Tuesday, February 26, 2008


OMG!!Tadi kami betol2 bwat threesome..aju jadi lelaki..hahahah..eh tak2..saye lah jadi lelaki sebab saye xyah bwat pape..hahahahahhahahaha....opssssss...
tadi kami sessi mengurut..hehe..milah ade spasm in her leg so aju urut kaki die n milah in return urut bahu aju n aju urut bahu i..awww..haha..best2..hehe..sambil tu discuss sal position...we come out with a conclusion that "scared lover try positions that they cant handle"..ngeee....yang membawa maksud scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate n hamate...ngeee..lalalala....
lalala..n we also agreed of doing 15mins study group every week to discuss anything about medicine(esp clinical stuff punyer mende la)..n also weekend ni kami nak tdo same2...awwww..kan aju kan??hahaha..lalala..
owh symptoms of depression pon dh makin lega..makan nasi 3 pinggan with roti n cheese lagi..hahahaha..sebab hati dah mati dah..hahaha...lalalala...when hati dah mati otak xyah kasi signals kat hati so die boleh kasi signal kat tempat len n boleh la repair part of brain yg dh damaged n broken ni..hahaha..ok sila lah ngarut..okeh marilah tdo..lalalalla...

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