Thursday, February 7, 2008


sorry sangat2 for my prev entries..kot2 ade org terasa..tapi k.i u r great n u r going to b one of the future leaders!!nanti jangan lupe saye ye..owh n nak cheese cake juge!!!hahaha...gile femes cheese cake resepi kamu ye?sampai cork tu..haha..wink2.. sorry again..sebenarnye sangat geram..balik2 umah bukak msg frm sum1 cakap
"weh aku ade 1month lagi nak grad..ko dh prepare ke jadi kuli aku"
(kuli=pekerja but more like hamba dalam kelantan punyer language la kan)...
saket hati tau dapat msg tu..i think he would read my blog as hopefully die sedar la xsume org suke kot dapat msg camtu...
anyways my bad day changed into a great day today...firstly ive got a 100ml CK Contradiction for FREE today during my GP Attachment and its worth £34.99..xcaye sila klik sini..lalala..ade org jeles x?hehehehe..silalah jeles..hehehe..:Pmalas nak rotate n upload lagi sekali..leceh betol internet slow ni

and secondly, cliodhna replied my email and i have got the 'asthma presentation" already..yeayy!! and die reply bunyinye camni;
"Hiya Aina, its been a long time since I've seen you. Of course I miss you!! Hospital is not the same without you :) Anyways Im sending you on the asthma power point presentation.
Hope you're enjoying your rotation at the moment.
Hopefully I'll see you around!

haaa tengok betapa bestnye saye..ok matilah perasn.hahaha, so childish!need to grow up aina...buang ego n buang competitive n buang sume yg resolution!!2008..

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