ok any1 nak belaja?ngeeee..i went to urology clinic today in Mercy Hospital and it worth it...i went to a day clinic and saw how flexible cystoscopy is done. I saw few cases and the nurses, the porter and the doctor are super nice..they even offered me an easter chocolate!hehe but i didnt take it becuz of my stupid ocd..ngee....yelah die bukak choc tu kat dalam bilik tu n b4 tu baru lepas bwat flexible cystocopy to a woman who have an infection...so saye terasa segala bacteria2, virus2 berterbangan di dalam itu n hinggap di atas coklat tu..n saye sanggup x makan dari muntahh..i swear ill vomit if i eat that chocolate..ngeee....ok2 mari kite belaja 2 interesting cases today..the other 2 cam a bit boring...
1. Superficial bladder tumour.
This is a 37 y.o gentleman with a superficial bladder tumour diagnosed 4 years ago...the tumour had been resected 4 years ago but he has to come to the hospital doing cystoscopy every 3 months..This is because about 75% cases of bladder tumour will recur and have muscular invasion...There r 2 ways to prevent recurrence after the resection,
a) intravesical chemotherapy
b) immunotherapy..and teka2 ape die inject dalam bladder tu for this kind of prevention?teka2 cepat2?sape dapat teka dapat chocolate..hahahhaa..ok sume xdapat teka..jawapan die..bacille Calmette-Guerin...heheh teka lak ape tu bacille calmette guerin?ngeee..bacille calmette guerin=BCG...hehehehe...carik la BCG tu ape kalau xtau lagi..hehehe..it is injected locally into the bladder and it will stimulates the immune system to kill the cancer cells...and sebab die cam agak best sape boleh jawab ape contraindication for this kind of prevention?kalau boleh jawab xdapat hadiah..xleh jawab pon xdapat hadiah..hehehe...ngeee..
ok2 ape risk factors for bladdr tumour..(common bladder tumour is transitional cell carcinoma or also known as urothelial carcinoma..it occurs in 90% of all the cases)..ok2 risk factors for bladder tumour are :-
==>cigarette smoking<==
Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for developing bladder cancer. Smoking causes about half of the deaths from bladder cancer among men, and over one-third of bladder cancer deaths in women. The disease occurs in smokers twice as often as nonsmokers. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of bladder cancer, as well as several other types of cancer and diseases.
==>occupational exposure<==
Certain occupations and work environments that expose workers to dyes and some organic chemicals appear to increase the risk for bladder cancer. Workers in the rubber, chemical, leather, textile, metal, and printing industries are exposed to substances such as aniline dye and aromatic amines that may increase their risk for bladder cancer. Other at-risk occupations include hairdressers, machinists, painters, and truck drivers.
==>chronic bladder irritation<==
Chronic bladder infections or bladder stones may be linked to certain types of bladder cancer.
==>parasite infections<==
Infection with certain parasites found in tropical regions of the world, but not in the US, increases the risk of bladder cancer.
==>family history<==
Individuals with family members who have had bladder cancer are more likely to develop the disease. Research is ongoing to determine specific genetic risks for bladder cancer.
Caucasians are two times more likely to develop bladder cancer than African-Americans and Hispanics. Asians have the lowest bladder cancer rates
Bladder cancer occurs about two to three times more often in men than in women.
The risk for bladder cancer increases with age. Bladder cancer is rare in individuals under age 40
ok2..ape yg bwat case ni interesting pakcik ni even die dah berjuta kali bwat procedure ni die sangat cuak+takut+nervous..waktu nak masukkan cystoscopy thru penis die tu dier menjerit kuat gilee n nurse 2 org kene pegang die..ngeeeeeeeeee....then saje la berani tanyekan die..is it painful?die cakap x pon..cetttt...sebab die cakap ade local anaes..HAAA tau xper...so nape la menjerit2 lagi..dah 37 dah bang..hehehehe..ok malas nak sambung..hahaha
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