakap die nampak macam saye penah bwat..ngee..xpenah bwat kot kat patient betol..saye jadi patient ade la semalam when praktis ngan aju n milah..hehe tapi the best thing was reflexes sume saye dapat bwat sekali je..yeayy..hehhe

ok ini adalah manned stations...for the unmanned xyah cakap la..bwat sakit hati jeee...seriussssss...sakit hati gileeeee....owh anyway b4 saye masuk exam tu borak ngan shafiqul tu..die cakap
"aaa dont worry..ull be fine", shafiqul
"owh ya right..i think i will be super fine if i can change my brain with u", me.
then sapik, nicola sume gelak je..ahahha...ok anyway lepas exam unmanned tu tanye shafiqul, how was it and die cakap,
"well i think it was ok..i can answer all the question except the history one"
hoho..stress x dengar die cakap?hahaha..stress kot..hahahaha...anyway for unmanned, ade 8 station gak....

1st: Drugs interaction
an old lady i think presented with ventricular tachycardia, ade atrial mural thrombus. and banyak medications die amik..ok the worst thing about unmanned ni satu soklan yang die nak satu jawapan je dah 60 marks...tengok tepi tu 1st class honours 70...confuse..kire2 sume soklan ade la dalam 200..hahahaha....tah pape jer..anyway saye rase saye xleh jawab sangat..hahaha..

2nd : derm pictures..
-rashes all over the body..saye rase macam betol n tadi butter check macam betol tapi utk diagnosis je..hahaha..yang len tunggang terbalik..lalala.tak sure pon betol ke x..alalallala...

3rd : picture of lady with toad-like face..
-..hahaha..toad like face is vocab i took from oxford clinical examination..

4th : skin lesion which i think tut tut..tapi xsure la..hahahha.

5th : Surgery
-i think yang ni paling ok least mende yang u boleh fikir logik la..hahahaha...

6th : OBS n gynae...
-placetal abruption..heavilyy broken..opsss tu lagu avril..hahaha..heavily bleeding 36weeks gestation....lalalala

7th : Paeds
-haa ayang nii kejiii..saye xsempat jawab kan pastu die tarikkkk kertas sayaaa...satu point tertinggal...waaaa....

8th : biochem.alk phosphate elevated, hypoalbumin, calcium tinggi sket..ape tah lagi..hehehe..:P
-ade satu soklan xsempat abis jawab gak...

ok ni dieee...huhu..tadi aju cakap dr.ana cakap ade sorang yang fail pagi punye session masa bwat vaginal/speculum examination..huhu....
owh dr sweeney punye kete nak kene clamp tadi...die naik bmw bmw je..derrrrrr..hahaha


Munirah Abd said...

ni exam apa ni..
hehe maksud ak..kena g station2x ke...hohoho..
mcm ada citer korea ke jepun ntah yg ak tgk tu...dia nak jadi doc kena bedah mayat la kan... ada satu test tu..kena g kat setiap station yg ada mayat pastu tgk symptom mati dia...camtu betul ke ak ckp symptom mati???? hahahahhaha

Witty Angel said...

aha..macam kiteorg die bahagikan into a few groups satu group dalam 8 org..pastu masuk satu bilik ni die bahagikan kat 8 station..sorang student pegi satu station..n die dividekan la dengan kayu yg boleh gerak2 tu between each station..n each station tu ade examiner tunggu ko...aha lebih kurang cam cite yg ko tengok tu la..heehehe...mati dah takde symptoms dh yang..signs n causes of death ade la..hehehe..symptoms usually refer to ape patient cakap kat kalau die dh mati die dh xde symptom.=)

Munirah Abd said...

ooooo..hahhaha mana la ak tau...
kalau ko tanya programming language boleh la ak jwb...hahahha..xpe2x ilmu baru...

Witty Angel said...

hehehe xpe je munie..aku pon tanye ko sal html sume..aku mane tahu mende2 len..hehehe..=)