Tuesday, April 22, 2008

cardiac arrest

Hehehe...tergune banyak term lak..hahahaha..anyway saye berjaya melawan kemalasan itu n pegi ke kelas yeay..and yeahh it turned up to be only me n mickey..hahaha..mickey was my partner back in first yr n mamat tu sangat2 pandai ok!student number die lebih kurang number student malaysia so selalu la when sume org pass je tetibe number die 1st class..hahahaha..cis cis..hahaha...dah la die muda 3 tahun dr kite..hehehe..naseb baek die muslim n penah pegang pres muslim cultural society, a society yang usually budak malaysian pegang title pres..ngeee...
anyway as what i expected tutorial radiotherapy tu mmg sangat2 lama n naseb baek ari ni xbosan...walaupon awal-awal lagi die marah sebab kiteorg datang kul 10 instead of 9(well dalam jadual cakap kul 10 ok!!) n then mengomel2 lg tapi die sangat eager la mengajar..n i got a chance to write in dr's notes again..hehehe...tadi ade patient presented with skin lesions...ive got a chance to describe 2 lesions while mickey got a chance to describe another lesion...pastu ukur, amik gambar n tulis..hehehe..suke2...=) and at least i got a chance to practice camne nak describe sume tu so osce xde la tergagap2 sangat..hehehe..:P...
owh n sebab tutorial abis kul 1245 n my afternoon session patutnye start kul 11, saye xsempat pegi la..so when jalan separuh jalan ngan mickey tetibe je cakap kat mickey nak pegi dialysis..and it was great!!!doctor n nurses kat dialysis unit sangattt baekk..sangat helpful n diorg mmg ajar la..xde la ignore kite..n paling best sebab ade patient ni have sudden cardiac arrest..ok i knw it sounds like saye xde empathy n sympathy or pape la but experience tu best...at least berguna for myself...

Patient tu tengah bwat dialysis sebab die ade chronic renal failure atau dalam bahasa melayunye sakit buah pinggang...dah nak siap dah die punye dialysis yang patutnye 3jam tu..tinggal 10mins lagi n nurse tu tegur la
"M, r u ok?there's only 10mins left"..
pastu patient tu tak jawab n nurse tu pegi dekat la panggil die berulang kali but she's not responding..when nurse tu pegang muke die, die jatuh...terus la nurse tu jerit panggil sister n doctor...sume orang yang tengah insert jarum, yang tengah comfort patient, tulis notes bergegas kat patient tu and rase carotid artery die(nadi kat leher), n takde...pulseless n no breathing...terus la bwat ABC..airway, breathing n circulation..n patient tu pulseless terus bagi oxygen sambil massage carotid artery tu...pastu sorang nurse lagi call cardiac team arrest and yang len cabut dialysis die sume la..huish cam dalam cite greys lak..hahahahha...as a medical student cuz dah ramai sangat nurses kat situ n penuh saye hanya memerhati dari depan katil die je la..hehehe..xnak la kacau..hahaha...n then after a while dr tu bwat cpr, ada pulse balik n kebetulan mamat cardio tiba..saye ingat sorang jer..mamat cardio yang baek hati bernama mike itu tiba dengan xder la tercungap2 sangat tapi berlari la tapi doctor saye cakap its ok...she's got her pulse back..pastu die pon blah..mike is a cardio registrar in cuh(kat sini hirarki die intern paling bawah followed by sho n followed by registrar pastu specialist registrar pastu consultant)...
and patient tu tersedar after a few minutes and bangun2 terus muntah...banyak gie muntah n sebab saye ni allergic sket dengan muntah saye menjauhkan diri sket..(saye akan termuntah if bau org muntah...huhu..even muntah sendiri pon..huhu..pagi tadi pon almost termuntah sebab dalam lift ade org muntah n bau die bapak busuk)...anyway walaupon menjauhkan diri dr panggil saye sbab die nak bwat ecg..tapi sambil tu sebab patient keep on muntah die kene pegangkan bekas tu..after that lepas banyk muntah tetibe hidung makcik tu brdarah...dr saye cakap sebab hypo sangat so keluar darah(erk xfaham sangat time ni tapi dr ni macam tengah kalut so xnak la tanye banyak2)...pastu tiba la sho, intern cardio yg len..padahal die punye reg dah blah..intern die berlagak.."ok so what has happened ere?"..tapi xde org layan..sho die hensem tapi macam die tahu die hensem so gaya berlagak jugak la..cis cis..hahaha..anyway dah panjang sangat..hehe..nanti sambung..hehe..


rizhan said...

hye witty...kenapa diorang massage carotid artery ek? itu bukan part of management untuk pulseless / asystole or arrest. unless patient dapat supraventricular tachycardia then u can start with carotid massage to initiate vaso vagal response ....

the nose bleed i suspect due to heparinisation - since hd patient normally loaded with some amount heparin to prevent clotting during process of dialysis...WALLAHU'ALAM

nice experience though......indeed you will see more if you choose become internists....

Witty Angel said...

oh..hehe..nggak sure...tapi rasenye sebab diorg takut mi.sebab patient tu ade hx heart dz n bp die time tu xde la low sangat..105/70...geee..hehehe..:P

Anonymous said...

lagi sekali aku nak termuntah membaca entri ko nie.. haha..

pesal byk sangat citer sal muntah nie..

Witty Angel said...

hehe tu yg aku muntah semalam tu.hahahaa